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All Cigar Discussion>OK, this made me laugh.
Bax 05:49 PM 03-16-2009
OK, my father sent me this pic and I actually laughed out loud. Some of you may remember my review of the Taboo Twist Sper Giganto. I was trying to explain the joke to him and told him about the Twists. Well, he said he wouldn't mind trying one. I sent him one to try and this picture is what I got today.


He actually smoked it this way. He said that he doesn't like the larger cigars and this was his solution and he wants a couple more.

I think this might score a 9.5 on the Redneck meter!
ChicagoWhiteSox 05:49 PM 03-16-2009
Thats awesome:-)
Pyrokin 05:52 PM 03-16-2009
That's not how you smoke a pipe? I knew i was doing it wrong =\
eber 06:39 PM 03-16-2009
:-) whatever works
Obscenejesster 06:41 PM 03-16-2009
I actually tried that before. It smoked pretty good.
CBI_2 06:47 PM 03-16-2009
:-):-):-) Thanks for sharing. What a hoot. :-)
Mugen910 06:58 PM 03-16-2009
:-) wow..just wow
karmaz00 07:12 PM 03-16-2009
lol...good one
ucla695 07:35 PM 03-16-2009
That's classic!! :-)
Texan in Mexico 08:07 PM 03-16-2009
That's cool!
BC-Axeman 08:16 PM 03-16-2009
I like your dad already.
HK3- 08:19 PM 03-16-2009
That's what old hippies do from past experiences. :-)
Skywalker 08:30 PM 03-16-2009
Sophistication at its finest!!!:-)
Scottw 09:26 PM 03-16-2009
Just damn funny!
14holestogie 09:27 PM 03-16-2009
Much easier to nub that way. :-)
lightning9191 09:35 PM 03-16-2009
That's pretty each their own.
Aladdin Sane 09:52 PM 03-16-2009
Awesome! They look like they were made for each other :-)
DocLogic77 10:07 PM 03-16-2009
I love the baby blue 70's polyester pants. Those are sick! :-)
elderboy02 04:56 AM 03-17-2009
That is awesome! I have never seen that before :-)
taltos 05:11 AM 03-17-2009
Many older Chinese smoke cigars in metal or clay pipes made for that purpose. Does look strange in a briar.
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