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Entertainment>Favorite Actors/Actresses
Starscream 04:23 PM 10-22-2009
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Is Citizen Kane next on his list?
Now that you mention it, if they ever do remake Citizen Kane (I hope they do not), he would be an excellent candidate for the lead role.
mash 05:56 PM 10-22-2009
Gene Hackman
Liam Neeson
Anthony Hopkins
Dustin Hoffman
Michael Douglas
krash 08:29 PM 10-22-2009
Actors from a bygone era that I like:

Cary Grant - great actor
John Wayne - ultimate cowboy
Jimmy Stewart - Comedy/drama/western
Maureen O'Hara - John's leading lady in many films
Audrey Hepburn - Breakfast at Tiffany's
Katherine Hepburn - In any role

Current list:

Denzel Washington - The Mighty Quinn
Tom Hanks - Comedy/Drama excellent actor
John Travolta - I'm one of the few who actually liked Battlefield Earth
Julia Roberts - From Pretty Woman to the Ocean 11-12-13 Series
Joan Allen - Bourne series/Pleasantville
Emily Mortimer - Formula 51

There are others, but I'll watch any movie with these people in it at least once.:-)
Aldebaran 07:20 PM 10-23-2009
This might be long but films are my favorite thing along with cigars.

My favorite actress is Juliette Binoche who is amazing in everyone of her performances. I first noticed her in Three Colors: Blue and after that I fell in love with what she can do on screen.

Gwyneth Paltrow would be my second favorite but she is incredibly hit or miss in some of her more recent roles but when she does something good it is great.

Frances McDormand is another great actress who I first noticed in Fargo and she brings a good charm to anything she does.

Jennifer Connelly is good and stars in the only film ever to make me cry a bit and that is House of Sand and Fog. She also stars in my favorite film Dark City so that gets her instant points.

Lina Leandersson fourteen years old and only one movie but that one was my favorite from last year, Let the Right One In, and her role in that left me absolutely awestruck. In a similar note her co-star Kĺre Hedebrant was every bit as good in his role as well.

One of the better actors out is Matt Damon. At first I did not like him but the Bourne series gave me a new look into him and then The Departed came out and I thought damn this guy can act. I gave his earlier material and realized it wasnt him I disliked it was Ben Affleck.

I said Dark City was my favorite film and Rufus Sewell was the lead role. He does a lot of bad movies but when he is given a good role like in Dark City or John Adams he is a great actor. I wish he would move on past the costumed roles. His show 11th hour wasn't so bad.

Paul Giamatti is great as well his role as John Adams forced me to respect what he can do and it made me notice and think of what he has done and I came to realize it was all fantastic stuff.

Ben Kingsley I believe him to be the best actor alive in terms of skill. You just have to see Ghandi, House of Sand and Fog, Sexy Beast or more recently Transsiberian and Elegy to know this man is one the best around.

Ah this is already turning out to be an essay, I'll cut it short.

Other actress and actors I like

Penélope Cruz
Emily Mortimer
Brad Pitt
Robert de Niro
Daniel Craig
Malcolm McDowell, who needs to stop all these terrible movies
Kevin Spacey
Tom Hanks
Ralph Fiennes
Daniel Day Lewis of the same caliber as Ben Kingsley
Alan Rickman
Liam Neeson
LasciviousXXX 09:16 PM 10-23-2009
Good list :-)

Malcolm McDowell is in my favorite movie.... A Clockwork Orange. But I agree, his last few movies have been kinda bleh.
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