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General Discussion>Great News About Jr.!!!
ahc4353 10:47 AM 05-19-2009
Just got the call with the results of Jr.'s doctor visit.

All screws, rods and fake vertebra are totally fused to his spine!! :-)

No more brace! He can drive again! Wants him to work on strengthening his core. Some restrictions on movement such as no golf till Aug. and some lifting no no's. But that's it!!

Hockey conversation went like this:

Doc: So how set are you on returning to this whole hockey thing?
Jr.: Silence with a look of you must be F'ing kidding right?
Doc: Heavy sigh with a shake of the head.
Jr.: Well what I wanted to do is take this season to get stronger and put my weight back on and then go back to playing again the year after that.
Doc: Big smile and says, that sounds like a great plan! ( Doc was worried he wanted to go back this season :-))

So, today is a great day in the Clark house and I wanted to share. I also wanted to thank everyone again for their thoughts, prayers and support you have given my family and I since this happened. Continued prayers and thoughts are always welcome.

I think I'll have a cigar tonight. Maybe if I get lucky Jr. will have one with me!

Starscream 10:48 AM 05-19-2009
Awesome news, Al!
AD720 10:50 AM 05-19-2009
Good to hear! :-)
14holestogie 10:53 AM 05-19-2009
That is truly fantastic news. I'll join in with the celebratory cigar tonight. :-)
massphatness 10:55 AM 05-19-2009
That's friggin' awesome, my friend!

dunng 10:55 AM 05-19-2009
Great news! :-)
tobii3 10:55 AM 05-19-2009

loki 10:57 AM 05-19-2009
you just made my freaking week al! tell Jr. I can't wait to see him lace up.
Starchild 10:57 AM 05-19-2009
Great news Al! He'll be back out there banging up the boards in no time :-)
markem 10:57 AM 05-19-2009
A miracle of modern medicine. Congratulations to one and all. :-) :-)
elderboy02 10:57 AM 05-19-2009
Awesome! :-)

Wanger 10:59 AM 05-19-2009
AWESOME news Al!!!!!!! Great to hear his recovery is going so well!!! Can't wait to see him get beat by the Sioux (or whatever the f we'll have to change our name to) in the title game in a couple years. :-)
leasingthisspace 11:00 AM 05-19-2009
Awesome news. EVeryone should celebrate with a cigar tonight.
hotreds 11:00 AM 05-19-2009
Praise the Lord! Wonderful news indeed!
GKitty 11:01 AM 05-19-2009
Congrats to your and yours, Al!!

Best excuse I've heard for a stogie in a long time. :-)

I'll be joining you.
skullnrose 11:05 AM 05-19-2009
Great news ! Wishing him continued good heath and success.
yourchoice 11:05 AM 05-19-2009
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
LordOfWu 11:08 AM 05-19-2009
That's AWESOME NEWS!!! I will be joining in the "herf in spririt" tonight with you as well!
Hardcz 11:09 AM 05-19-2009
Great news indeed! Wish him the best from all of us!
Smoking Dragon 11:15 AM 05-19-2009
That truly is great news. Now lets see if we can get a group together to celebrate at Jr's first game.

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