markem 04:24 PM 09-10-2009
With all these great "Ask the ..." threads where you can ask questions and get reasoned and intelligent answers, it seems to me that we need a thread where you can ask a question without any hope of every getting an answer. So ask 'em here and see what happens! I know that I don't plan to answer any, but who knows.
adampc22 04:25 PM 09-10-2009
why ? bit a waste of your time this isnt it ? lol
Scottw 04:33 PM 09-10-2009
Why do we have so many "ask the....." threads on a cigar forum when they don't talk about cigars?
MajorCaptSilly 05:04 PM 09-10-2009
The Poet 05:18 PM 09-10-2009
safariguy 05:26 PM 09-10-2009
Where do all my tax dollars go?
Skywalker 05:32 PM 09-10-2009
Ahbroody 05:35 PM 09-10-2009
Resipsa 05:53 PM 09-10-2009
Can the void suck all of the "ask the..." threads into it?
If so, carry on!
Bigwaved 05:55 PM 09-10-2009
I thought you were referring to the "Wall of Sound" @ the Stumptown herfs...
:-) :-)
Bigwaved 05:56 PM 09-10-2009
What is the chemical makeup of moise?
Bigwaved 05:58 PM 09-10-2009
What two states are connected by Interstates H-1, H-2 and H-3?
tenbaseg 06:02 PM 09-10-2009
TheTraveler 06:04 PM 09-10-2009
Where have all the flowers gone?
The flower of my youth ... left in the dust.
The flower of my innocence ... in a college dorm room.
The flower of my exuberance ... in a noisy, busy emergency room after one too many close calls.
The flower of my patience ... who knows? I got tired of looking for it.
The flower of my naivete ... on the floor of the TV room after yet another newscast showing poverty, starvation, cruelty and genocide.
TheTraveler 06:08 PM 09-10-2009
But here I've found new flowers in bloom.
The flower of friendship ... seen every day in every corner of this board.
The flower of comraderie ... seen in the support we give each other during both good and bad times.
The flower of pre-emptive strikes ...
:-) seen every time someone gives a little "extra" in a trade 'cause they think the other person will be surprised.
The flower of the dark side.
ThePict 06:15 PM 09-10-2009
longknocker 06:21 PM 09-10-2009
With all these "Ask" Threads, I know why some of us
Starscream 07:55 PM 09-10-2009
Smokin Gator 08:08 PM 09-10-2009
Will Greg G. ever see the light???
Cigary 08:19 PM 09-10-2009
Can you guess which organization this is? Out of 535 members this is the breakdown:
* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at
least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the
last year...
Give up?
It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.
The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year
designed to keep the rest of us in line.