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Discussion>Do we want a 2010 CA pipe?
DrDubzz 05:20 PM 03-14-2010
Christos (Greekgodx) broached the topic to me. So if there's enough interest one or both of us will head that up.

Do you guys want a 2010 pipe? Do we want a Boswell again? Something perhaps slightly more... refined? Let me know in this thread. We'll go from there

GreekGodX 05:33 PM 03-14-2010
You know I'm in.

My thoughts are we don't want to make it too expensive, but something a little more higher end would be cool.
boom 05:47 PM 03-14-2010
I would be interested pending the costs....
WyGuy 05:50 PM 03-14-2010
Also interested, depending on the final price.
DrDubzz 05:59 PM 03-14-2010
well go ahead and post up what your max price would be

for me, I don't know since it will depend when they need to be paid for. I have little to no disposable income now, but will this summer after I graduate
BigFrank 06:13 PM 03-14-2010
I passed last year due to some financial issues. But I am more than game this year.
Nick 06:19 PM 03-14-2010
I really wanted to get in on that quagliata pipe on ICC but didn't have any idea of what my tax return would be, well now I know so I could be game depending on price and maker.
DrDubzz 06:33 PM 03-14-2010
Nick, I passed because I don't care for the pipe, plus I have one similar that I do care for.

I had higher hopes for the ICC pipe. But alas, we have some flexibility here.

As for ours, I would love to cap it at $100 so more people will be interested, but that really limits what we can do. But not everyone wants to shell out 150-200 bucks.

you guys just let me know, and we'll figure it out. We might be able to get RQ to do it, or the Boswells... maybe Jake Hackert, I could talk to him, but he doesn't do sandblasts that I know of. Throw out suggestions
Ranger_B 09:34 PM 03-14-2010
I was sorry I passed last year. I have been smoking my pipes more often lately and would be interested in this years for sure.
andrew 01:09 AM 03-15-2010
I am interested.

Also could someone post pictures of previous any previous ones?
Gary 04:51 AM 03-15-2010
i found some pictures:
Originally Posted by andrew:
I am interested.

Also could someone post pictures of previous any previous ones?

Curly Cut 09:24 AM 03-15-2010
i know spending over $100 isn't what people want to do with their money in most circumstances... but you're hamstringing yourself in choices by keeping the cost below $100. how many carvers out there make pipes, or would consider making a forum pipe of the year, that would come down to that price (other than Boswell and maybe a big company that does machine mades from europe)?

mark tinsky can get it done for barely over $125, if you want to keep the shape simple, the pipe in the smaller side (his size 4 or 5), and you get his "coral carved" finish.

another to possibly ask,'s David Johnson, he's back making pipes, but i don't know how many he's making... he's famous for his "pokerdog" shape, and his prices are reasonable.

just an idea... i'm not taking part, but figured i'd throw that out there.
Subvet642 09:53 AM 03-15-2010
Originally Posted by Curly Cut:
(SNIP)...another to possibly ask,'s David Johnson, he's back making pipes, but i don't know how many he's making... he's famous for his "pokerdog" shape, and his prices are reasonable.

just an idea... i'm not taking part, but figured i'd throw that out there.
I just went to his site, and I gotta say, he does pretty work! :-)
Slow Triathlete 12:33 PM 03-15-2010
I do like that pokerdog!
DrDubzz 01:04 PM 03-15-2010
I like the pokerdog as well. However, seeing as we did a poker last year, I would prefer something a little different. just my opinion.
Subvet642 01:24 PM 03-15-2010
Originally Posted by RX2010:
I like the pokerdog as well. However, seeing as we did a poker last year, I would prefer something a little different. just my opinion.
Like this Ozark Mountain Briars Bent Dublin with Sapele Inlay?
WyGuy 01:28 PM 03-15-2010
Any interest in a Canadian style pipe? Though I'd be down for anything really.
DrDubzz 01:33 PM 03-15-2010
I'd be down for a dublin shape, or a Lovat
DrDubzz 02:01 PM 03-15-2010
I'd be down for a dublin shape, or a Lovat
Curly Cut 03:29 PM 03-15-2010
ah, i wasn't in on last years pipe... you all did a boswell, if i remember... didn't know it was a poker.
either way, good luck with it all. i think i posted a link to something trevor talbert wrote about "fun with forum pipes"... it's a good quick read when embarking this journey, i've re-read it a few times.
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