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All Cigar Discussion>The Fabulous Story of Puro
Vitis 01:56 PM 11-15-2008
Just finished watching "The Fabulous Story of Puro" (Also titled "The Fabulous Story of the Cuban Cigar) while smoking an MC#4. Anyone else seen this?

It's about an hour long with some good footage of growing/harvest and curing/sorting/rolling. Also some decent interviews with historians and old timers. Nothing revolutionary here (yeah I see the irony in that statement) but certainly a good way to spend an hour on a Saturday while enjoying one of their products.

IMHO not worth owning for the $15 Amazon wants for it, but good enough to watch or pick up on the cheap, or easily findable on the net for $0.

Unfortunately the MC#4 (oct 07) was way to tight and really monolithic but none the less, the movie and the stick were an enjoyable combo.


parafumar 02:25 PM 11-15-2008
watched this off of Netflix - good place to get it for a watch, not sure it is worth more than $5 to $10 though.

Thought it was some good info / footage, especially for someone not quite part of the 'darkside' such as myself.
hoax 02:30 PM 11-15-2008
The first hit off youtube, "The Fabulous Story of Poop". :-)
troutbreath 03:07 PM 11-15-2008
Have never seen that. May have to find a copy on the cheap.

I got a gift set last year at Christmas from CAO which had a DVD on their production. Pretty interesting stuff.
icantbejon 03:46 PM 11-15-2008
I watched that CAO video as well. I'd never really seen the process before, so it was interesting to me. It would be really cool to see what the bigwigs of Cuba are doing. I'll keep an eye out for this video.