shadow king 12:00 PM 03-23-2009
I recently bought my first ever box of tubos. In the past, I've only ever had singles of tubos. My question is about storing them. Should I take them out of the tubes while in my humidor or leave them in the air tight containers?
My first instinct tells me I should remove them all because being in those tubes will counter product the humidification process of the cigars I would think???
I just want to hear everyone's opinions on this because this was a costly purchase and I don't want to efff em up. Thanks
Don Fernando 12:02 PM 03-23-2009
store them in the tubos, but open the tubos first. That's what I do.
NCRadioMan 12:02 PM 03-23-2009
It really doesn't matter but if I will be smoking them now, I'll remove them or take the caps off to ensure they dry out a bit. If storing long-term, leave them as is.
Tuxguy 12:07 PM 03-23-2009
Good question, I too have pondered the answer to this question.
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
if I will be smoking them now, I'll remove them or take the caps off to ensure they dry out a bit. If storing long-term, leave them as is.
Snake Hips 12:15 PM 03-23-2009
It doesn't matter, as tubos aren't airtight. They'll come to equilibrium with your humidor's humidity either way, it's just that one way's faster.
taltos 12:16 PM 03-23-2009
I put them in the humidor sealed and then dry box them for a day before smoking.
borndead1 12:30 PM 03-23-2009
I love tubos. I say leave them in the tubes. Hell, I take empty tubos and put other cigars IN them.
karmaz00 12:47 PM 03-23-2009
to be safe i take the lids off..and leave it in the tube...i guess it might not matter.
FriskyDingo 12:58 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by borndead1:
I love tubos. I say leave them in the tubes. Hell, I take empty tubos and put other cigars IN them. :-)
:-) I did and still do this occasionally depending on where I'm going out to.
I've had an Acid KubaKuba Deluxe tubo for a year and a half that shall remain sealed in it's tube until I have been labeled as brave or beyond drunk.
I would vote for taking the lids off if you are going to smoke them sooner than later, otherwise it will adjust in your humidor on its own over time.
LooseCard 01:26 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by shadow king:
I recently bought my first ever box of tubos. In the past, I've only ever had singles of tubos. My question is about storing them. Should I take them out of the tubes while in my humidor or leave them in the air tight containers?
My first instinct tells me I should remove them all because being in those tubes will counter product the humidification process of the cigars I would think???
I just want to hear everyone's opinions on this because this was a costly purchase and I don't want to efff em up. Thanks :-)
Not true - only a few are air tight. If a B&M stores them in humidity, so should you, but there are a
few exceptions to that rule.
Originally Posted by Snake Hips:
It doesn't matter, as tubos aren't airtight. They'll come to equilibrium with your humidor's humidity either way, it's just that one way's faster.
MOST tubos, yes. But there are a few that won't - but you'll know those when you see them.
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
store them in the tubos, but open the tubos first. That's what I do.
Unless they are 'imbued' with something, this is a great suggestion. I typically open the ends as well, but leave them in the tube to protect them.
Originally Posted by FriskyDingo:
I've had an Acid KubaKuba Deluxe tubo for a year and a half that shall remain sealed in it's tube until I have been labeled as brave or beyond drunk.
I've had a few Acid's over the years, and they are not all bad. It's a rare occasion for me to even look that way, but I'm not a cigar-snob either.
I don't drink tutti-frutti coffee either. If I wanted a Vanilla flavored drink, I'd have a shake...... (Yes, I lean towards the coffe-snob side...
shadow king 03:08 PM 03-23-2009
These tubes are metal and don't have caps on the ends. They pull apart in the middle. They seem pretty air tight to me.
They also take up a lot of room, I can see myself upgrading my humidor real quick. This dam slippery slope sure does pick up steam in a hurry LOL....
Thanks everyone for your input/suggestions.
coreyb 05:33 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by shadow king:
These tubes are metal and don't have caps on the ends. They pull apart in the middle. They seem pretty air tight to me.
They also take up a lot of room, I can see myself upgrading my humidor real quick. This dam slippery slope sure does pick up steam in a hurry LOL....
Thanks everyone for your input/suggestions.
Its time for a cooler......
Cenookie 06:04 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by Snake Hips:
It doesn't matter, as tubos aren't airtight. They'll come to equilibrium with your humidor's humidity either way, it's just that one
way's faster.
I leave mine in the tubes also, just unscrew the cap a quarter turn.
ucla695 06:53 PM 03-23-2009
LooseCard 07:24 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by shadow king:
These tubes are metal and don't have caps on the ends. They pull apart in the middle. They seem pretty air tight to me.
They also take up a lot of room, I can see myself upgrading my humidor real quick. This dam slippery slope sure does pick up steam in a hurry LOL....
Thanks everyone for your input/suggestions.
La Aurora Preferidos Tubos? (only center-split tubes I can think of)
They are not airtight, and will balance with the air in your Humi.
Originally Posted by coreyb:
Its time for a cooler......
I'll second that. Better for the long-term storage too (IMHO)
troutbreath 07:48 PM 03-24-2009
Remove them from their tubes, and then put them in other tubes.
O-Danger 07:58 PM 03-24-2009
I wouldn't worry about it. Either way time will equal all. If they were shipped to you in tubes then leave them in them.
Jay Hemingway 08:36 PM 03-24-2009
leave 'em the way dey came!
M1903A1 08:48 PM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by shadow king:
These tubes are metal and don't have caps on the ends. They pull apart in the middle. They seem pretty air tight to me.
If you're talking about current production CC tubos, I question how airtight they are. I've had a couple that practically required hydraulic machinery to open, but I have others that will come apart by gravity if you hold them by the cap.
Tubos were developed for ease of transport...any aging effects are just icing on the cake. Personally, I put all my tubos in the humi...I figure if they're not particularly airtight, the humi will keep them good.