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General Discussion>To All of my CA Friends
Emjaysmash 01:00 PM 03-11-2013
Dear friends,

You may have noticed my absence of late. I owe to all of you to let you in on what has been going on in my life.

I have been drastically changing my life since mid-December. First, I began to eat better and exercise everyday. To date I have lost almost 60 pounds. In that same vein, I have quit using tobacco products. This hobbie's costs have now outweighed the benefits for me. As such, I am on an extended leave from CA.

I wanted to let you know how much your friendship and camaraderie have meant to me over the past 6 years. From Club Stogie, to my chat pals, to the Asylum, you all have deeply impacted my life, and for that I wish to thank you.

Wishing you all happiness, health, and blessings.

- MJ
galaga 01:03 PM 03-11-2013
Well, good luck and good health. Drop by every now and a gain.
Remo 01:04 PM 03-11-2013
Sounds like you are well on your way to a healthier life bro! Way to go on the tobacco products (you will be missed here) but well worth it I am sure :-) Good Luck with the continued success :-)
G G 01:04 PM 03-11-2013
Awesome MJ.
pnoon 01:13 PM 03-11-2013
Originally Posted by galaga:
Well, good luck and good health. Drop by every now and a gain.
What Slappy said. :-)

While you may have chosen to give up tobacco, there is no reason for you to give up the friendships.

All the best, MJ.
Posted via Mobile Device
Ogre 01:13 PM 03-11-2013
Congrats on the Health. Feel free to stop by and say hi, you still have a family here.
big_jaygee 01:24 PM 03-11-2013
Wish you good luck and much happiness brother.
icehog3 01:26 PM 03-11-2013
Wishing you the very best, M.J., and hoping we see you stop by now and again.
irratebass 01:30 PM 03-11-2013
Congrats on changing your life and it sounds for the better, but as already stated....drop in every now and then and just say howdy.
kelmac07 01:38 PM 03-11-2013
Best of luck MJ. Stop in every now and again to let us know how you're doing.
elderboy02 01:40 PM 03-11-2013
Good luck buddy! :-)
AdamJoshua 01:41 PM 03-11-2013
Best of health and good blessings.
Mattso3000 01:43 PM 03-11-2013
Congrats on the weight loss! Good luck and continued success M.J.!
cmitch 01:47 PM 03-11-2013
Wish you all the luck with your endeavor for better health. I'm not sure I could give up cigars as it's a serious medium for relaxation to me. However, if you find it beneficial to cease cigar use, you'll receive not one critical word from me. Poke in every now and then and take care.:-)
The Poet 01:54 PM 03-11-2013
Good riddance! :-)

Hey, brother, did you really expect anything else from me? But to be serious, all the best to you, my friend, and stop back for a chat anytime. :-)
maninblack 01:58 PM 03-11-2013
Best of luck to you MJ! You will be missed, but the journey you are on is and will be rewarding. Don't be a stranger.
CigarNut 02:18 PM 03-11-2013
Congrats on the weight loss MJ and Good Luck!
emopunker2004 02:24 PM 03-11-2013
Originally Posted by pnoon:
What Slappy said. :-)

While you may have chosen to give up tobacco, there is no reason for you to give up the friendships.

All the best, MJ.
Posted via Mobile Device
Emjaysmash 02:29 PM 03-11-2013
Originally Posted by pnoon:
What Slappy said. :-)

While you may have chosen to give up tobacco, there is no reason for you to give up the friendships.

All the best, MJ.
Posted via Mobile Device
After seeing all of your responses I know this holds true. While I may be infrequent, I will still be sure to stop in and say hello to everyone.

Thanks again for being the friends I knew you all were!
emopunker2004 02:30 PM 03-11-2013
Originally Posted by Emjaysmash:
After seeing all of your responses I know this holds true. While I may be infrequent, I will still be sure to stop in and say hello to everyone.

Thanks again for being the friends I knew you all were!
Nice 7K post MJ! :-)
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