Starscream 04:50 PM 10-24-2009
icehog3 04:51 PM 10-24-2009
What are these "Star Wars" you speak of?
Starscream 04:53 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
What are these "Star Wars" you speak of?
"These are not the the droids you are looking for. You can go about your business. Move along now."
icehog3 04:57 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
"These are not the the droids you are looking for. You can go about your business. Move along now."
Don't understand a word of it.
ChicagoWhiteSox 05:09 PM 10-24-2009
NCRadioMan 05:16 PM 10-24-2009
icehog3 05:17 PM 10-24-2009
Am I in danger? Do I need to go into the bomb shelter?
Starscream 05:20 PM 10-24-2009
Starscream 05:24 PM 10-24-2009
icehog3 05:36 PM 10-24-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Does this mean you are an ally of the aliens?
Skywalker 10:04 PM 10-24-2009
Thanks so much for thinking of me Andy!!!
Funny stuff!!!
I'm your Father!!!:-)
mariogolbee 10:47 PM 10-24-2009
Darrell, someone should put your avatar in one of those video's.
icehog3 10:41 AM 10-25-2009
icehog3 11:05 AM 10-25-2009
Back to the bomb shelter for me....

SilverFox 11:07 AM 10-25-2009
Ok thanks for the morning laugh gents, those were hilarious.

icehog3 11:11 AM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Ok thanks for the morning laugh gents, those were hilarious.
Hilarious? I am freaking out over here, wondering how I can join forces with the allens, as they will obviously obliterate the human race within days.
SilverFox 11:14 AM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Hilarious? I am freaking out over here, wondering how I can join forces with the allens, as they will obviously obliterate the human race within days.
Man Weird Al is still at it, what 30 years later.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Hilarious? I am freaking out over here, wondering how I can join forces with the allens, as they will obviously obliterate the human race within days.
icehog3 01:54 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:
That's it, I ain't coming out until the Giant Ants have defeated these freakish looking aliens.