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All Cigar Discussion>Smokin' in the winter
Lanks85 11:38 PM 11-09-2011
Now that the winter months are upon us (well, in this part of Canada anyway) I have lost the desire to spark up any decent sized cigars as my hands are numb by the time I finish. I am wondering how others change their cigar behaviour (given that they aren't "allowed" to smoke inside and where they live has four seasons) during the winter months. Smoke less often, switch to smaller cigars, put on a winter survival suit???
deadrise 11:51 PM 11-09-2011
I smoke inside I actually have to smoke inside it is the only way I can cover up my father-in-laws honey dutchamaster smell. sounds like you need a smoken shed
MrClean 11:57 PM 11-09-2011
Since this will be my first winter as a regular cigar smoker, I'm not sure how it will play out. Can't smoke inside, I do have a small barn, but any type of heater would be wasted as it's not insulated and wouldn't really hold any heat to speak of. I'm assuming my consumption is going to go way down and I'll likely have to go to the B&M to get any real enjoyment out of a stick.
Lanks85 12:02 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by deadrise:
I smoke inside I actually have to smoke inside it is the only way I can cover up my father-in-laws honey dutchamaster smell. sounds like you need a smoken shed
A smoking shed would be ideal, but the closest thing I can come up with at this point is to set up the tent on the back deck. Not too sure I want to go down this root. Not very classy :-)
Lanks85 12:12 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by MrClean:
Since this will be my first winter as a regular cigar smoker, I'm not sure how it will play out. Can't smoke inside, I do have a small barn, but any type of heater would be wasted as it's not insulated and wouldn't really hold any heat to speak of. I'm assuming my consumption is going to go way down and I'll likely have to go to the B&M to get any real enjoyment out of a stick.
Yeah this will be my first winter as well and I forsee my consumption going sown as well. Oh well, maybe it would be a good time to give my wallet a break :-)

Oh, maybe try one of those parabolic heat dishes. They dont heat the surrounding air but provide heat through direct radiative heat transfer. It would probably keep you warm while you were smoking with the chickens and cows :-)
MrClean 12:14 AM 11-10-2011
I'd take comfy over classy, but I know what you mean.
deadrise 01:01 AM 11-10-2011
poor chickens and cows with all that 2nd hand smoke
4WheelVFR 01:18 AM 11-10-2011
Luckily I have a room, albeit small, that is well ventilated that I can retreat to. One night this fall I decided to hit the porch anyways, and had anyone seen me it would've looked pretty funny. Thick hooded sweatshirt, sweatpants, wool socks and a blanket lol. Comfy, but probably looked like a homeless guy.
longknocker 03:59 AM 11-10-2011
Patio Heaters & Warm Coat, Outside; Garage Smoking With A Heater & Door Opened Slightly If It Gets "Really Cold" (32*) :-)
emopunker2004 04:01 AM 11-10-2011
I live in Florida, problem solved :-)
irratebass 04:09 AM 11-10-2011
I see myself going to the b&m more often, poor wifey.
alexa071 04:19 AM 11-10-2011
Two words... heated garage. :-)
DaBear 05:21 AM 11-10-2011
In a few weeks I'll probably be switching over completely from cigars to pipes since I'm allowed to smoke my pipes inside(roommates find it much less offensive). I've been getting every last bit of the slightly bearable warmth we still have right now. Pop a jacket on and throw my snuggie over my legs and grab a seat on the front porch to smoke a couple. Also I've been going out while its still light outside of recent(~5pm) as opposed to 7 or 8 when I used to head outside. I don't mind sitting out in the cold to smoke a stick or two, but the problem is in my hands. I absolutely cannot stand having cold hands. I'm extremely double jointed in all my fingers, so when it gets cold they'll start locking up and pop at all the knuckles when I try to bend them, so I just never fully extend them and end up walking around with claws for hands.
SteelCityBoy 06:02 AM 11-10-2011
Yeah I retreat to the garage usually. It's not too much trouble to bring out a good space heater and just crack the garage door. I enjoy smoking outside more but unless I get a good fire going on my back patio the garage is usually where most of my winter smoking occurs.
CigarSquid 07:06 AM 11-10-2011
Yep, Garage for me! I have a space heater or propane heater. I will, depending on the smoke, leave the door closed and open it from time to time.

I like to enjoy them in the garage over the balcony anyways, I have the TV set up.. with all my sh!t down there.. Either to relax or mess with something.

Wish I had a B&M to go to......
sevans105 07:20 AM 11-10-2011
Some friends and I built our own Smoking Lounge. No B&M within 50 miles and Minnesota Winters are not nice places to hang around outside in. We all pooled some cash and bought an old building downtown and converted part of it to a fantastic man cave. I liked it so much, I turned it into my office. The rest of the building is a "Film Society". Installed a sound system, 12 foot screens and projectors. We show movies 2 to 3 times a week. Watched Green Lantern last night.

This is the Smoking Lounge.
irratebass 07:25 AM 11-10-2011
Dude that's awesome!!!! What do you do for a living Steve?
sevans105 07:31 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by irratebass:
Dude that's awesome!!!! What do you do for a living Steve?
Thread JACK!!

I've got a small consulting company. Pretty distributed. Just me locally. I help business become profitable. Finance/accounting/staffing/marketing. Working with a local TV outfit right now. With any luck, one of their shows will get picked up for syndication.
irratebass 07:37 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by sevans105:
Thread JACK!!

I've got a small consulting company. Pretty distributed. Just me locally. I help business become profitable. Finance/accounting/staffing/marketing. Working with a local TV outfit right now. With any luck, one of their shows will get picked up for syndication.
See my new tag? I thought it was appropriate.


Back to the thread now
chaase321 08:02 AM 11-10-2011
Originally Posted by sevans105:
Thread JACK!!

Scott the place looks great...not too fancy to smoke in, but cozy and warm for the winters! Great job!
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