MithShrike 12:16 PM 02-21-2009
I'm finally feeling well enough to smoke again. I had a Gurkha Sherpa Toro with a nice French press cup of the Cafe Fumar Volado blend with two teaspoons of natural sugar. I sent my last check off to pay off my only remaining debt besides my student loan and it's a beautiful day out. 60 degrees with high thin clouds. I'm in shorts and t-shirt.
DrDubzz 12:16 PM 02-21-2009
sounds like a great day Matt
tzaddi 12:18 PM 02-21-2009
Great to hear Matt, ride that beautiful wave!
LkyLindy 12:22 PM 02-21-2009
hotreds 12:24 PM 02-21-2009
You just lowered my blood pressure a number of points! Thanks!
tunes 12:41 PM 02-21-2009
Sounds like you diggin' life! Can't wait for the return of warmer weather
CBI_2 01:02 PM 02-21-2009
Mugen910 01:15 PM 02-21-2009
Sounds like you had a great day matt..well except for that stick..
14holestogie 01:20 PM 02-21-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Sounds like you had a great day matt..well except for that stick.. :-)
:-) Scary, that was my first thought when reading the post, too.
MithShrike 01:21 PM 02-21-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Sounds like you had a great day matt..well except for that stick.. :-)
Eh, I like them well enough. It kicked my ass too, my nicotine tolerance is nil.
Mugen910 01:22 PM 02-21-2009
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
:-) Scary, that was my first thought when reading the post, too. :-)
Originally Posted by MithShrike:
Eh, I like them well enough. It kicked my ass too, my nicotine tolerance is nil.
j/k each his own..
elderboy02 01:41 PM 02-21-2009
Sounds like a good morning.
:-) I wish it was warm up here.
Nice, sounds like it's time to fire up an Ugly Stick
MithShrike 02:20 PM 02-21-2009
Originally Posted by Bax:
Nice, sounds like it's time to fire up an Ugly Stick:-)
That will come soon. I doubt I can handle one right now.
RottenZombie 03:23 PM 02-21-2009
Sounds like a great day to me.
:-)..Cheers to you sir.It has been a great one for me as well.
ucla695 05:49 PM 02-21-2009
karmaz00 09:54 PM 02-21-2009
Hmm I like the orange Sherpas myself. I have one of the green varieties but haven't tried it yet. Can't remember them being a strong nic though. Still sounds like a good time, coffee and a cigar.
Smokin Gator 06:52 AM 02-22-2009
Congrats on that debt pay down. That had to make the day just a little sunnier.
Nimbus 01:33 PM 02-22-2009
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Wish it was 60 here!