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General Discussion>Does anyone know the meaning of "No Soliciting"
livwire68 08:27 PM 04-21-2009
So I have two doorbells to my house. The one everyone rings is at the outside gate entrance and directly above it (cant miss it!!!) is a "No Soliciting" sign. So anywhere from 3-5 times a week I get someone trying to sell me something or give me something. Are people that stupid that they still try or don't know what it means? How do you deal with it? I have been an a$$ and I have been polite, I am thinking about handing out cards with the definition on them before they speak. Maybe I should go ahead and get their supervisors name and number and make a complaint. I Shouldn't have to do this if they have a elementary school education, although some say they are trying to go to college or some other BS. I really hate it when they say I seen your sign, but! But what! Obviously your dumb as a rock! Sorry needed to vent and maybe gather of ways to deal with it!
taltos 08:44 PM 04-21-2009
Shoot the next one and leave the body nailed to the gate as a warning.:-)
MedicCook 08:47 PM 04-21-2009
Just come to the door with a shotgun.
marge796 08:48 PM 04-21-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Shoot the next one and leave the body nailed to the gate as a warning.:-)
Holy mother of all over kill replies. I love it!

:-) :-) :-) :-)
tobii3 08:49 PM 04-21-2009
Dude, It's easy.

Look through the peephole to make sure it ain't friends or family.

Then open the door, naked.

Works every time.

Even better, answer the door naked, with a box of condoms, and ask them if they are interested in coming in since they want to interrupt.

They can't file a complaint. You have NO SOLICITING posted in plain sight.

Bruzee 08:49 PM 04-21-2009
Get a neon flashing "Ain't Buyin' Nuthin" sign... They'll understand that! :-)
Bruzee 08:50 PM 04-21-2009
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Dude, It's easy.

Look through the peephole to make sure it ain't friends or family.

Then open the door, naked.

Works every time.

Even better, answer the door naked, with a box of condoms, and ask them if they are interested in coming in since they want to interrupt.

They can't file a complaint. You have NO SOLICITING posted in plain sight.

As your legal council, don't do this! :-)
tobii3 08:54 PM 04-21-2009
Trust me. I have a good Lawyer. Works the same as "No Trespassing". His secretary married my best friend - no matter how insanely stupid the question might be, she'll ask him for me. No Charge.

GreekGodX 09:04 PM 04-21-2009
My father was cleaning up some trees with a chainsaw when some people came up to him trying to sell him something. He yelled down to them from the ladder, "what the f do you want?" They never came back again.
lightning9191 09:34 PM 04-21-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Shoot the next one and leave the body nailed to the gate as a warning.:-)
:-) That's terrific!
SeanGAR 09:49 PM 04-21-2009
Originally Posted by livwire68:
Obviously your dumb as a rock!
heh ....
wrench turner 85 09:53 PM 04-21-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
Shoot the next one and leave the body nailed to the gate as a warning.:-)
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
Just come to the door with a shotgun.
Originally Posted by tobii3:
Dude, It's easy.

Look through the peephole to make sure it ain't friends or family.

Then open the door, naked.

Works every time.

Even better, answer the door naked, with a box of condoms, and ask them if they are interested in coming in since they want to interrupt.

They can't file a complaint. You have NO SOLICITING posted in plain sight.

ChicagoWhiteSox 09:53 PM 04-21-2009
put this sign on the outside gate entrance
darb85 10:19 PM 04-21-2009
Bell Activates Security system, 1 failed authentication code will result in pepperspray.

Saw this sign in a bar, might work here?
icehog3 11:44 PM 04-21-2009

Works like a charm. :-)
SixPackSunday 12:02 AM 04-22-2009
as somebody who has sadly worked door to door for a non profit... we are told it doesnt matter what your sign says, we are to ask. We always had a signed paper from the city saying we were allowed to be there and asking for donations. got a new paper everyday. plenty of people hated me, but I still got a ton of donations everyday. I also hate solicitors, but until it stops working, I cant really blame them...
icehog3 12:07 AM 04-22-2009
Originally Posted by SixPackSunday:
as somebody who has sadly worked door to door for a non profit... we are told it doesnt matter what your sign says, we are to ask. We always had a signed paper from the city saying we were allowed to be there and asking for donations. got a new paper everyday. plenty of people hated me, but I still got a ton of donations everyday. I also hate solicitors, but until it stops working, I cant really blame them...
I can, if I have a "No Solictors Welcome" sign posted clearly on my door, and one of them rings my bell at 9AM after I have worked a graveyard shift. :-)
pnoon 12:09 AM 04-22-2009
Originally Posted by SixPackSunday:
we are told it doesnt matter what your sign says, we are to ask.
That's the issue. People publicly post a sign declining any solicitation yet solicitors blatantly ignore that information. Any organization who ignores such information is just plain rude behavior IMO.

Similar situation is with phone solicitors. I know they are just doing a job but when I say "Thanks but I'm not interested." and they keep yammering ignoring what I've said, courtesy is abandoned and I give them piece of my mind.
mojo65 12:13 AM 04-22-2009
Back in Seattle we had a problem with Jehovah witness knocking on the door early Saturday morning. I worked graveyard Friday nights, after the third weekend in a row,
I was laying in wait for them.

speakers in the window, with IRON Maiden's 666 Number Of The Beast cued up.

Never came back. go figure.
icehog3 12:14 AM 04-22-2009
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Similar situation is with phone solicitors. I know they are just doing a job but when I say "Thanks but I'm not interested." and they keep yammering ignoring what I've said, courtesy is abandoned and I give them piece of my mind.
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