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All Cigar Discussion>The BEST Tasting Cigar.....
smokin5 09:37 PM 10-16-2008 the one you get for free!:-)
I just won a box of the new HdM Excalibur Legends
from the drawing at General Cigars (!!
They won't arrive for 6 to 8 weeks, but I can live with that.

I WILL have to share my good fortune when they arrive, however, so.....
the first 2 Inmates that PM me and tell me 6 or more of their favorite musical artists/bands/songs will each get a pair of the Excalibur Legends after they show up.

Ready? GO!!!
awsmith4 10:20 PM 10-16-2008
Congrats brother, I won a box of Don Tomas Clasico from then a little while back
GWags 10:27 PM 10-16-2008
Congrats to You! That's awesome!
smokin5 09:35 AM 10-17-2008
No takers? :-)
This has got to be a first -
no one grabbing an offer for free smokes!

Just as well, lets me add one more condition;
offer only open to those in the U.S.

No disrespect to my Canadian BOTL/SOTL's, but
foreign postage rates & customs confuse me.
smokin5 12:51 PM 10-17-2008
Now THAT's more like it!:-)

Bobarian & GhostRyder were the first 2 responders,
so you're both "on the list" -
As soon as the box of HdM's arrive,
I'll contact you & send them out.

GhostRyder, PM your address to me.

And thanks for playing our game!
The play-at-home edition will be in stores soon. :-)
FriskyDingo 06:28 AM 10-18-2008
Nice score by the way! I like these alot. A bit more beefier than the regular Excalibur line and a nice underlying sweetness and spice.