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Entertainment>Friday the 13th
Darrell 06:35 PM 02-13-2009

The new Friday the 13th came out today. Is anyone seeing it? Apparently it's all 3 of the first movies tied into one. It was produced by Michael Bay, which isn't really that good, LOL. I am going to catch a Matinee tomorrow, but overall don't have very high expectations.

icehog3 06:37 PM 02-13-2009
Isn't that the starting goalie for the San Jose Sharks?

jamesb3 10:02 PM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Isn't that the starting goalie for the San Jose Sharks?

Sure does look like Nabokov.:-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:42 AM 02-14-2009
nobody went to see it? It didnt look very good. Maybe someone can tell me if it was good.
icehog3 08:54 AM 02-14-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
nobody went to see it? It didnt look very good. Maybe someone can tell me if it was good.
Nabokov got the shutout. :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 09:00 AM 02-14-2009
Nah, hes no killer
icehog3 09:06 AM 02-14-2009

"I'm not a keeler?? Trade me right f$#@ing now!"

:-) :-)
ucla695 01:49 PM 02-14-2009
I think I'm going to wait for this to come out on cable.
yellowgoat 02:00 PM 02-14-2009
I will not be seeing it. I really hate these MTV movie remakes and will run far and fast from it. I learned me lesson from Rob Zombies Crapoween.
pit bull 02:11 PM 02-14-2009
I made it through the 13th, now the real hell is today:-)
kzm007 02:40 PM 02-14-2009
Originally Posted by yellowgoat:
I will not be seeing it. I really hate these MTV movie remakes and will run far and fast from it. I learned me lesson from Rob Zombies Crapoween.
I liked the remake...didn't have the suspense factor that the original held, but it was bloody enough to unsettle me, which is what I like in horror flicks.

My :-)
yellowgoat 03:05 PM 02-14-2009
Here's what I'm going by
In that review is all the things I try to avoid in a movie.

Some people love that kind of stuff, But I love the old school style camera work and effects. Seems all the soul and heart has been killed in remakes and in the directors. It seems that art in film is dead when it comes down to making/releasing a Hollywood movie. Maybe writers and directors just gave up and must obey the masters before they get wiped again for free thinking.

Whatever! I'll stick with what I like. :-)
Darrell 03:42 PM 02-14-2009
Patrick and I went to see this today while Danielle took Abby to see Coraline.

I am a huge fan of horror from the 1960’s through the 1970’s. I barely give modern “horror” a chance. I loved the Friday the 13th flicks as a child and decided after much hesitation to give the latest installment a chance.

I will say, I was amazed that it did not totally suck.

I liked it quite a bit more than I could have imagined. It was your classic campy slasher flick starring your favorite guy in the hockey mask.

It was less than inventive and offered absolutely nothing for the series or horror genre.

However, it was entertaining.

Is it the best F13 flick? No.

Is it worth a matinee to see titties and terror on Camp Crystal Lake? Sure why not.
yellowgoat 05:40 PM 02-14-2009
Sounds like it's not worth my time, It's hard to drag myself to a movie that doesn't add anything to the original, It seems like a slap in the face to me.

The only remake that's any good is JC's The Thing.

Thanks for the review D!
Darrell 08:18 PM 02-14-2009
Originally Posted by yellowgoat:
Sounds like it's not worth my time, It's hard to drag myself to a movie that doesn't add anything to the original, It seems like a slap in the face to me.

The only remake that's any good is JC's The Thing.

Thanks for the review D!
John Carpenter's The Thing is a GREAT flick, I agree. :-)
icehog3 11:29 PM 02-14-2009
Did anyone score on Nabokov?
Starscream 11:59 AM 02-15-2009
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Patrick and I went to see this today while Danielle took Abby to see Coraline.

I am a huge fan of horror from the 1960’s through the 1970’s. I barely give modern “horror” a chance. I loved the Friday the 13th flicks as a child and decided after much hesitation to give the latest installment a chance.

I will say, I was amazed that it did not totally suck.

I liked it quite a bit more than I could have imagined. It was your classic campy slasher flick starring your favorite guy in the hockey mask.

It was less than inventive and offered absolutely nothing for the series or horror genre.

However, it was entertaining.

Is it the best F13 flick? No.

Is it worth a matinee to see titties and terror on Camp Crystal Lake? Sure why not.
That's all that I expect from any of the Friday the 13th films. Your review makes me want to go see it even more.
Starscream 03:50 PM 02-22-2009
I just went and saw this movie and boy did it suck! I almost walked out before the opening scene was done. It did get better as it progressed, but they totally screwed up Jason's persona. This wasn't Jason, but some screwjob dressed as him. Were they trying to make him Batman? What was with all the dramatic poses on the rooftop? Some of the methods in which he killed his victims were un-Jasonlike. When did Jason ever take the time to tie someone up in a sleeping bag and then hang them over a campfire? Just friggin' kill the girl already! I wish they gave Rob Zombie the reigns to this film; he would have done it right IMHO. If you are a true Jason Vorhees fan, don't go see this film.:-)
Starscream 04:18 PM 02-22-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
I just went and saw this movie and boy did it suck! I almost walked out before the opening scene was done. It did get better as it progressed, but they totally screwed up Jason's persona. This wasn't Jason, but some screwjob dressed as him. Were they trying to make him Batman? What was with all the dramatic poses on the rooftop? Some of the methods in which he killed his victims were un-Jasonlike. When did Jason ever take the time to tie someone up in a sleeping bag and then hang them over a campfire? Just friggin' kill the girl already! I wish they gave Rob Zombie the reigns to this film; he would have done it right IMHO. If you are a true Jason Vorhees fan, don't go see this film.:-)

EDIT: I was amazed to see the number of three, four, and five year old children in the theater for this film. Parents ought to be ashamed to take children this young to see a movie like this.
tobii3 08:29 PM 02-22-2009
Okay, HOW many sequels can you possibly make??

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