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All Cigar Discussion>My Very Last White Whale, And A Question...
shilala 04:44 PM 07-10-2014
I recently was invited to join a pass with some brothers, an epass, actually.
All insanely rare high end stuff. It was super fun.
Along the way, I mentioned it'd be real nice if someone put an Opus BBMF maduro in there for me to snarf up. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.

I sent my end of the pass out today and the gentleman running the pass said "Since you shipped already I can now tell you that you are geting a 2005 BBMF Maduro."

What he didn't know is that this is the very last cigar from my "white whale" list. In the last 7 or 8 years I have been blessed to smoke every single cigar I've ever imagined I'd like to try, and many, many more that were spectacularly rare and completely unattainable. Many of those were even fantastic cigars, which was icing on the cake.

I won't get all smooshy like I usually do, but that speaks volumes about our community. There aren't many hobbies where sharing is most of the fun, but this is certainly that.
I just needed to say "Thank You, everybody" and tell the story, cause I'm all giddy about it. :-)
Thank You, everybody!!! :-)

Which brings me around to a question that is always fun...
What's your white whale list look like?
And which one is the Mody Dick of the bunch?
azar 06:27 PM 07-10-2014
Hmm I would have to his majesty would be one, (although not really a gurka fan)MX3 & a opus BBMF.
That said this place is great and a great bunch of brothers!
Porch Dweller 06:28 PM 07-10-2014
Congrat's, that's pretty damned cool! And you're right about sharing; I get quite a bit of enjoyment out of giving someone something they've wanted to try, especially when I get to smoke it with them. I've shared some good ones with my folks and it's been a great time every time.

As far as my list, I haven't been a "serious" smoker long enough to have an extensive white whale list. Off of the top of my head it would probably be:
Dirty Rat
Cohiba Behike
And the Moby Dick would be any pre-embargo Cuban.
markem 06:37 PM 07-10-2014
Congratulations! I, too, have managed to cross off most of my white whale list. The main one left is a Cubatobacco 25th anniversary stick that I almost won at auction this year.

Others are out there, but that is the only true white whale.
shilala 07:04 PM 07-10-2014
Originally Posted by Porch Dweller:
And the Moby Dick would be any pre-embargo Cuban.
Domestic or Cuban?
I'm guessing you mean American made with cuban tobacco?
Funny thing there. Cuba used Connecticut wrapper for damn near everything prior to the embargo. And the US used cuban filler and binder with US wrapper.
It's cause they couldn't grow decent wrapper in Cuba until they were forced to, and they had a hard time of it.
I'm not sure why they couldn't grow decent wrapper. I'd have to guess it was the heat. I'm sure someone will know a lot more than I do about it and speak up. I hope, anyways. :-)
Porch Dweller 07:56 PM 07-10-2014
Originally Posted by shilala:
Domestic or Cuban?
I'm guessing you mean American made with cuban tobacco?
Funny thing there. Cuba used Connecticut wrapper for damn near everything prior to the embargo. And the US used cuban filler and binder with US wrapper.
It's cause they couldn't grow decent wrapper in Cuba until they were forced to, and they had a hard time of it.
I'm not sure why they couldn't grow decent wrapper. I'd have to guess it was the heat. I'm sure someone will know a lot more than I do about it and speak up. I hope, anyways. :-)
That's one reason I love this site: I learn something all the time about this wonderful hobby. I didn't know that about the Conny wrappers being used in Cuba.
kelmac07 08:00 PM 07-10-2014
From all the great BOTLs I've met and herfed with, I've been able to smoke a lot of stuff from my "need to try list". :-) :-) Mine is the elusive Liga Privada Velvet Rat. Have heard about them, but never been able to get my dirty paws on one. :-)
timj219 08:01 PM 07-10-2014
Maybe I'm overly suspicious but when I read the OP I thought "it's a trap"!! :-)
pektel 08:04 PM 07-10-2014
Congrats, Scott. Truly happy to hear your cigar dream list has been fulfilled. :-) :-)

There are lots of cigars on my white whale list. I'm not about to name them on here. Just in case anyone would get any ideas.
icehog3 01:27 AM 07-11-2014
Congrats Scott!

I've been blessed by friends in this community to smoke just about every cigar I could have ever imagined, and many more that I never dreamed I would smoke. My white whale now isn;t a's to herf with LasciviousXXX (Tyr).
massphatness 06:53 AM 07-11-2014
Always a great day when you get to slay a white whale - congrats, Scott
nutcracker 06:55 AM 07-11-2014
On my bucket list is to try a pre-embargo Cuban - all old and decrepit like!
shilala 07:51 AM 07-11-2014
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Congrats Scott!

I've been blessed by friends in this community to smoke just about every cigar I could have ever imagined, and many more that I never dreamed I would smoke. My white whale now isn;t a's to herf with LasciviousXXX (Tyr).
I'd like to spark one up with that little bastage, too.
It's funny you said that. I went from 'last white whale" right to "gotta go to socal next year".
pnoon 08:09 AM 07-11-2014
Oh yes. New whales appear now and then.
Like Tom, my cigar-related white whales are personal/social in nature. People to meet. Places to go. Herfs.
Posted via Mobile Device
czerbe 08:26 AM 07-11-2014
I'm not sure what my white whale would be... I guess a Cuban that really wows me I have had a handful or two in my day (not a lot by any means) but I was never really blown away so I kind of just gave up on them so many good NC out there I have yet to try...

Do you think you will start a new List?
shilala 08:41 AM 07-11-2014
I wanted to try a freshie LGC MdO2, so I got a box of 14's, Corey.
I like fresh cc's a lot, and I like LGC's, and have never had a fresh one, so I'm hoping they'll be at least half as good as I guess.
I can't imagine I'll ever come up with any more white whales, but there are always going to new cigars that I'll look forward to trying.
Things like "is there going to be another year of freshies as good as '13 again?" will keep it interesting. It's always fun to go to herfs and root in other brother's travel humis to see if they have something that looks good, too.
I always like other guy's cigars better than mine. :-)
czerbe 09:03 AM 07-11-2014
Better to like their cigars over their women LOL
Adriftpanda 10:22 AM 07-11-2014
I've had the priveldege to smoke some amazing smokes, most of which have been my white whale. Cigars to me just come and go. Like a few said, now it's about going to certain herfs.

I get to scratch one of those off my list on August 2nd! Flying out to Portland to smoke with Mark!

I think next on my list is flying out to Chicago and smoking with Tom in his basement! Maybe October?
The Poet 10:29 AM 07-11-2014
Call me Ishmael. I observe the pursuit, but hold no obsession of my own, save perhaps survival.

Still I commend you Scott, for harpooning your elusive beast.
icehog3 06:25 PM 07-11-2014
Huy in my basement! Another White Whale! :-)