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Wine, Beer, and Spirits>SIMPLE beer rating site???
mmblz 04:47 PM 02-04-2012
I love being able to see average ratings at beeradvocate or ratebeer.
I'd love to be able to contribute by submitting my own reviews.
I'd love to be able to keep track of my history of reviews.

But I hate the required rating systems... Appearance, smell, mouthfeel.... eff that, I'm not going to take those kind of notes. When you read someone elses review the score is just 1-5, why can't I submit it that way? It's the same for me with cigars. Just give me a simple scale. Sucks / doesn't suck is a good start, but 1-5 is about as detailed as it gets for me :-)

Does a site exist for beer that is SIMPLE ?
forgop 06:51 PM 02-04-2012
I agree and feel the same way about cigar ratings myself. All the tasting notes of chocolate, grass, earth, cinnamon, nuts-I say it's all made up anyway.
Bill86 06:58 PM 02-04-2012
I agree, I've never taken notes on beers. Just taste and a rating. Too busy enjoying the beer and it's gone long before I have a page or two of notes on it.

I find cigar reviews to help, I really don't agree with beer reviews for whatever reason. I think a lot of times people are way off base.

I just drink beers that I think I will enjoy, done me right thus far.

Never found a site to have anything worth while ratings wise. Looking up beers and stuff, sure but that's about it.
chippewastud79 07:02 PM 02-04-2012

Keeps track of what you've had, 1-5 stars, can add notes and where you drank it. It will likely make you branch out as you discover other beers that your friends have been drinking and gives you suggested beers based on what you like. Quite the comprehensive list of beer. Unfortunately, the downsides are that you cannot see other 'reviews' other than notes people left, the average rating from the rest of users is limited to whole stars and its not really a review site. :-)

Its a fun little sight, kind of like a social netowrk for beer. Probably a bit too simplified for what you are looking for. :-)
newcigarz 04:50 AM 02-05-2012 has a new ticking system. You can rate any beer you have drank on a 1-5 star system. The site keeps track of your ticks the same way it does rates. You can't add any description or comment unless you do a full rate. I use the ticking system for now. Because this is a new feature, I have actually been going back and ticking some beers that I know I have tried even though it may have been a while ago.

mmblz 06:19 AM 02-05-2012
thanks guys!
dwoodward 09:48 AM 02-05-2012
I think the main reason a 1-5 system isn't used is because there are too many people out there that will simply rate a beer 1 because they didn't like it. They didn't specify anything about what they didn't like about it and didn't actually do any attempt to rate it beyond their personal tastes.

In my eyes, that's the reason for the whole scale it makes you think when you drink, mouthfeel is just as important as taste and finish when drinking a beer and it's important too to some people. My girlfriend of instance is one of those "texture" types, where she likes the taste of some drinks at the bar but wont drink it because of how it feels in her mouth. That's just an example of course.

But I agree a 1-5 system isn't entirely bad, but I do think that 1-5 systems should be kept separate from the "in depth" reviews.
Jbailey 10:52 PM 02-15-2012
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
I agree with Adam with Untappd. I love the mobile app.
kaisersozei 07:11 AM 02-16-2012
I'm another Untappd user. It's a social app, beer inventory, rating system all rolled in to one. I think it links to FB & Foursquare. I'd post my user name so you guys can find me & track my drinking patterns, if I could figure out how I'm registered :-)
Brutus2600 08:07 AM 02-16-2012
Another Untappd user, love it!

Add me if you'd like :-)

Username: Stogiesnbrews
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:28 AM 02-16-2012
Can a Blackberry user get the app?
kaisersozei 08:48 AM 02-16-2012
Nate, check here:

Looks like they've only developed a mobile app for iOS & Droid
awsmith4 09:02 AM 02-16-2012
Another Untappd user here

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Can a Blackberry user get the app?
Not sure if they now have an app but I use to just go to their site on my browser from my BlackBerry or from my laptop. Sometimes I had issues with the location based stuff but never an issue checking in to the beer.
chippewastud79 09:40 AM 02-16-2012
You can check in beers on Blackberry, but I have yet to be able to add a location. :-)
awsmith4 10:04 AM 02-16-2012
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
You can check in beers on Blackberry, but I have yet to be able to add a location. :-)
Seemed like it worked 50% of the time and the odds were better if I was connected to wifi. I switched phones in October so no recent experience.
LasciviousXXX 10:05 AM 02-16-2012
Sweet! Just signed up at Untappd. Thanks for the rec gentlemen :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 11:27 AM 02-16-2012
Yeah thanks guys. I'm signing up.
Jbailey 12:47 PM 02-16-2012
User name Justinbailey.
chippewastud79 01:20 PM 02-16-2012
Its a fun site, but it kind of makes me feel like an alcoholic when I look at the beers. It definitely has coerced me into trying other beers I wouldn't have otherwise tried and buying some beers just to check them off my list of 'Unique beers'. :-)
awsmith4 01:39 PM 02-16-2012
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
I'm another Untappd user. It's a social app, beer inventory, rating system all rolled in to one. I think it links to FB & Foursquare. I'd post my user name so you guys can find me & track my drinking patterns, if I could figure out how I'm registered :-)
I think I just searched Gerard F. and you showed up
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