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View Poll Results: Throw away the old cigar bands
Yes, put them in the trash and don't look back 51 32.48%
No, those bands represent some amazing smokes. Best to hold onto them. 106 67.52%
Voters: 157. You may not vote on this poll
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All Cigar Discussion>Throwing away the bands
weak_link 09:11 PM 09-21-2009
I'm moving and have a bucket or two of old bands.

Do I move them with me and continue to look at them getting dusty in a bucket or do I just chuck 'em and look at the event as moving on to the next phase in my life?
MedicCook 09:12 PM 09-21-2009
If you don't want them see if a local B&M would want them.
Smokin Gator 09:13 PM 09-21-2009
I voted no... I hang on to most of them telling myself I am going to make something out of them. I don't want to be the only one with the problem!!!
kelmac07 09:15 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I voted no... I hang on to most of them telling myself I am going to make something out of them. I don't want to be the only one with the problem!!!
:-) I'm with Brent on this one. :-)
Pilon 09:15 PM 09-21-2009
You can put them all onto a coffe table of some sort and shalak it or however the hell you spell that word
acarr 09:22 PM 09-21-2009
I voted yes but I am sure somebody on this site has some use for them.
Kreth 09:26 PM 09-21-2009
If it's a new cigar to me and doesn't suck, I keep the band.

EDIT: Sorry, thought you were asking what we do with them...
Posted via Mobile Device
jledou 09:38 PM 09-21-2009
Finally got started tonight making some cigar band "art" to put up on the wall in my office.
I have a hard time even when someone else throws the band away.
smokin5 09:43 PM 09-21-2009
I couldn't vote in your survey because there wasn't a category for me.
I hold onto my bands until someone here asks for them to do a project of some sort - then I ship 'em out for a noble purpose.:-)
Jimbo14 09:44 PM 09-21-2009
I keep the bands. However if I already have a tone of them they go in the bin. Eg CAO MX2 bands :-)
BlackDog 09:44 PM 09-21-2009
If you decide to get rid of them, burn them in a fire. That's more dignified than just tossing them in the trash.
bobarian 09:58 PM 09-21-2009
Keep them, if you change your mind in the future you can toss them. But if you toss them now, you can never get them back. :-)
theonlybear4CORT 10:21 PM 09-21-2009
Send them to Huy I have his address.
elderboy02 10:29 PM 09-21-2009
Keep them. Eventually you will want to make something and then you will miss not having them.
skullnrose 10:29 PM 09-21-2009
I voted keep them. Did you have a use for them in mind when you started keeping them?
Cigarbud 10:40 PM 09-21-2009
If i'm about five drinks into the night and someone gives a cigar I will hold onto it if I liked it and want to remind myself what it is, otherwise I chuck'em.
groogs 10:43 PM 09-21-2009
I say keep them, because you never know when you are going to think of a way to use them.
alley00p 11:02 PM 09-21-2009
I keep all of my bands. I've seen some great projects, using cigar bands over the past few years.

I don't know if I'll ever get around to creating something using them, but I figure that if I toss them, it'll take forever to replace them. :-)

If they get that much in the way, I can toss them then.

It's the same reason I keep all of my empty cigar boxes. :-)

sodomanaz 11:23 PM 09-21-2009
I've thought about keeping them, but they almost always end up in my ashtray or straight in the bin.
Lucky_Hippo 06:59 AM 09-22-2009
I didn't vote because I've been in both camps so often. I go through spells where I keep every band, good or bad, and then I go through cleaning spells where everthing gets pitched.

Not much of a help.... sorry. :-)
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