Darrell 07:52 PM 06-03-2009
I was at Target a little bit ago in the underwear section and their was an old guy was leaning against his basket breathing heavy, I thought about minding my own business, but figured I'd walk over and ask him if he was OK. I ask him and he says no and collapses to the floor. Danielle has the Target attendants call 911 and I help him elevate his feet as he starts turning purple, telling me he has already had a quad bypass.
He started making this weird gargling noise while his eyes were closing, so I lifted his head in order to open the air way and then I grabbed his hand and squeezed it and tell him to squeeze mine back as his eyes start closing and he is un responsive, then his eyes open and he keeps squeezing my hands. The paramedics show up and they tell me to move, lol. I hope that he's OK.
He's an older gentleman, 66 named William. I'm praying for him.
Ace$nyper 07:54 PM 06-03-2009
That is some really scary stuff, sounds like his new heart was acting up.
Hopefully he is ok.
chippewastud79 07:54 PM 06-03-2009
Wow, I hope he is OK. Prayers sent for William.
Very nice that you were there to help him Darrell.
gettysburgfreak 07:56 PM 06-03-2009
Way to go and help him! Your actions could have saved this guys life/
bonjing 08:01 PM 06-03-2009
way to go helping someone out!!!
MedicCook 08:05 PM 06-03-2009
Nice job being there to help him Darrell.
kelmac07 08:06 PM 06-03-2009
Way to go Darrell...sounds like your simple gesture of kindness may have saved his life.
bobarian 08:08 PM 06-03-2009
You see, Darrell is not so mean after all.
:-) Well done D, prayers sent for William.
Nice job, bro. Hope he gets better.
marge796 08:12 PM 06-03-2009
Way to assist the gentlemen in need. Most people will pretend they see nothing when another person is in need of medical attention and just walk off. Great job.
:-) :-) :-) :-)
hotreds 08:18 PM 06-03-2009
Scary indeed. Good for you to help out- a rare thing in this day and age. A quick prayer that he will be ok!
joetownhound 08:23 PM 06-03-2009
Great job bro for helping out a fellow in need. Funny thing I had a similar thing happen to me at clinical today. I was giving this elderly lady her breakfast this morning when she start having a TIA attack. One of the aids stated that she was just sleeping. After trying to wake her I notice that she was yawning and had drool coming from her mouth. I stated this wasn't normal and notified the head nurse. We then rush her to her room and applied oxygen to her before calling 911. She was doing fine when I left for the day.
WildBlueSooner 08:25 PM 06-03-2009
That is a scary situation. A similar thing happened to me back in the day when I worked at CVS. An old lady who worked there collapsed and I was the only one who knew anything to help her. I was 17 at the time. She survived!
Good job Darrell
:-) I will be praying
markem 08:37 PM 06-03-2009
Prayers online for William. You done better than good, Darrell, much better.
Jack Straw 08:56 PM 06-03-2009
Geez, that's rough. Hate to think how it could have ended if you weren't there to help him.
Old Sailor 09:00 PM 06-03-2009
elderboy02 09:07 PM 06-03-2009
Nice job Darrell.
:-) I thought you were mean Darrell
Sailkat 09:27 PM 06-03-2009
A prayer for William......and one of thanksgiving that you were there for him.
Skywalker 09:52 PM 06-03-2009
Glad you got involved!!! I hope he is alright!!!