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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
icehog3 11:36 AM 11-25-2010
Happy Thanksgiving to my Brothers of the Iron.
BigFrank 05:51 PM 11-25-2010
Looking good there Dan. It's slow at first, but stick with it. A lot of people never make it past the first 4-6 months of training.

I'm totally stuffed with food, pie, beer, and soda. Gym tomorrow.
itzfrank 11:04 PM 11-25-2010
Ok. So this is my first thanksgiving while being on a diet and I'm not really sure of how to handle it. I've read that most people use today as a carefree day but I'm more concerned with enjoying myself today and then being ok tomorrow. haha.

My normal meal consists of 9oz chicken breast/turkey/tilapia/salmon.

I replaced it with Turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes(small amount), gravy, cranberry jelly sauce, and a slice of pie.

I did this two days in a row. How much damage could I have done? I was at 10.3%BF after monday's weigh in.
icehog3 01:13 AM 11-26-2010
You have likely made your metabolsim much more efficient with your diet and exercise, Frank, so a couple days of cheating won't hurt at all....actually, sometimes I think it actually helps. I usually have at least one cheat day a week.
DBall 06:43 AM 11-26-2010
I thought I was gonna be in pain all over today... only my lower back hurts. Oh well... time for coffee and a cigar.
BigFrank 07:37 AM 11-26-2010
Originally Posted by itzfrank:
Ok. So this is my first thanksgiving while being on a diet and I'm not really sure of how to handle it. I've read that most people use today as a carefree day but I'm more concerned with enjoying myself today and then being ok tomorrow. haha.
My normal meal consists of 9oz chicken breast/turkey/tilapia/salmon.
I replaced it with Turkey breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes(small amount), gravy, cranberry jelly sauce, and a slice of pie.
I did this two days in a row. How much damage could I have done? I was at 10.3%BF after monday's weigh in.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
You have likely made your metabolsim much more efficient with your diet and exercise, Frank, so a couple days of cheating won't hurt at all....actually, sometimes I think it actually helps. I usually have at least one cheat day a week.
I agree with Tom here. I usually have a "cheat day" once a week and try and get 2 - 3 times the calories I normally get on a normal day. There are many schools of thought on this. I believe that by allowing yourself to enjoy foods that are not clean / diet worthy it keeps you honest the rest of the week when trying to avoid such foods. Also, a big jump in calories proceeded by a day of moderate to low calories causes a spike in your metabolism. I would avoid cheating multiple days in a row or having cheat meals throughout the week. Pick a day a week, eat whatever you want, take the GF / Wife / w/e, out to eat at some restaurant. Stuff your face, drink a few beers. Then the day after back on track with everything. Unless you are doing a bodybuilding show and you're trying to get into the single digits bodyfat wise you'll be fine.
Originally Posted by DBall:
I thought I was gonna be in pain all over today... only my lower back hurts. Oh well... time for coffee and a cigar.
Invest in a foam roller and get some soft tissue work in.

Also, I use to have a lot of lower back issues because I squat and deadlift on the same day. After your workout hit up the foam roller and do some stretching for your lower back, hips, and hamstrings. That is if you would like to walking like a normal person a day or two after.
itzfrank 08:50 AM 11-26-2010
Thanks for the advice guys. I've read that it will help with metabolism but like I said, I haven't had much experience with this. I don't have a show or anything but my nutrition coach is moving me to 8%BF before we lean bulk. I feel so bloated it's disgusting. I'm very good with self control and I almost never cheat since I season my foods well and with variety.

Just wasn't sure of how to approach the Holidays and I'd really hate to move backwards 1% or something stupid.

