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General Discussion>Alzheimers - The Doorbell Rings
BlackDog 10:53 AM 06-06-2009
About 90 minutes ago I was on the computer in the family room, my wife was in the kitchen, and the doorbell rang. I assumed it was UPS or USPS, so I didn't go to the door. But my wife called for me since she could see from the kitchen window that it was a man at the door. Turns out that it was an elderly man, Bob, went out for a walk and got lost, and came to our door to ask for help.

He knew his full name so we were able to look his phone number up in the phone book and call his family. His wife was worried and neighbors were out looking for him. It ends up that he has Alzheimers, lives on the next block over, and I can see the roof of his home from my front window. So we gave him a cup of coffee and then took him home.

His wife was sort of embarrassed when we brought him home, but we tried to put her at ease. Honestly, we were very glad he had the presense of mind to come to our door and ask for help. I get the sense that they are very lonely, and that the days are long, and we stayed for a little while to visit.

Since we often go out for walks with our 2 year old son, we said we would walk over from time to time and pay them a visit. It's hard to imagine that someone with a seemingly strong, healthy mind can develop such bad dimentia. Very sad, but a blessing that we were able to help.
WildBlueSooner 10:55 AM 06-06-2009
That is very sad and you talking to them probably means more to them than you even know. Nice job Warren :-)
dubnick 10:56 AM 06-06-2009
Very nice to offer to check on them from time-to-time.

I have been through this with family in the past.
lightning9191 12:37 PM 06-06-2009
I'm sure they appreciate the visits from time to time. My grandparents have a younger neighbor who checks in on them and visits.....he's treated as though he's family.
G G 12:41 PM 06-06-2009
Very nice of yall Warren, to be willing to go and see them again prolly will mean a lot to them.
LasciviousXXX 01:27 PM 06-06-2009
That is awesome that you're doing that brother. Its hard when people don't have anyone they can talk to. Everyone leads such full lives, full of triumph and heartache and joy and I just can't imagine not being able to share that with anyone when I get older.

Kudos to you!
icehog3 01:49 PM 06-06-2009
Mad props for being a good human being, Warren....very good of you to be so kind. :-)
14holestogie 01:51 PM 06-06-2009
Very nice, Warren to take the time to befriend someone in need. :-)
Old Sailor 05:59 PM 06-06-2009
BigFrank 07:42 PM 06-06-2009
very good deed sir!
Thaplumbr 09:07 PM 06-06-2009
well done Warren!:-)
kelmac07 10:03 PM 06-06-2009
Very nice gesture Warren...we need more people like you in our neighborhoods.
RichardW 10:09 PM 06-06-2009
Very kind and thoughtful, Warren. :-)
yourchoice 10:12 PM 06-06-2009
WTG brother! I'm sure taking the time to visit means a lot to them!
Ashcan Bill 10:15 PM 06-06-2009
That was a great thing you guys did. I lost my mom to dementia, and I think I have a pretty good idea what your help meant to those folks. :-)
Waynegro1 10:52 PM 06-06-2009
Well done, Warren. You did a noble thing today, and that, my friend, is what life is about, helping others in need.
I always feel sorry for people with dementia/Alzheimers. It would be a terrible thing, to know your losing your mind and not being able to do a damn thing about it. That has got to be one of the most difficult things to go through.

You and your family are going to bring a bright spot to their lives when you stop by every now and then. :-)
JJG 01:21 AM 06-07-2009
That's truly sad but you sound like the type of neighbor everyone would hope to have.

Alzheimer's scares the sh*t out of me. I went through it with two grandparents and I'm pretty sure if I was diagnosed, I might just take a camping trip with no intention of coming home. My biggest fear though is that I think my mother would do the same.
CBI_2 12:41 PM 06-07-2009
Very cool that you guys were able to help and your willingness to display some good old fashioned neighborliness. Props. :-)
BamBam 08:02 PM 06-07-2009
Warren, that man could not have knocked on a better door my friend. :-)
jjirons69 09:47 PM 06-07-2009
That's the exact reason we're put here, to help each other. If only your little one could realize how special his parents are.
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