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General Discussion>Ya ever wonder...
Steve 10:16 AM 06-29-2010
why a "bra" is singular and "panties" are plural?

G G 10:18 AM 06-29-2010
Yes I have.:-)
thebayratt 10:19 AM 06-29-2010
Because " Don't get your panty in a wad " wouldn't sound right!
replicant_argent 10:36 AM 06-29-2010
don't ask, don't tell, Steve.

OLS 10:54 AM 06-29-2010
Or that we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway.
BradNC 11:03 AM 06-29-2010
Hmmmm. This question deserves a smoke and some pondering......
kelmac07 11:35 AM 06-29-2010
Hmmm...why yes I have. :-) :-) :-)
Mugen910 11:40 AM 06-29-2010
Or why Hawaii has an interstate highway?

sorry IDK if that is true or not.
Commander Quan 11:42 AM 06-29-2010
Or why they are called apartments when they are all stuck together?
HK3- 11:43 AM 06-29-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Or why Hawaii has an interstate highway?

sorry IDK if that is true or not.
Who rolls your cigars? :-)
the MacDonald 11:57 AM 06-29-2010
Originally Posted by HK3-:
Who rolls your cigars? :-)
Cuban virgins...on their thighs, who else?
captain53 12:13 PM 06-29-2010
Can honestly say I never wondered but now that you mention it sure makes no sense does it?:-)
md4958 01:16 PM 06-29-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
Or why Hawaii has an interstate highway?

sorry IDK if that is true or not.
its true

(and the answer is: so that the Federal government, not state, pays for it)
fuente~fuente 01:18 PM 06-29-2010
Taking a dump, when your actually leaving a dump...
JaKaacH 01:19 PM 06-29-2010
Why does most used paint come in the shape of a house...?
SaltyMcGee 01:26 PM 06-29-2010
Col. Kurtz 01:29 PM 06-29-2010
I never thought of that one, but I do stay awake at night wondering if fish ever get thirsty.
SNKBYT 01:54 PM 06-29-2010
hemorrhoids on your azz.....and ...asteroids in the hemisphere