I had a 1am Freakout session. lol.
DBall 04:08 PM 11-26-2010
Got gloves and a belt today! :-)
BigFrank 07:36 PM 11-26-2010
Originally Posted by DBall:
Got gloves and a belt today! :-)
Screw gloves, get some chalk! :-)
Ken 08:43 PM 11-26-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
Bench last night. Worked with some chains, keep the weight light at the bottom due to some shoulder issues
How do you like using chains? And are following the 5-3-1 protocol?
BigFrank 08:17 AM 11-27-2010
Originally Posted by Ken:
How do you like using chains? And are following the 5-3-1 protocol?
To be honest I usually do not use chains often. During that gym session I wanted to do some 3 or 4 board work but only one other guy showed up to train, being the holidays and such most of the guys in our crew are either taking time off or coming in at odd hours. Most of the time I use bands because they are rather easy to set up.

I used the 5 3 1 program for about 9 weeks or so ( havent taken it down from my title ) I found it was a decent program but I find it would be better suited for beginner lifters, older lifters or lifters looking to drop some weight or get into better conditioning. Overall it's a great training template because of how simple things are, which is the whole point of it. Plus at this point I am not training 100% raw, I have been working with a new pair of briefs and a new bench shirt.
DBall 06:59 PM 11-28-2010
quick question on frequency... Do people go daily and if so, how do you break up the excercises? I presently go 3x weekly and kinda want to start going more...
PeteSB75 06:49 AM 11-29-2010
Originally Posted by DBall:
quick question on frequency... Do people go daily and if so, how do you break up the excercises? I presently go 3x weekly and kinda want to start going more...
Are you doing full body, or body part splits? I generally lift 3x/week and do legs, chest/arms and back/shoulders as my split. Lots of different ways to play it. When I was lifting 4x/week regularly, I would do legs, chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/abs.

Back/shoulders yesterday. Damn holidays messing with my groove...
Patrick B 03:06 AM 11-30-2010
Still enjoying the heavier lifting, less cardio, and not-so-strict diet. Over the last 3 weeks my weight went up 3 pounds but that's with a 4 pound muscle gain according to the BMI thingy. Going to stick with this plan for 2.5 more weeks, then a 2 week break in Florida for the holidays. I'm telling myself the vaction will have some jogging, pushups, and situps, but that's probably wishful thinking. There's a lot of fish to catch and cigars to smoke.

As a side note, I'm loving JM presses on the Smith machine for triceps. New levels of deep muscle pump and some great soreness afterwards.
AD720 06:02 AM 11-30-2010
I finally made it back to the Gym after being out for 3 weeks with a back problem, 2 weeks of family stuff and then the Thanksgiving Holiday.

I was dragging my feet all the way there but once I got going I was glad to be back. :-)
PeteSB75 06:37 AM 11-30-2010
Pushing the bench this morning. 200x1, 215x1, 235x0, 235x1, then 200x5. Missed my first attempt on the 235, set up too far down the bench and couldn't bring it over to do the lift. Hit the second try, but was a bit too gassed to get through the rep-out at the end. Tried for a 6th, but had to have my spotter finish it. Tomorrow morning is my squat and dead new 1RM attempt. Looking forward to it :-)
mosesbotbol 07:43 AM 11-30-2010
Originally Posted by DBall:
quick question on frequency... Do people go daily and if so, how do you break up the excercises? I presently go 3x weekly and kinda want to start going more...
I break it with lifting/cardio and stretching/cardio days. That way you are not neglecting either equally important function in the gym.

Just as you could do a standard weightlifting day, then a Yoga day, and flip flop.

If you don't do cardio on your weight lifting days, try weights day, heavy cardio day (like Spinning), and then a Yoga day. You'll be able to do one or two of each, each week. You'll be in top shape if you maintain that schedule through the winter no doubt!
BigFrank 12:35 PM 11-30-2010
Originally Posted by Patrick B:

As a side note, I'm loving JM presses on the Smith machine for triceps. New levels of deep muscle pump and some great soreness afterwards.
Try 'em with dumbbells :-)
DBall 01:27 PM 11-30-2010
I have come to the conclusion that dead lifts are impossible. Not to do the weight, mind you, but to keep my back straight. Even with low weight, my back just naturally bends forward. Ugh... drives me nuts.

Squats and good mornings, though, I can keep my back fine for.
BigFrank 01:39 PM 11-30-2010
Do you mean that your lower back is rounded?
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