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Sports>USC Vs. LSU and Ref!
DavenportESQ 10:57 AM 10-21-2008
Check this out guys...

Any thoughts ideas, or opinions?

The SEC released a statement saying the ref was in a correct position. I mean he was in the right position, to make a tackle!
cre8v1 11:03 AM 10-21-2008
Way to lower the shoulder! Nice form. :-)
white_s2k 11:07 AM 10-21-2008
I don't think it was intentional.. a lot going on out there on the field with 20+ guys running all around you. The head coach of SC even commented that he doesn't think it was on purpose.
SeanGAR 11:20 AM 10-21-2008
Definitely looks intentional to me. He stepped into the play and moved forward towards the player and dropped his shoulder before he hit the guy. I know who was betting on LSU.
icehog3 12:16 PM 10-21-2008
Looked 100% intentional to me.
macpappy 12:32 PM 10-21-2008
Saw something like this a couple of years ago at high school game. The ref was looking down the line of scrimmage and didn't see the running back coming at him until just before the collision. He couldn't do anything but duck and he still got bowled over.

Not saying that's what happened here but if all you South Carolina fans don't want to think it could happen then......

DavenportESQ 02:38 PM 10-21-2008
2 things make me think this is intentional. The extension of the hips into him, and the stare down afterwards!
boonedoggle 02:40 PM 10-21-2008
I remember seeing that live. That was awesome!:-)
macpappy 03:01 PM 10-21-2008
Maybe SC should hire him as a linebacker coach.
rwhit37 05:29 PM 10-21-2008
For once the refs didn't screw us! :-)
Rockestone 05:40 PM 10-21-2008
I was at the game and even from the upper deck it looked like he leveled him on purpose. It was really one of the best hits of the night!!:-)
loki 05:44 PM 10-21-2008
that was intentional
King James 06:20 PM 10-21-2008
its hard to not think it was at least partially intentional. I mean he seems to lunge into the guy. I dunno....definitely strange
Gophernut 07:07 PM 10-21-2008
Looks like he meant to hit him. He could have gotten away from the play if he wanted to.:-)
boonedoggle 07:10 PM 10-21-2008
bah! He was protecting himself! :-):-)
Deucer 07:21 PM 10-21-2008
That's crazy. Absolutely looked intentional.
Squid 07:27 PM 10-21-2008
I was listening to a sports talk show today and of course everyone was cracking up over the hit he put on the player. What I found was interesting though was the discussion that the ref was a former player (and believe they indicated a former linebacker, as well).....which might his hit more instinctive than anything else.

Either's still hillarious!
boonedoggle 07:30 PM 10-21-2008
Originally Posted by Deucer:
That's crazy. Absolutely looked intentional.
nahhhhh...he was protecting himself! :-)
ucla695 07:38 PM 10-21-2008
I saw something on Sports Center about this and both of the coaches were making light of it in post-game press conference. One of them said that he's always taught his players to wrap up the other player when tackling. :-) They said it's just part of the game. ESPN even did a slo-mo analysis and illustrated that the ref tried to go into the gap between the two tacklers and the QB, but couldn't get away so he protected himself by lowering his shoulder. :-) It looked intentional to me, but the coaches are cool with it.
DavenportESQ 11:19 PM 10-21-2008
He was a linebacker for Kentucky....HMM still steaming about the loss last week maybe?!? ROFL
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