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All Cigar Discussion>On the eve of Schip, any boycotters?
Tio Gato 06:00 PM 03-31-2009
Sorry if this has been knocked around before, I didn't find it in a search.

Anyone not going to buy cigars in protest of the Schip tax increase? I'm sick and tired of paying so much taxes. I figure I've got enough cigars to last 4 or 5 years put away. I'm confident that these taxes will never be repealed, even if we have "universal health care". Maybe I'm wasting my time thinking that the many $ I spend a year will be missed by the industry.

So, I'm asking, have you thought about not buying cigars in protest?
I guess I'm madder because I decided to visit a B&M near me to pick up "one last cigar" and they had decided to go out of business.

I'm mad, anyone going to stop buying cigars?:-)
BORIStheBLADE 06:01 PM 03-31-2009
Yes I'm going strictly CC now.:-):-)
Smokin Gator 06:07 PM 03-31-2009
This tax, like many others, will never bring in what they projected... so they will come up with another one to cover for it.
Raralith 06:24 PM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE:
Yes I'm going strictly CC now.:-):-)
14holestogie 06:26 PM 03-31-2009
Yep, cc's all the way. :-)
bookman 06:38 PM 03-31-2009
I can handle it. For me going to my tobacconist (JR's) is a social thing anyway. I rarely buy online. So I may not buy boxes anymore but JR's has a great selection of five/ten packs and hundreds of singles to try.
MedicCook 06:42 PM 03-31-2009
I think if you boycott all you will do is hurt the people trying to run their business especially the small mom & pop B&M's.
SeanGAR 06:45 PM 03-31-2009
No, actually I'm going to my local to buy some smokes.

These ridiculous taxes are going to be putting people out of work.

Frankly, I don't mind the liars at RJR having to flip burgers due to tax increases, but the guys at my local are gold, and I'm showing up to buy some cigars in support of their store.

F*n tax and spend morons in government.

Did y'all see the picture of what a trillion dollars looks like? You absolutely couldn't fit that much money in $100 bills floor to ceiling in my house.

Did I mention the morons in DC?
shortstory5 06:45 PM 03-31-2009
I'll never stop buying cigars...
Beer Doctor 06:59 PM 03-31-2009
Correct me if I'm wrong (which I probably am). The cap is 40 cents per cigar. So If you buy a box of 20 cigars. The price will increase 8 bucks. A 100 dollar box will be 108 and a 500 dollar box will be 508. Meh. I'll still buy cigars. It sucks but I'll still buy.
Waynegro1 07:01 PM 03-31-2009
I'm definitely MAD!! :-) I just don't see how they lump Premium Cigar tobacco in with Cigarettes. After all, cigars aren't full of chemicals and toxic additives. A cigar smoker doesn't smoke a "Pack" of cigars a day. A cigar smoker doesn't inhale smoke into his/her lungs. Cigars are a minimal health risk compared to cigarettes IMO. That being said, cigarettes will contribute the majority of tax dollars.

As far as a protest, I could smoke a couple cigars daily, for a couple years and not run out. I won't protest because I love my B&M and would hate to see them go out of business.

The whole things frustrates me. It just seems oxymoronic to fund a segment of health care with something that the government deams unhealthy. :-)

That's all, I need a cigar :-)
MedicCook 07:04 PM 03-31-2009
Maybe people need to start throwing cigars into the Boston Bay. :-)
Beer Doctor 07:05 PM 03-31-2009
Think positive: At least we don't pay Canadian tobacco taxes:-)
ECPrevatte 07:32 PM 03-31-2009
I wonder how many people will be at my B&M tomorrow.
duckmanco 07:43 PM 03-31-2009
I am done stocking up, have smokes for many many years to come, in fact so much I am worried about aging stuff too long.... oh well

At any rate, I will only be buying exceptional deals/closeouts or switch to those manufactures/retailers who attempt to absorb the increase or at least lend a hand with it. We'll all see if that happens.
s15driftking 08:06 PM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by Tio Gato:

Anyone not going to buy cigars in protest of the Schip tax increase?

I am going to do it as long as i can. I honestly am. I have been buying up cigars by the dozens in the last month.

Additionally, i am going expand on my CC collection and buy "non taxable" cigars for the most part now.... Imagine that.. .200 gurkhas and 200 CC's ... MMMMMMM
chippewastud79 08:23 PM 03-31-2009
I think the idea of boycotting buying cigars is actually going to be slightly counter productive. Some B+M's have said they will struggle to stay open with the new taxes and I think this would be far more sad to see B+M's close than paying the price increases. In the end the tax will likely not go away, we are going to be stuck with it. It is similar to gas prices, people often say "I'll stop buying gas when it goes over $X.XX" but we all still buy gas. The same is likely to happen with cigars, "I'm never buying cigars again", but we all know we will. :-)

Side note: After talking with Micah at the Party Source, the price increases won't filter down from the manufacturers until the B+M's order new stock, so there should be some period of non-SCHIP prices on certain cigars.
JaKaacH 08:27 PM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by Beer Doctor:
Think positive: At least we don't pay Canadian tobacco taxes:-)
What Slope?????

Once it starts....
ChasDen 08:32 PM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by Beer Doctor:
Correct me if I'm wrong (which I probably am). The cap is 40 cents per cigar. So If you buy a box of 20 cigars. The price will increase 8 bucks. A 100 dollar box will be 108 and a 500 dollar box will be 508. Meh. I'll still buy cigars. It sucks but I'll still buy.
The problem with that is everyone down the line uses this as a way to add their cut.

My wife smokes cigarettes. Here they have already went up over a buck a pack since the bill passed and the tax has not even been added yet. So the announced $1 a pack will actually be $2 a pack once everyone gets their cut. Cigars may not be that bad but we will just have to wait and see.

darkninja67 08:35 PM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
Maybe people need to start throwing cigars into the Boston Bay. :-)
cigars? More like politicians. Starting with this tard Patrick here in MA.

I will not stop buying cigars. I will try to slow down a bit though.
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