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All Cigar Discussion>How do you buy/pick the cigars you get?
big a 10:37 PM 06-09-2009
When buying cigars do you often buy them in singles, 5ers, or boxes? Why? And when you do buy cigars do you go for something different and new or just stick to what you know?

I'll start. Lately I have been buying a lot of samplers from BOTL. Since I am still kind of new to cigar smoking I have been buying random samplers. I will then smoking the randoms and keeping a list of the sticks I want to try again. After I smoke about 10-20 randoms I pick my favorite sticks and pick up a 5er or more of each. All of this got me wondering if less experienced smokers do the same and more experienced smokers buy in higher quantities.
shadow king 01:23 AM 06-10-2009
For me a lot of depends on the price. If there's a deal going on somewhere thats just too good to pass up, I'll jump on it unless its a known dog rocket. In the month leading up to the SCHIP tax I went a bit overboard in buying everything in sight. Mostly samplers and a few boxes. Luckily everything I bought was a homerun. Nothing is worse though than buying a blind box just because it was 50% off and then find out you don't like them.

I am like you though, if I see a brand I want to try that I've heard good things about I go the sampler route. If it passes my liking then comes the 5 pack. I try to stay away from buying a whole box anymore because I simply can't smoke them all fast enough. I prefer my NC's with no more than 2 years on them unless its an Opus or Padron. Those seem to get better with age.
kelmac07 03:54 AM 06-10-2009
Altely I have been buying singles. I prepare a list of what I have been wanting to try and head to the local B&Ms to see what I can find. Of course, I map out a list by price before heading out. Once I had had something that I really might be 5er time or box time. I just purchased a box of Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro robustos and a box of Sancho Panza Double Maduro Quixote because I really enjoyed those two sticks.
akakirby 06:15 AM 06-10-2009
I am still buying singles, only been enjoying cigars for about 2 months so I am still figuring out my likes and dislikes, I would like to buy a box of 601 blue labels when I can come up with some loot though!
taltos 07:05 AM 06-10-2009
I generally buy cigars by the box. If I am trying something new I will get a five pack.
s15driftking 07:08 AM 06-10-2009
i like to buy between 5 and 10 of the same cigars that i have liked or thought i'd like, that way i have a few to try, a few to give others to try, and a few to keep for myself for a logner term.

I dont like buying singles because htey tend to be more expensive.

I dont liek buyign boxes because thats a huge commitment as well as takes up alot of space.

5-to-10 packs are perfect!
rizzle 07:54 AM 06-10-2009
I usually buy three of a new cigar I want to try. I'll smoke two of them to make sure I either like or don't like it and then have one left over to hold me over till I get more if I liked it or give away if I didn't like it. If I loved it I might buy a box. If it was just so so the extra will be fine.
14holestogie 08:00 AM 06-10-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
I generally buy cigars by the box. If I am trying something new I will get a five pack.
:-) Us old guys always like to save a buck. :-)
GrtndpwrflOZ 08:05 AM 06-10-2009
I mostly buy cigars by the box. Much cheaper. I usually buy cigars I have never tried before and want to try. I don't think I have ever been disappointed. I do a little...very little research first and look for a good price.

Now to get me some more.....

bobarian 12:28 PM 06-10-2009
I think you are on the right track for a new smoker. Smoke as many different brands/wrappers and sizes as you can. Samplers are a great way to start. Begin with Mild/Medium and move up to Medium/Full. Take notes if that is your inclination, especially noting the country of origin and wrapper type. Try others that have similar construction. For example if you find a Honduran Corojo that you like such as the Punch Rare Corojo, then try another Honduran Corojo like the Camacho. Also you will find that you may like a particular size but not all sizes of the same blend. Dont give up on a smoke, if you buy a fiver and find that after the first two, they are not to your liking, revisit them in a few months and you may find that the smoke or your tastes have changed. :-)
csbrewfisher 12:43 PM 06-10-2009
I like to buy samplers and 5 or 10 packs to try unknown variety. When I know what I like, I buy boxes. I also pay attention to what our brothers recommend here.
themoneycollector 12:49 PM 06-10-2009
I buy boxes usually after trying a single or two. As far as choices, I will usually try new lines from brands or mfg's that I like. I have also bought a few singles based on reviews here. The go-to smokes are regularly stocked.
ade06 12:52 PM 06-10-2009
I generally look for great deals or I buy singles when I vist the local B&Ms. As for the singles, I try to go for the hard to find/premium cigars because I'm only buying a few.
rennD 12:54 PM 06-10-2009
I use the dartboard/blindfold method. jkjk

I buy samples and decide which boxes to buy after. I also have a list of fixed purchases every other month or so. :-)
BFallehy 01:31 PM 06-10-2009
I have only been smoking cigars for about a year now and I have moved through a bunch of different ways of buying my cigars.
I started with samplers and then moved to 5ers, mostly so that I could trade and share with others.
I still get 5ers or bundles if the deal is right but lately I have started buying boxes, this is mostly because I bought a nice end table humidor and wanted to fill it up.
Most of the boxes I have bought are sticks that I have had and really liked and just couldn't stop thinking about, but there are a few where I found a really good deal and just couldn't pass it up. Luckily those good deals I couldn't pass up have turned out to be some good sticks only one was what I would consider a yardgar and that is only because it is a bit more mild that I tend to like them.
I have temted a couple of my friends to the dark side now and I like stearing them in the direction of 5ers, mostly ones that I haven't had so I can trade with tem. :-)
SilverFox 01:40 PM 06-10-2009
Seems these days I buy at least 2 boxes, in case they are good right now then I don't feel bad smoking them, while the other box gets older and yummier.

But then I have been smoking a long time and have a good idea of what I will and wont like.

When I first started trying NC's I would be 5 at a time, I dont think you can give any cigar a fair shake on just one so a second or third is sometimes necessary.

Now that I have come away from NC's I am comfortable enough in my buys that I wait for deals and buy multiple boxes.
groogs 02:01 PM 06-10-2009
I almost always buy boxes, but I have tried enough different sticks to have a good idea of what I like. I think sticking with five packs is the best bet until you really know what you like. I ended up buying boxes too soon when I got into this hobby, and then my tastes changed and I had a whole bunch of stuff I had to sell to make room for new smokes.

When I do buy smokes I usually look for good deals; if there are none that grab my attention I look at my "need to buy" list and choose something that I have been wanting to buy.
rennD 02:39 PM 06-10-2009
You can also participate in the TAW/PIFs here at CA. Great way to sample.
bigloo 03:23 PM 06-10-2009
If buying in singles online, shipping becomes a major concern. So I tend to buy singles when buying 5fers or I will buy a lot of singles... I tend to average over 10 cigars each order. Some retailers (many on this board) are great with single pricing and charge box prices on singles.
The Poet 03:29 PM 06-10-2009
If you're relatively new to cigars, it makes a lot of sense to buy singles, 5-packs, samplers, etc, so that you know what's out there and can start finding out what you like - and more importantly, what you don't. But once you find your sweet spot, buy in the most economical quantity that your budget and your hummie (and your S/O, if applicable) can manage.
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