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Jokes>NFL Contracting
TheStatsGuy 11:52 AM 02-04-2010
The NFL announced today that for financial reasons,
they had to eliminate one team from the league.
So they've decided to combine the Green Bay Packers
and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and form one team,
causing many layoffs but saving millions of dollars in costs.

They will be known as the TAMPACKS.

Unfortunately, they're only good for one period
and have no second string.
elderboy02 11:58 AM 02-04-2010
marge796 12:46 PM 02-04-2010

bscottskangum 01:12 PM 02-04-2010
ucla695 01:28 PM 02-04-2010
:-) :-)
CBI_2 07:19 PM 02-04-2010
As a Bucs fan. :-) and :-) based on this past season.

Still though it is funny stuff. :-)