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General Discussion>Steve Jobs
Conch Republican 05:50 PM 10-05-2011
Has died...
Skywalker 05:51 PM 10-05-2011
Just heard:

RIP Steve Jobs
T.G 05:54 PM 10-05-2011
newcigarz 05:58 PM 10-05-2011
massphatness 06:02 PM 10-05-2011
cmitch 06:03 PM 10-05-2011
longknocker 06:03 PM 10-05-2011
RIP, Mr.Jobs.
floydpink 06:07 PM 10-05-2011
I lost my father 18 years ago to pacreatic cancer, like Steve died from.

It's a horrible disease and I salute Mr.Jobs for the fight he put up, also like my father.
kelmac07 06:10 PM 10-05-2011
elderboy02 06:15 PM 10-05-2011
Damn. That sucks. He was a genius.
Lonely Raven 06:17 PM 10-05-2011
He was a brilliant man and will be missed.
MrClean 06:31 PM 10-05-2011
As much as I dislike Apple, I've always thought Steve was a genius business man. He will be missed, RIP Steve.
Posted via Mobile Device
Remo 06:34 PM 10-05-2011
I am in his will.......just sayin.
Ogre 06:38 PM 10-05-2011
RIP Brother.
CigarNut 06:39 PM 10-05-2011
RIP - he made a lasting impact on the world
NeuRon 06:47 PM 10-05-2011
Rip :-)
bobarian 06:51 PM 10-05-2011
Rest In Peace
floydpink 06:57 PM 10-05-2011
At 56, I can only imagine what he had in store, much like John Lennon...

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do,"

"If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on." -Steve Jobs

replicant_argent 07:06 PM 10-05-2011
A respectable and successful man in any rational persons mind.
Steve made some world changing stuff happen, and the world is a better place for his place in it.
GreekGodX 07:44 PM 10-05-2011
Today we lost a great innovator and creator. He has changed many lives. RIP Steve Jobs.
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