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Wine, Beer, and Spirits>Birthday Purchase Recommendations?
CigarGuy88 03:40 PM 07-25-2009
I was looking to buy a bottle of scotch as a 21st birthday present for myself but I need some recommendations. I like Dalwhinnie 15 and JW Black. I'm already planning on buying a bottle of Dalwhinnie but need to find something else. I'm not looking for anything very peaty but I am looking for something nice and smooth. Any ideas?
CigarGuy88 06:47 AM 07-26-2009
I forgot to mention I'm planning on spending about $130
mmblz 08:16 AM 07-26-2009
Glenlivet 21
mosesbotbol 02:29 PM 07-26-2009
Pappy van Winkle 20 year Bourbon around $100... Does not get any smoother than that. Check Marty's in Newton.
captain53 02:38 PM 07-26-2009
Lagavulin - 16 at around $90 and you will have some $ for a great stogie with it. It is on the heavy Peat side and very smokey but extremely smooth. Make you some distilled ice cubes if you want it slightly cool but no more than 3 in a glass. Talisker would be a great choice too at about $65 and you will have a nice steak dinner leftover! It is much less peaty and not at all smokey as the Lagavulin.