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View Poll Results: Which do you use?
Verizon 20 35.09%
AT & T 18 31.58%
Sprint 10 17.54%
T-Mobile 7 12.28%
US Cellular 3 5.26%
Tracfone 2 3.51%
Boost Mobile 0 0%
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General Discussion>Help with Cell phone plans
jjirons69 08:08 PM 03-08-2010
Yep, I'm one. Never had a cell phone of any type. I'll be 41 next month and have avoided it like the plague. Things have come up with family and work and I think it's about time. Some background - my wife has a Tracfone, pay as you go. She uses it once every other day. Her brother gave her a Razor to use with it. Not a bad deal. We've talked a little and haven't decided if we want to do a family plan or let me go out on my own. I won't be using it much, because I don't like phones (burdened at work) and I have a land line. I don't see me texting much, if at all, and I may use it once or twice a day most days. I love my wife's iTouch and would love to have an iPhone, but it's a lot of commitment. I've thought about the pay-as-you-go route, the unlimited plans, and the roll-over minute plans. Let's hear what you have and why you like it. There's just so may types of phones (iPhone; Blackberry World, Bold, Curve, Storm; Droid; etc.) and so many carriers and plans.
aich75013 08:11 PM 03-08-2010
If you just need a phone, get a free one with a small family plan.
Compare the rates with all carriers. Ask people around you about service/dropped calls.
MortonMilo 08:24 PM 03-08-2010
t-mobile offers cheap and easy pay as you go as well. no contract commitment either. Have had great reception wherever I go, although I can't comment on SC!
Razorhog 08:28 PM 03-08-2010
I'm like Charleton Heston with a gun, when it comes to my iPhone :-) Mobile Stogie rocks!
shilala 08:45 PM 03-08-2010
Jamie, why don't you just try a pay as you go phone and see how much you use it?
If you find that enjoyable, then you could move to whatever you like. A full blown expensive iphone plan or whatever.
Before you get wringed into a two year commitment, you should see how much you use the phone and if you can even stand it.
Once you see if you enjoy it, or just tolerate it, and guage your usage, then maybe a plan for you and the wife would make sense?
I absolutely love my iphone, it's a ton of fun. My first phone I hated. Couldn't stand the ex calling me every ten minutes, and I felt like I had zero privacy. Reason I mentioned that is I have hit both extremes. I sure hope you don't. :-)
Kreth 08:49 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by aich75013:
If you just need a phone, get a free one with a small family plan.
Compare the rates with all carriers. Ask people around you about service/dropped calls.
:-) It sounds like you basically just want an emergency phone. No sense getting a smartphone for that.
Posted via Mobile Device
elderboy02 09:11 PM 03-08-2010
Verizon... I love it.

I never have any dead spots.
captain53 09:14 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by Kreth:
:-) It sounds like you basically just want an emergency phone. No sense getting a smartphone for that.
Posted via Mobile Device
:-) Keep it simple for what you are trying to do.
mmblz 09:15 PM 03-08-2010
Recently switched from US Cellular - one blackberry and one regular phone for something like 140 a month, to tracfone - 2 simple phones with minutes we think should last a year for $440.
Can't beat that!
BigFrank 09:20 PM 03-08-2010
do not get a blackberry
I have one now, it is my 5th since october. many fellas that I work with have them and are on their multiple phone. To easy to break/damage/what have you.
Wolfgang 09:25 PM 03-08-2010
Remember max out texting with barely any minutes. No one calls anymore :-)
Christoff 09:27 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
do not get a blackberry
I have one now, it is my 5th since october. many fellas that I work with have them and are on their multiple phone. To easy to break/damage/what have you.
:-) Yup, went through two of them in 6 months. The little track ball never works for me and if you drop it on a hard surface from a distance greater than 3ft it will crack like an egg.
bobarian 09:45 PM 03-08-2010
Check with co-workers and friends for the best local coverage. If you dont travel you will care little how much coverage a network will give you. Check promotional or bundled plans with your cable TV or land line. Bells and whistles are nice but you do pay for them. :-)
jjirons69 07:26 AM 03-09-2010
Good advice. I think I'll go the pay-as-you-go route and see how that works.
shilala 07:56 AM 03-09-2010
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
Good advice. I think I'll go the pay-as-you-go route and see how that works.
Phones are only a couple bucks at Walmart, Jamie.
Hey, if you can do the pay as you go with any verizon phone, I have a couple of the gzone unbreakable ones that kick ass. I can hook you up, tuna. :-)
Mugen910 08:12 AM 03-09-2010
I usually see deals for tmobile and tracphone pay as you go...If you have never had a cell plan before then I assume you don't really need it. So for little situations just do the pay as you go.
captain53 10:13 AM 03-09-2010
Originally Posted by jjirons69:
Good advice. I think I'll go the pay-as-you-go route and see how that works.
I had my son a TracPhone for a while and as long as you don't use it a lot (especially out of your area) then it is very reasonable and quite frankly the coverage service was excellent. I found the best deals by using TracPhone online for both minutes and phones.:-)
Ashcan Bill 10:50 AM 03-09-2010
My wife and I went with a 2 year Verizon plan.

We went with Verizon because it has the best coverage for where we live. Friends and neighbors with other carriers always have problems, but ours tend to work pretty good. Also a lot of our friends and family have Verizon so the calls don't count against your minutes.

We got 2 free phones and I think around 750 minutes a month, which we'll never come close to using. I believe with taxes we pay around $75 a month.

One other thing I discovered when I was shopping around was it's cheaper to sign up on line than it is walking into a Verizon store. If I recall, we saved $20 or so a month by doing it on line.

Our plan expires at the end of this year, and I'm happy enough with Verizon that I plan on sticking with them if I can negotiate a decent enough renewal deal.

Phone companies are like banks - you have people that like certain ones, and others that hate them. Just depends on your personal experiences and needs.
MedicCook 10:52 AM 03-09-2010
I have a tracfone because I rarely use it. I have it so work can call me and if the baby momma's have an emergency with one of the girls. A $20 card will last me months.
J0eybb 10:57 AM 03-09-2010
Look into page plus. RIght now I beleive it is the cheapest, and it uses the same towers as Verizon wireless. I have verizon, and when my contract is up, I plan on switching over to page plus, pay as you go.

The best cell phone forum there is.
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