hammondc 09:00 AM 05-19-2011
This idea was discussed in a previous thread, but I do not think it ever got started....so I am starting it.
As much as I would love to drink only Silver Creek, Cakebread or Nickel & Nickel, I love my under $30 wines. Put your suggestions here.
hammondc 09:01 AM 05-19-2011
Cupcake Cabernet. Pretty decent stuff for around $9
Bogle Pinot - Always good for $10-$12
337 Cab - A staple in my house for $12
Forefront - Fantastic cab for ~$22
BigCat 01:14 PM 05-19-2011
Menage a trois - $8 at Costco
Dancing Bull Cab and Zin - between 7-10 at Meijer
Dynamite Zin - $9 most places I've seen it
Bogle Cab - $10
7 deadly zins - $10 at Costco
I think these are all really good bangs for the buck.
Guitarman-S.T- 01:18 PM 05-19-2011
Durigutti * spelling* makes a Wonderul 07-08 Malbec for 16$, really blew me away
Subvet642 01:24 PM 05-19-2011
Aero95 01:36 PM 05-19-2011
Carmel Road Chardonnay $18ish
xlc12rf 01:43 PM 05-19-2011
For about $10 I like the Blackstone Merlot
TheRiddick 02:19 PM 05-19-2011
So, how many in the thread smoke bundled (under $20 per 20) cigars as their mainstays?
Skywalker 02:24 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
So, how many in the thread smoke bundled (under $20 per 20) cigars as their mainstays?
This guy!!!:-)
Volusianator 02:43 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by TheRiddick:
So, how many in the thread smoke bundled (under $20 per 20) cigars as their mainstays?
Not sure what your point is or how it would relate to this thread?
xlc12rf 03:03 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by Volusianator:
Not sure what your point is or how it would relate to this thread?
He is saying why bother drinking crap wine.
Cause the line has to be drawn somewhere. I drink expensive beer, and smoke expensive cigars. I don't consider myself a wino, so why should I bother with 'good' wine?
Christiel49 03:26 PM 05-19-2011
Wow!! I totally see where you are going.......however I smoke great cigars 2x a week, wine is a little different. One cigar last about an hour and a bottle of wine only has Three glasses which is easly done in one sitting/daily.
To each his own
Chateau St Michelle: Reisling $15
Volusianator 03:32 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by xlc12rf:
He is saying why bother drinking crap wine.
Cause the line has to be drawn somewhere. I drink expensive beer, and smoke expensive cigars. I don't consider myself a wino, so why should I bother with 'good' wine?
Drink what you like, smoke what you like, ride what you like. It's all preference, Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevy. Just because someone like "premium" cigars doesn't mean they have to drink expensive wines.
hammondc 03:58 PM 05-19-2011
WTF...why all this crapping in my thread? I am fukcing thrilled to no end that XLC and Riddick can afford to smoke the best smokes and drink the best wine. That is not what this thread is for. If you have nothing nice to say....go start your own thread*.....jerks.
*here, I did it for you.
Volusianator 04:06 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by hammondc:
WTF...why all this crapping in my thread? I am fukcing thrilled to no end that XLC and Riddick can afford to smoke the best smokes and drink the best wine. That is not what this thread is for. If you have nothing nice to say....go start your own thread*.....jerks.
*here, I did it for you.
Whoa, that attitude will get you a lot of great replies.
hammondc 04:11 PM 05-19-2011
Originally Posted by Volusianator:
Whoa, that attitude will get you a lot of great replies.
I am sure it will.
markem 04:16 PM 05-19-2011
Calm down gang. It is, unfortunately, common for some to stomp all over a thread that they deem inferior or something like that. Those people come and go and those who have been here for a while learn that not every post in a thread will be wanted or appreciated. The more you feed their ego by drawing attention to their games, the longer they will stay. Just as it is good sense to ignore the loud mouth at the bar and let the management deal with them, so it is here.
The Poet 04:17 PM 05-19-2011
Chill, Chip. If you ignore the bears instead of poking them, maybe they will go elsewhere. And if not, so what?
I work in a wineshop, and we have some expensive stuff on the shelves . . . where most of it has been for a loooong time, and where it may likely stay for an even longer time. Even if you discount the fact that the vast majority of people cannot afford $100-$500 for a single bottle of wine, most of those who may have the financial resources do not see the point of it. Why should they spend that much when they may not be able to distinguish the difference anyway?
It is relatively easy to find a good bottle of wine in excess of the $30 price point Chip proposed. But it is just as easy to find good ones under that, and when you do it is more fun, more gratifying, and more fiscally responsible. Me, I'm much more pleased when I find a drinkable bottle for $10 than I would be were it twice . . . or 10 times . . . that price.
This post is full of my
:-) regarding the overall issue, and totally lacking in any specific suggestions. But then, who wants to rely on the taste of a guy who buys bundled cigars?
Skywalker 04:29 PM 05-19-2011
Here is my contribution:
100 great wines for $25.00 or less!
I have one of these stores in my town. I have found it a great place to shop around and not spend a ton of money.
They also have tastings so I can try the wine so I know what to spend my money on.
Check out their site, even if you don't have a store near you.
hammondc 04:32 PM 05-19-2011
Good link. There are 2 in my work territory. I will be near one in two weeks. I will have to check it out.