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General Discussion>It's snowing!!!
shilala 11:02 PM 10-28-2008
I'm giddy with the anticipation of freezing my balls off. :-)
Our hanging baskets and bedding flowers lasted until the 19th of October.
In all my life they have never lasted past September 20th.
So it was nice when it lasted. We had the best spring and summer I've seen in a lot of years, and the garden came in at a 10. Rain was plentiful and at perfect intervals, temperature stayed up nicely, and I can't think of a single complaint except that the kids never used the City Pool pass I bought. :-)

Did it snow where you guys are yet?
For the record, it snowed here earlier today so I suppose officially the first snow was on Oct 28th.
Lee 11:20 PM 10-28-2008
It snowed here in lower Michigan last night. Just a little bit though, not even enough to cover the grass. The temp was down on the 30's, forcing us into the garage to smoke. :-) I need to find a local establishment that allows cigar smoking.
leasingthisspace 12:07 AM 10-29-2008
Not snow here. It has been raining lately. Matter of fact it is raining now.
Don Fernando 12:58 AM 10-29-2008
no snow here, but we had our first night of freezing :-)
icantbejon 01:32 AM 10-29-2008
I miss the snow so much. I can't wait to get back to the North East and get snow again. Iraq sucks for Christmas, but Georgia isn't actually any better. When Santa comes wearing shorts, things are all wrong.
silentjon 03:35 AM 10-29-2008
We just had wet snow at my house with no accumulation. However some areas not to far from me received 10-15 inches of snow in the higher elevations.
Don Fernando 04:56 AM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by icantbejon:
When Santa comes wearing shorts, things are all wrong.
you're wrong here buddy. I loved x-mas in Indonesia with 90 degrees, sunny. There's nothing like a christmas barbeque.
G G 05:44 AM 10-29-2008
No snow here yet, but it is cold, for us.:-)
BroncoHorvath 05:54 AM 10-29-2008
We got around 6 inches overnight up here in the Great North.... Hopefully it will melt by the weekend.
rrplasencia 06:50 AM 10-29-2008
i think someones starting to feel better, that's 3 new threads in 2 days :-)
it might as well be snowing it's 50' right now in miami
dunng 06:53 AM 10-29-2008
I guess there was a little last night... gone by the time I got going this morning though. :-)
theycallmedan'lboone 07:10 AM 10-29-2008
hell no! it dropped below freezing for the 2nd night running, I think my mums are done for. I hate the cold. Not the dress up wear your nice sweater and pea coat cold, but the get-out-of-bed-shriek-like-a-woman-at-the-cold-floor-and-jump-back-in-bed-cold... don't much care for the cold. Down here, we just stay inside by the fire when it's cold.
cigars_n_scotch 08:05 AM 10-29-2008
It snowed in Central Jersey practically all day, wet snow with no accumulation. The Poconos in PA got up to a foot of snow in some places. Hope it's a sign of a good winter to come (I snowboard so I love the white stuff) :-)
BlackDog 09:16 AM 10-29-2008
We had snow the other day for a few hours, but it never amounted to anything. Ground is still too warm.
zmancbr 09:41 AM 10-29-2008

technically we haven't had a real snow yet in the front range. It was sprinkled and then froze while it was doing that so there was some dust, but it never stuck on the ground...

I have to say, its almost November and no snow yet in CO... weird... :-)
lightning9191 11:43 AM 10-29-2008
We've had some light flurries the past couple days here in SW VA....I love winter. We need more of it.
hotreds 11:44 AM 10-29-2008
Damn I hate global warming!
Tombstone 11:48 AM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Damn I hate global warming!
haha..that's what i said..but the mods deleted my post:-):-)
Mugen910 11:52 AM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by shilala:
i'm giddy with the anticipation of freezing my balls off. :-)
Our hanging baskets and bedding flowers lasted until the 19th of october.
In all my life they have never lasted past september 20th.
So it was nice when it lasted. We had the best spring and summer i've seen in a lot of years, and the garden came in at a 10. Rain was plentiful and at perfect intervals, temperature stayed up nicely, and i can't think of a single complaint except that the kids never used the city pool pass i bought. :-)

did it snow where you guys are yet?
For the record, it snowed here earlier today so i suppose officially the first snow was on oct 28th.
ttiwwp! :d
mrreindeer 12:13 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by rrplasencia:
i think someones starting to feel better
Definitely great seeing you up and at 'em, Scott. btw, it was 100 here yesterday, currently 81 :-)
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