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General Discussion>Please Pass This Along to Your Daughters
BlackDog 10:36 AM 10-08-2009
As a father of three daughters, I have always tried to encouraged them to have a healthy attitude regarding their own physical appearance. Of course, as their father, I think they are all beautiful. But, in reality, they are simply ordinary girls with their attractive points, like every other "normal" girl.

About 2 years ago I became aware of Dove Soap's "Campaign for Real Beauty." I realise it is sponsored by Dove, so of course they have a commercial interest in selling their soap products. However, I think that their message is very healthy.

Please view this 60 second video of how a model is transformed from her "coming to work" look to her "billboard" look, and if you think it is appropriate, share it with your daughters. The photoshopping is particularly telling.

There are other articles, videos, and "how to" lessons on their main page HERE.

I bring this to your attention because I happened to see this article in todays news, about an unbelievably stick-thin model in a Ralph Lauren advertisement. I hope that your daughters all understand that being this thin is incredibly unhealthy.


Here is the article about the Ralph Lauren models ---> LINK

Of course, please use your parental judgement in sharing any of this with your daughters.
MrOneEyedBoh 10:40 AM 10-08-2009
Nice clip. I never seen it portrayed like that, I've always just seen the side to side comparison.
md4958 10:44 AM 10-08-2009
she looks like a Pez dispenser
DoctorBJ 10:55 AM 10-08-2009
good vid.
mosesbotbol 12:02 PM 10-08-2009
Cool video. That "after" girl is much hotter...
aich75013 01:00 PM 10-08-2009
The model in that Ralph Lauren ad is not attractive at all.

My wife did a photoshoot for a local Lap Band surgery center. They wanted her to show some skin. She asked about her surgical scar from a gall bladder surgery. They showed her right then and there how they were going to remove it from the pictures.
I knew they did minor things such as removing a scar, but I never realized they would make such drastic changes. It's not even the same person when the are finished.
ade06 01:28 PM 10-08-2009
Originally Posted by aich75013:
The model in that Ralph Lauren ad is not attractive at all.
:-) That picture is gross. :-) I hope the model is not really that skinny.

As a side question... I wonder if guy models are air brushed/edited as much as the women models. Are we taught to have more self confidence then women as kids or do we just not care as much as women?
elderboy02 01:38 PM 10-08-2009
That Ralph Lauren model is absolutely disgusting :-)
Starscream 04:32 PM 10-08-2009

Feed that girl some dumplin's! Now!
acarr 04:36 PM 10-08-2009
That is some funny stuff. You can see it even in a lot of tv/movie stars when they are caught outside the filming. Most are incredibly ordinary.
Labman 11:15 PM 10-08-2009
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
That Ralph Lauren model is absolutely disgusting :-)
x2 ... she's nightmare worthy for sure!
Darrell 11:23 PM 10-08-2009
I like my women with some meat on their bones. She is like a slightly better looking version of the Crypt Keeper!

landhoney 09:52 AM 10-09-2009
So is the woman really that skinny, or is it photoshop? Or both?
Dumb people like me are unsure. :-):-)
rizzle 11:15 AM 10-09-2009
I keep my daughters locked away in the basement. Away from you heathens.
BlackDog 11:22 AM 10-09-2009
Originally Posted by landhoney:
So is the woman really that skinny, or is it photoshop? Or both?
Dumb people like me are unsure. :-):-)
The picture is photoshopped, but she may be skinny as well.

I think the real point is that there is no reason to use these ultra-skinny images.
Slavac 12:03 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by BlackDog:
The picture is photoshopped, but she may be skinny as well.

I think the real point is that there is no reason to use these ultra-skinny images.
DoctorBJ 12:28 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by Slavac:
Dude...That chick says she's a size 8? Wow.. that's alot of photoshopping. I'm not at all saying there's a problem with a size 8 woman. Actually, its a very nice size, but the picture shows her a solid 2 or less.
Wanger 12:47 PM 10-15-2009
Read the story about her firing earlier this morning.

A few more pics of her (note that all images were found with a strict safesearch on). She was DEFINITELY photoshopped in the ad.




pmwz 01:17 PM 10-15-2009
i went to school with a girl that finished in the top 10 of one of these next top model shows.
i was suprised that she made it that far because she didnt stand out to me in school. I had another girl in my class that had to buy kid sizes becse she was too skinny.
TheTraveler 01:46 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by ade06:
As a side question... I wonder if guy models are air brushed/edited as much as the women models. Are we taught to have more self confidence then women as kids or do we just not care as much as women?
I don't know what it is but it seems to me that many women can't pass a mirror without grimacing while a tubby middle-aged man can walk down the street, beebopping along with a smile on his face thinking to himself, "Damn right, folks, I AM this hot. Be thankful I graced you with my presence today." :-)

Anyway, that's what I think when I beebop down the street. Don't you?

:-) :-)
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