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General Discussion>Pet peeves lets hear em.
Junior 12:35 PM 04-16-2009
Well I will start this off with just a few of mine. Most involve driving, but some are just plain manners.


Folks the turning lane is there for a reason.

In the left lane on the interstate you should at least be going the speed limit.

Tailgating it is not a good idea. I guess this one comes from my truck driving days, but don’t like to look back and only be able to see the windshield back.

The one way lanes in parking lots. They are there for a reason.
I was at Wal-Mart the other day, and some moron pulled out of his spot, and instead of backing up 10 feet to let me in the spot he tried to get around me. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that a full size SUV and a full size truck are going to fit side by side in those lanes. The same morons came back a few minutes after my wife went into the store. I don’t know what they were going to do, but they left quick fast and in a hurry when I hopped out forgetting that I didn't have a jacket on, and my pistol was still on my side.

Turning signals that stick beside your steering wheel is not a armrest.

I had a discussion about this with a friend the other day. He came to the conclusion that we were weird ones, and the other people were now considered normal.

Please and thank you. Learn what they mean.

Holding the door for someone I still do this every day, but it is odd how people react. I have even gotten the stink eye over it.

Watch your children. If I did what half of what I see now when I was a kid I still wouldn’t be able to sit down.

These are just a few of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. By all means list some of your own.
white_s2k 12:41 PM 04-16-2009
Bad drivers is my absolute biggest pet peeve also.

It amazes me how bad at driving some people are.
WildBlueSooner 12:41 PM 04-16-2009
Ray you listed so many of my pet peeves. I try to be very friendly and considerate when driving and otherwise. I guess my biggest pet peeve is when people cannot say "thank you" when you do something for them, even something little like holding a door. I hold the door open wherever I am if there is someone following me, sometimes when they are a ways back. I simple thank you would be great...some people just avoid eye contact and walk on through.

That leads me to eye contact. I try to look at people when I am talking to them. Too me this shows that one is actually listening and involved in the conversation. I see people just looking around more and more when they are talking to someone else.

These are small things in the grand scheme, but it is the small things that could really make things a lot better.
WildBlueSooner 12:44 PM 04-16-2009
Oh I thought of a driving one that really gets my goat...when someone pulls out in front of you like they are in a hurry, the drive 10 mph under the speed
Junior 12:45 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:

These are small things in the grand scheme, but it is the small things that could really make things a lot better.
Your sir are correct, but it seems to be getting worse every year. My mother is a school teacher, and every year it seems that the students are worse than the last years.
DPD6030 12:47 PM 04-16-2009
Ray you hit some many of these on the head. How about failing to use your turn signal (picture red and blue lights in your review now :-) )

Oh and people that chew with their mouth open and make the most annoying noises while eating (like a cow eating..crunching, slurping and generally just being disgusting).

That is is my problem that you broke the law and now are getting a ticket or going to jail.
WildBlueSooner 12:48 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:
Your sir are correct, but it seems to be getting worse every year. My mother is a school teacher, and every year it seems that the students are worse than the last years.
I always try to avoid the "things are getting worse" attitude, but I am really finding it harder and harder. Just walking down the street is seems no one makes eye contact, waves, greets...nothing. If anything they bump into and don't offer an apology. :-)

But, there are still many great folks out there...this board is evidence!
WildBlueSooner 12:49 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by DPD6030:
Ray you hit some many of these on the head. How about failing to use your turn signal (picture red and blue lights in your review now :-) )

Oh and people that chew with their mouth open and make the most annoying noises while eating (like a cow eating..crunching, slurping and generally just being disgusting).

That is is my problem that you broke the law and now are getting a ticket or going to jail.
I hate the popo :-)
loki 12:50 PM 04-16-2009
pretty much everything....i'm a crotchety old fart....and I'm only 26
Junior 12:51 PM 04-16-2009

Sorry to say, but I think I have you beat. I had a customer the other day that would do the silent burp then blow it out towards me. She did this no less than five times in the few minutes she was in here.

Watch it WildBlueSooner my wife is one of the popo.:-)
WildBlueSooner 12:51 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by loki:
pretty much everything....i'm a crotchety old fart....and I'm only 26
:-):-):-) I kind of feel the same way at 22. We are gonna be great old people!
DPD6030 12:52 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
I hate the popo :-)
Air Force, c'mon you should have been a Marine! :-) Of course I know nothing of the armed forces so my apologies. Thanks for your service James :-)
DPD6030 12:54 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:

Sorry to say, but I think I have you beat. I had a customer the other day that would do the silent burp then blow it out towards me. She did this no less than five times in the few minutes she was in here.
DPD6030 12:55 PM 04-16-2009
Oh I got a good about a certain member on this site that has posted in this thread that always and I mean always uses this ---> :-)

AllOGistics 12:58 PM 04-16-2009
I think all of the pet peeves listed are pet peeves of mine as well. There is one other that really gets under my skin. I really hate when people ride a lane that is clearly about to close just to get ahead of everyone and then insist that they have right to get in front of everyone else. There may be times when people get stuck in a closed lane and need to get over. That's alright. But to use a closed lane as a way to try and skip the traffic is just crap. Not to mention, it actually creates more traffic because people are having to accommodate those who shouldn't be in that lane anyway. I know we've all gotten stuck in a closing lane from time to time, and to those that have been reasonable concerning getting back into an open lane, I thank you.
WildBlueSooner 12:59 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by AllOGistics:
I think all of the pet peeves listed are pet peeves of mine as well. There is one other that really gets under my skin. I really hate when people ride a lane that is clearly about to close just to get ahead of everyone and then insist that they have right to get in front of everyone else. There may be times when people get stuck in a closed lane and need to get over. That's alright. But to use a closed lane as a way to try and skip the traffic is just crap. Not to mention, it actually creates more traffic because people are having to accommodate those who shouldn't be in that lane anyway. I know we've all gotten stuck in a closing lane from time to time, and to those that have been reasonable concerning getting back into an open lane, I thank you.
Good one. The road that leads to the gate to get on base was down to one lane because of the tornado damage the other day...some dicks were trying to pull this...wanted to strangle them!
AllOGistics 01:03 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
:-):-):-) I kind of feel the same way at 22. We are gonna be great old people!
I'm actually looking forward to the day when I can waive a cane at someone and appropriately use the term "whipper snapper". Maybe I just like being crotchety- I guess that's why I started early.
Junior 01:07 PM 04-16-2009
Here is another one that really chaps my a$$. It is people that will not stay at a constant speed on the highway. I had a 30 mile stretch of highway that I was on Saturday, and passed the same car 4 times. They of course stayed in the left lane the entire time. People if you can’t manage your speed use the cruse control.
DPD6030 01:10 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:
Here is another one that really chaps my a$$. It is people that will not stay at a constant speed on the highway. I had a 30 mile stretch of highway that I was on Saturday, and passed the same car 4 times. They of course stayed in the left lane the entire time. People if you can’t manage your speed use the cruse control.

Tag, you're it!

Oh this morning on the way into work, double lane highway. Old man driving in right lane. Apparently sleeping as I approach he drifts to the right. Just as I'm about to pass he drifts to the left into my lane at least a foot maybe two. I honk. He has the never to give me the bird!
ahc4353 01:13 PM 04-16-2009
People who start pet peeve threads. :-)

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