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General Discussion>Group bombing run
elderboy02 08:38 AM 10-21-2009
I am calling all inmates to join in on a bombing run on a very deserving BOTL/SOTL. This person deserves to be beat up a little bit for all that he/she does around here. PM me before signing up if you would like to know who it is. Please do not leak it out who he/she is.

Sign up here and I will PM you the coordinates. I would like the bombs to arrive on 10/28/09.


1) elderboy02
LeoM 08:51 AM 10-21-2009
Well, I guess organized "attacks" keep me from just lobbing ordinance all "willy-nilly" :-)


1) elderboy02
2) leoM
GreekGodX 09:08 AM 10-21-2009

1) elderboy02
2) leoM
3) GreekGodX

Count me in :-)
s15driftking 09:10 AM 10-21-2009

1) elderboy02
2) leoM
3) GreekGodX
4) S15GurkhaKing

mariogolbee 09:19 AM 10-21-2009

1) elderboy02
2) leoM
3) GreekGodX
4) S15GurkhaKing
5) Mariogolbee

elderboy02 09:25 AM 10-21-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
elderboy02 11:42 AM 10-21-2009
Day 1 afternoon bump...
elderboy02 07:47 PM 10-21-2009
Evening bump :-)
cigarmonkel 08:10 PM 10-21-2009
lol trying to keep this hidden or small? I'd hop on but i already took on another project and don't wanna commit to more then one thing yet.. gotta get back into the swing of things first. Good luck though!

long version of a bump!
Kreth 08:54 PM 10-21-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth
Just out of curiosity, what will you do if the target wants in on the fun?
Posted via Mobile Device
kgoings 09:27 PM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth:
Just out of curiosity, what will you do if the target wants in on the fun?Posted via Mobile Device
He'll send them your addy.. :-)
kgoings 09:27 PM 10-21-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth
7) kgoings
Kreth 09:33 PM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by kgoings:
He'll send them your addy.. :-)
I'd say Dan doesn't have it, but that kinda backfired on coastietech a while ago. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
elderboy02 10:59 PM 10-21-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth - coordinates sent
7) kgoings - coordinates sent
elderboy02 05:56 PM 10-22-2009
Bump.... we have to destroy this BOTL/SOTL
tsolomon 06:42 PM 10-22-2009
Count me in. :-)

1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth - coordinates sent
7) kgoings - coordinates sent
8) tsolomon
elderboy02 11:08 AM 10-24-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth - coordinates sent
7) kgoings - coordinates sent
8) tsolomon - coordinates sent

Come on folks, this BOTL/SOTL deserves it :-)
GreekGodX 08:51 PM 10-24-2009
Let's get some more people!! This B/SOTL is very deserving and has a great heart! He will appreciate any cigars :-)
stitch 08:57 PM 10-24-2009
I'm In
mariogolbee 09:11 PM 10-24-2009
1) elderboy02
2) leoM - coordinates sent
3) GreekGodX - coordinates sent
4) S15GurkhaKing - coordinates sent
5) Mariogolbee - coordinates sent
6) Kreth - coordinates sent
7) kgoings - coordinates sent
8) tsolomon - coordinates sent
9) Stitch
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