troy d. 10:01 PM 10-19-2009
october 19, 2009: today i went to my local tobacco shop set down, cut the head off and lit my wonderful cigar. i was enjoying myself and a gentleman walks in, purchases a pack of cigarettes, then proceeds to sit down next to me and fires one up. normally i would not be upset but for some reason today i was. is there a difference between us cigar smokers, and cigarette smokers?
i'm just curious. give some thoughts, thanks guys.
elderboy02 10:04 PM 10-19-2009
The major difference: Cigarettes smokers are just getting their fix.
Cigar smokers are relaxing and enjoying their cigar.
Also, cigarettes smell like absolute a$$
Savor the Stick 10:08 PM 10-19-2009
SilverFox 10:10 PM 10-19-2009
Ok I have to say it.
Would it kill you to use a capital now and again. If your keyboard shift key is f'd up let me know I will send you a new one.
[/rant off]
GKitty 10:14 PM 10-19-2009
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Ok I have to say it.
Would it kill you to use a capital now and again. If your keyboard shift key is f'd up let me know I will send you a new one.
[/rant off]
Wonder not, my furry friend. This non-sequitur has tipped his hand.
He obviously has a shift key as he used a question mark.
He's just channeling the ghost of ee cummings.
DPD6030 10:15 PM 10-19-2009
nice review
Oh and I'll be back at 11:17 PM tonight.
chippewastud79 10:16 PM 10-19-2009
For the record, the date and time of your posts are automatically recorded at the upper left hand corner of the post, no need to add it to the post
troy d. 10:29 PM 10-19-2009
Originally Posted by SilverFox:
Ok I have to say it.
Would it kill you to use a capital now and again. If your keyboard shift key is f'd up let me know I will send you a new one.
[/rant off]
This must be a pet peeve of yours. If it will help you, maybe I will. How's the capitals looking?
SilverFox 10:30 PM 10-19-2009
Originally Posted by troy d.:
This must be a pet peeve of yours. If it will help you, maybe I will. How's the capitals looking?
Much better, thank you.
wavescrashing 10:36 PM 10-19-2009
I used to smoke cigarettes, so it doesn't bother me too much, but it definitely smells like crap.
theonlybear4CORT 10:40 PM 10-19-2009
Is there a ham sandwich near by?
Originally Posted by troy d.:
This must be a pet peeve of yours. If it will help you, maybe I will. How's the capitals looking?
On an internet forum, we can't see you, can't hear you, so the way one types is a projection of the person. In addition to being hard to read, typing without capitals, with all caps and lack of some semblance of punctuation really lowers your IQ in the eyes of the viewers. Especially when first and second graders can manage with no problem. Nobody expects perfect grammar, composition and/or typing techniques - so don't look at it as a pet peeve deal - more as a common courtesy.
pnoon 11:45 PM 10-19-2009
Originally Posted by RGD.:
On an internet forum, we can't see you, can't hear you, so the way one types is a projection of the person. In addition to being hard to read, typing without capitals, with all caps and lack of some semblance of punctuation really lowers your IQ in the eyes of the viewers. Especially when first and second graders can manage with no problem. Nobody expects perfect grammar, composition and/or typing techniques - so don't look at it as a pet peeve deal - more as a common courtesy.
Well stated, Ron. I wholeheartedly agree.
LasciviousXXX 12:22 AM 10-20-2009
As a cigar enthusiast, and also an on-again off-again cigarette smoker, I have to say that the two are worlds apart for me. As stated earlier a cigar is about relaxing and enjoyment whereas as a cigarette is all about the nicotine fix for me.
There was a time, not too long ago mind you, that I smoked a pretty regular amount of either Cohiba cigarettes or Camels in addition to my weekly lineup of good cigars. I find as I get busier and busier I reach for a cigarette less often.
Currently I am not smoking cigarettes and I look as it as a good thing.
JE3146 01:26 AM 10-20-2009
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
The major difference: Cigarettes smokers are just getting their fix.
Cigar smokers are relaxing and enjoying their cigar.
Also, cigarettes smell like absolute a$$
Most smell like ass, but I guarantee you. Go 4 weeks without a cigar and even a cigarette will smell like heaven
Don't ask how I know this...
Blueface 07:08 AM 10-20-2009
Don't know if it has to do with being a former cigarette smoker who quit in 1988 and have not touched one since, but I don't care for cigarette smoke at all. It truly bothers me to breathe it and the smell of it also bothers me. If someone lights up a cigarette near me, I move.
Originally Posted by RGD.:
On an internet forum, we can't see you, can't hear you, so the way one types is a projection of the person. In addition to being hard to read, typing without capitals, with all caps and lack of some semblance of punctuation really lowers your IQ in the eyes of the viewers. Especially when first and second graders can manage with no problem. Nobody expects perfect grammar, composition and/or typing techniques - so don't look at it as a pet peeve deal - more as a common courtesy.
In part I agree, but guess I'm F'ed then. I can't spell, can't do more than 2 finger type so y'all are just gonna be stuck with what I have to offer. As many posts as some do or that I try to do, I would never equate an individuals IQ with their typing/spelling skills or their ability to function at a social function. Profiling or stereotyping, usually not gonna work out well for ya.
Veritas 08:56 AM 10-20-2009
When I'm smoking a cigar, the smell of a cigarette is ten times worse than when I'm not. If I have a cigar or am around cigar smoke the smell of a cigarette is like burning metal. If there are no cigars around, they (cigarettes) don't bother me. Like Dan said - cigarettes are for a fix; cigars, for many, are a hobby or indulgence.
Thank you for capitalizing in post #8. I'm with Shawn on this one.
yourchoice 10:14 AM 10-20-2009
Originally Posted by Veritas:
When I'm smoking a cigar, the smell of a cigarette is ten times worse than when I'm not. If I have a cigar or am around cigar smoke the smell of a cigarette is like burning metal. If there are no cigars around, they (cigarettes) don't bother me.
This is my opinion as well. If I'm not smoking a cigar I don't mind cigarette smoke at all. Sometimes I even like the aroma. When I'm smoking a cigar the smell seems putrid, and actually can take away from the experience slightly.
Originally Posted by wavescrashing:
I used to smoke cigarettes, so it doesn't bother me too much, but it definitely smells like crap.
I also find that some cigarettes smell "worse" than others to me due to the different tobacco blends and, predominately, the different flavor and chemical additives used.
Clove cigarettes are the only ones that would get me to pack up and move at least 10-15 feet away. Not that they are "that bad" but just that they are so pungent that I find them distracting.
Now, some foreign cigarettes, that's a whole different story. Some of those smell just downright vile.