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General Discussion>An appointment with hell
Blueface 08:57 AM 04-19-2010
At least that is what it feels like.
I have a six o'clock appointment for something I have fought against since the first week of August of last year when he was first diagnosed and operated for a massive cancerous mast cell tumor.

I feel good that I think I have done everything humanely within my ability to help him, to include weekly visits at home by a vet. However, one never stops second guessing, specially when trying to figure out when to pull the trigger like this.

He has shut down on me. Has not eaten a drop of food in four days. Very, very little food for the 10 days prior to that. For a five pound dog, it doesn't take very many days without food to kill him and I certainly don't want that horrific death for him.

I have spent the weekend administering under the skin IV fluids to keep him hydrated and medicating in hope of turning him around. It looks like his digestive system has shut down, overcome by the cancer cells that remained in him.

I could have treated him with chemo and radiation but I fought with that idea and my wife was totally against it as she felt it would be inhumane to force that type of treatment on him at his old age of 14 (which he would have been on 4/30).

This is one major crappy day for me to say the least. Won't be easy on my son and wife either. He spent his time idolizing my son and being his best bud. In recent months, I was now his best bud. My dad always had a special attachment to Champ also.

I will miss my friend so badly. Only those of you that have gone through this pain can imagine what it is like. Hard to imagine an animal can be like one's child.

Farewell soon to you my dear faithful friend Champ. God bless you always for the joy you brought to so many lives.

replicant_argent 08:59 AM 04-19-2010
It's a hard thing, Carlos, thoughts with you and your family.
elderboy02 09:02 AM 04-19-2010
Sorry to hear this. Remember the good times you have had with him.

I know I will cry like a baby when my current dog dies.
King James 09:03 AM 04-19-2010
Very sorry for your loss, Carlos.... but I think you are making the right decision. It is never easy to make that choice when it comes to a dog that has become such a part of the family. Hope you can smoke one in Champ's honor and focus on the good memories of a very long life
pnoon 09:04 AM 04-19-2010
So very sorry, Carlos.
It is never easy to lose a member of your family.
MarioF 09:05 AM 04-19-2010
I still remember the day back in 87 that I had to make the same decision. Very hard but you are doing what is best.
newcigarz 09:06 AM 04-19-2010
So sorry Carlos. I know how much this means to you.
Wanger 09:06 AM 04-19-2010
Been through it several times myself. Never a fun decision to have to make, but at least you can control the pain they have at the end and that they may go as peaceful as possible.

Kreth 09:06 AM 04-19-2010
I know exactly how you feel, Carlos. Last year our dog was in a similar situation. It got to the point where he couldn't even keep water down, so we decided to put him to sleep rather than prolong his suffering.
Posted via Mobile Device
croatan 09:10 AM 04-19-2010
So sorry to hear this, Carlos. I know how much he means to you. Just know that you're making the right decision for the little guy.
RightAJ 09:14 AM 04-19-2010
God bless him brother... he know how much you love him. Prayers sent

Jbailey 09:18 AM 04-19-2010
I'm very sad to hear Carlos. It's never an easy thing to do.

Since I was a kids we have put down some great pets. They do become a member of the family and it's tough decision to make, but in the end it's the right one.
issues 09:21 AM 04-19-2010
I am deeply sorry Carlos.

I still have yet to fully get over my dog passing away and it's been over 2 years now. She was everything to me and my vet didn't help matters. When I ask if it was time to put her down the vet talked me out of it. That same day Natasha passed away and bled out in my back seat on the way to get a blood transfusion.

You are making the right decision as I would not want anyone to endure having to watch as your pet suffers to death as I did.

Peace be with you and your family...
AD720 09:22 AM 04-19-2010
Keep your head up Carlos, you are doing the right thing for your buddy. He is hurting and letting him go is right thing for him. You've always done right by him and you can always know that you kept that up until the end.

I'll be thinking about you today.
floydpink 09:32 AM 04-19-2010

I went through this at Christmas with my 14 year old buddy and know what you're going through.

Just reading your post is a testiment to the caring owner you have been.

Your heart will be heavy but will guide you best.

The act of ending a dog's pain and suffering and being with them so your eyes are the final thing they see, is the ultimate final act of kindness in my opinion.

Nothing's better than a good dog. NOTHING.
klipsch 09:34 AM 04-19-2010
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
shilala 09:40 AM 04-19-2010
Our prayers and thoughts will be with your family today, Carlos.
You've certainly been blessed with such a wonderful addition to your family. It's not an easy thing to do, saying goodbye. Be thankful the little guy will be at peace.
icehog3 09:57 AM 04-19-2010
I feel badly for you Carlos, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Our cherished pets love us unconditionally, and they must trust us to make that decision that they cannot make when the time comes. It hurts, but we know it is the right things to do for the family members we love so much.
MiamiE 10:03 AM 04-19-2010
Carlos very sad for you. I don't know what will happen to me when my little guy goes. My wife and I treat him like if he was our son.
e-man67 10:19 AM 04-19-2010
It is so tuff losing a member of the family. I am very sorry for your loss.
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