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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>"Off-Brand" Wineador
emopunker2004 06:27 PM 03-30-2012
CA doesn't have any more 28-ct Edgestar S&Ds right now. So i'm going to go with an Edgestar 18ct dual zone or another off brand. Anyone have any experience with the following for use as a wineador?
Danby 12-ct

Haier 16-ct
bobarian 06:32 PM 03-30-2012
Neither of those are "Off-brands" both are major manufacturers that make many different appliances. Both are fairly small but if they fit your needs and budget, then I see no problem. :-)
OLS 06:44 PM 03-30-2012
I am not sure WHY it is important, but scour the specs to make sure they are THERMOELECTRIC coolers.
A smart person from here could likely tell you why, but if it ain't thermoelectric, pass it by.
emopunker2004 06:52 PM 03-30-2012
Well i know the danby is. I'd have to research the Haier.
kelmac07 07:55 PM 03-30-2012
I have a Haier 24 bottle and love it...other than it being a bit "skinnier" than my Edgestar.
emopunker2004 07:58 PM 03-30-2012
Well i bit the bullet and ordered the 18 bottle Edgestar Dual zone
icehog3 08:00 PM 03-30-2012
So I can close this now?
emopunker2004 08:07 PM 03-30-2012