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All Cigar Discussion>Not so good
FriendlyMan 11:07 AM 07-30-2009
Just got this link on twitter.
Starscream 11:14 AM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by :
"They're consumed in a much different way," he said. "I have never met a person who is addicted to cigars. Never. Cigars are a quiet, reliable place in their life where they can relax and think about the world as it goes by."
I love the last quote in the article.:-)
FriendlyMan 11:18 AM 07-30-2009
Yeah, I was thinking about that my self when I read it. Yeah right. :-)

Originally Posted by andysutherland:
I love the last quote in the article.:-)

systm 11:20 AM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
I love the last quote in the article.:-)
I second that.

What I never quite understand is that I see that non-smokers have a right to not have to deal with the smoke, but what about us? Why are the people who like to enjoy a little thing in life (for most of us), being forced to smaller and smaller avenues of purchase and enjoyment?

Its smokers as a whole are being victimized, granted cigarettes are much more hazardous to your health, its as the gentlemen said, people don't rush inside for a smoke.
BFallehy 11:31 AM 07-30-2009
It is getting tough out there.

I understand when non-smokers don't like being around smoke and that is perfectly fine. I do my best to stay away from them.

The people who bother me are the anti-smokers who when they see someone smoking will go out of there way to get in there face and start coughing and going on about how you are killing them. Sorry I live in California and I do get that from time to time. It is people like that who push these kind of things and make it hard on all of us to enjoy something that we like. :-)
hotreds 11:39 AM 07-30-2009
So much for freedom. Our wonderful govt is now gonna prevent us from eating what we want as well. If we don't change things in 2010, re-read 1984 to get an idea of the future in the Soviet States of America.
systm 11:41 AM 07-30-2009
Not to sound like a jerk or anything, but it's the same kind of people that tell other parents how to raise their kinds or insert themselves it situations that aren't really necessary, I feel that it gets more and more ridiculous. Obama smoked/s and he was berated for it and it was all other the news and newspaper, couldn't they spend their time with stuff thats more important? I just feel that the government is going about this the right way for the people, they are just, in the end, making themselves money but over time losing money as they close down more factories in the us and abroad. if they wanted to help whats important, the people, they would put more effort into cracking down on other tobacco products: snus, chew, cigarettes, etc. With these taxes all they are doing is killing the little guys and the big cigarette companies take a small hit on their bottom line.
What it comes down to is that Senators have interest in making money, and less to do with the people unless they are pressured.

My two cents :-)
kydsid 12:22 PM 07-30-2009
I love the arguing going on in the comments of that article. It's been an entertaining 30 minutes already and not even halfway through. You know what they say about internet arguments? :-)
FriendlyMan 12:26 PM 07-30-2009
What bothers me more is the top part of the article.
systm 12:27 PM 07-30-2009
I'm not arguing, i'm stating a point of view.

No matter who wins, your both still retared.
kydsid 12:36 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by systm:
I'm not arguing, i'm stating a point of view.

No matter who wins, your both still retared.
Lol you are commenting on the article at USA Today's site.

I have to say that this comment is priceless:

"Why people have the need to lecture on what others should or shouldn't do is more annoying than anyone's bad habits."
Skywalker 12:47 PM 07-30-2009
Thanks for the article!!!

I live in California where we are barely allowed to smoke in our own backyards!!! Not to mention the taxes we have to pay!!!

systm 12:55 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
Thanks for the article!!!

I live in California where we are barely allowed to smoke in our own backyards!!! Not to mention the taxes we have to pay!!!
That's where i'm Darrell, So it's not like I am making unfounded claims. Luckily I can smoke in my own backyard, I don't dare risk it anywhere else. Although I saw some guy smoking one at a Starbuck's at around 10pm one time.
Skywalker 01:07 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by systm:
That's where i'm Darrell, So it's not like I am making unfounded claims. Luckily I can smoke in my own backyard, I don't dare risk it anywhere else. Although I saw some guy smoking one at a Starbuck's at around 10pm one time.
There are a few cigar lounges around!!! I love it when I find one!!! None in Chico!!!:-)
systm 01:17 PM 07-30-2009
I know there Tobacco Republic in Loomis, a bit of a drive from Citrus Heights, but a definite drive from Chico
kaisersozei 01:30 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
There are a few cigar lounges around!!! I love it when I find one!!! None in Chico!!!:-)
Yea, but living in Chico, you really don't have that much to complain about, brother :-) :-)
Skywalker 01:36 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Yea, but living in Chico, you really don't have that much to complain about, brother :-) :-)
Hippi3Slay3r 01:48 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by kydsid:
I love the arguing going on in the comments of that article. It's been an entertaining 30 minutes already and not even halfway through. You know what they say about internet arguments? :-)

Like this? :-)
Tio Gato 02:40 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by systm:
No matter who wins, your both still retared.
I just left my job to enjoy my golden years, am I "retared"?
Sad to say I didn't get a "retarment" party or a gold "retarment" watch.

Dude, quite a while ago mature individuals have decided that the term "your" trying to use is degrading and inappropriate. Your ignorance is showing my friend.:-)
Better cut out the Mendocino weed and stick to cigars, not insults.
wrench turner 85 03:00 PM 07-30-2009
Originally Posted by BFallehy:
It is getting tough out there.

I understand when non-smokers don't like being around smoke and that is perfectly fine. I do my best to stay away from them.

The people who bother me are the anti-smokers who when they see someone smoking will go out of there way to get in there face and start coughing and going on about how you are killing them. Sorry I live in California and I do get that from time to time. It is people like that who push these kind of things and make it hard on all of us to enjoy something that we like. :-)
Ok, its a loosing argument between the non-smokers vs. the smokers, no body wins this argument. The real problem on smoking bans is the infringements of property rights of the business owners. A example to relate to is that if a state passed a law saying the its unlawfully to have any manufacture sugar in your home if you have Diabetes or if anyone living in your home has diabetes, that means no coke, no Dixie Crystal sugar, or no ice cream in your home, people would crap a brick then. It should be up to the owner to decide to allow smoking in there business. people have the right to choose where they want to eat and shop but don't have the right to dictate policies and practice of a business they don't own. Now TAX FUNDED property's like courts, jails, offices, and schools, let the chips fall as they may.
Now non-smokers might say: This don't affect me why should I care. or I don't like smoking anyways, I think its a good idea. these are very dangerous statements because they are allowing rights of people to be taking away. If governments are allowed to pass laws like this it will add to the ego that they can do whatever they want. Not caring about the rights of others being taking away is like taking them away yourself, as American's we should stand up and fight back the tyranny of this government.
maby its just my:-)
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