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Jokes>The Blonde Scientist
CBI_2 04:35 PM 12-05-2008
A blond scientist wants to conducts some experiments on a frog. First, she teaches the frog to jump on command.

"Jump frog, jump!", she yells, and the frog jumps 18 inches. She writes this down in her notebook.

Next, she cuts off one of its front legs, and after allowing proper time to heal, yells, "Jump frog, jump" once more. The frog jumps only 9 inches this time. She writes this down in her notebook.

Then, she cuts off the other front leg, and after allowing proper time to heal, yells, "Jump frog, jump" once again. The frog only jumps 5 inches. She writes this down in her notebook.

Then, she cuts off one of the back legs, and after allowing proper time to heal, yells, "Jump frog, jump" again. The frog only jumps 2 inches. She writes this down in her notebook.

Finally, she cuts off the other back leg, and after allowing proper time to heal, yells, "Jump frog, jump" again. The frog does not move. She yells, "jump frog, jump!" even louder, but the frog does not move. A third time she yells, and again the frog does not move.

The blond then writes down in her notebook, "After cutting off all four legs, the frog became deaf."
G G 02:09 PM 12-09-2008
Yessiree, funny.
Fishbeadtwo 12:28 AM 12-10-2008
nice one!:-)