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Health and Fitness>Best 45 Minute or Less Workout DVD?
ade06 12:37 PM 11-16-2011
I'm looking for a total body workout DVD that I can do at home with very little equipment that takes less than 45 minutes to complete. I've done P90x (well 60 days worth) and loved it, but I just don't have an hour plus to workout each day.

In searching the internet, kettlebell workouts seem to fit the bill. Do they really work? If so, which ones are good? Any other recommendations? My home gym (my living room) equipment consists of a pull-up bar, yoga mat, and a few dumbells.

Thanks in advance!
Chainsaw13 12:57 PM 11-16-2011
I was going to suggest the Power 90 program. It came before P90x. Each workout is around 30-45 minutes. But I'm wondering if it would be a bit easy after having done the P90x.
ade06 01:17 PM 11-16-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
I was going to suggest the Power 90 program. It came before P90x. Each workout is around 30-45 minutes. But I'm wondering if it would be a bit easy after having done the P90x.
Thanks, it's been over a year since P90X, so I have to start all over again. I was/am also considering doing P90.
Chainsaw13 01:21 PM 11-16-2011
I got about 45-50 days into P90, then work got in the way and I'm on the road a lot. hard to get the workouts in. I hadn't gone up to workouts 3-4 yet, so I can't honestly say how tough or long they are. Workouts 1-2 and the Fat Burning Express were pretty good though. Could always work up a good sweat and I was definitely seeing results.
Blak Smyth 01:31 PM 11-16-2011
A medicine ball, kettle bells, dumb bells all have good workouts.
It is good to mix it up each day. Me and a couple friends are doing these now.

Last nights work out:
I try to do a good 30-45 minute workout a couple times a week, this week I did the following routine all with a 12 pound medicine ball:
10-12 reps of each excersize with no rest. After 1 set of each rest for 2 minutes. repeat for 3 sets.


Boxer twist:

Alternating push-ups:


Blak Smyth 01:39 PM 11-16-2011
Alternating lunges with twist:

Turkish getup:

Close push up:

Tricep Toss up:
(Like this but throw it up and catch it)
Blak Smyth 01:47 PM 11-16-2011
Wall bounce:

Best part is no dvd required!
sofaman 06:31 AM 12-10-2011
My vote would go to Insanity but when you get to the 2nd month MAX workouts it takes 50-55 min:-)
hammondc 07:02 AM 12-10-2011
Originally Posted by sofaman:
My vote would go to Insanity but when you get to the 2nd month MAX workouts it takes 50-55 min:-)
+1 if you can allow the extra 10 mins. That program will rock you.
kaisersozei 08:19 AM 12-10-2011
Originally Posted by hammondc:
+1 if you can allow the extra 10 mins. That program will rock you.
+2 on Insanity for being a killer workout--plus it requires no equipment and little space
Chainsaw13 08:57 AM 12-10-2011
I've heard good things about Insanity too and will be looking to pick up the discs sometime next year.

I did start workouts 3-4 in the Power90 program, well actually just workout 3 (cardio). It's a continuation of workout 1, but more sets of each exercise. It'll give you a nice workout in under 45 minutes. I'm drenched in sweat at the end. Plus the AbRipper 200 is a nice ending.