Eleven 08:39 PM 05-10-2011
I sure hope Vancouver is resting and watching red wings tapes. I was really hoping for new blood in the SC finals, but San Jose just can't seem to get the job done.
Gophernut 08:48 PM 05-10-2011
Got pretty chippy there at the end. Game 7 should be fun!!
mithrilG60 08:58 PM 05-10-2011
Looks like whomever we get will be nice and tired by the time Game 1 rolls around
:-) I'll root for the Wings simply because I was born in Windsor and their overall age means the long series will probably have a bigger effect on them
yourchoice 09:09 PM 05-10-2011
Heck of a hockey game tonight. Some missed calls by the refs...as usual!
:-) Game should be fun!
Ahbroody 09:26 PM 05-10-2011
Didnt watch it. When we got out of the rink they were losing and I kind of knew what was coming.
Looks like the Critics who have always questioned the core stars heart may be proven right yet again. Watching the post game sounds like the team has stopped skating and the Wings core leaders are showing more heart. Disappointment is common for Sharls fans so you just get used to it. A lot of talent, but yet again the core is coming up short in heart.
It is going to kill me if I have to root for the Wings.
:-) God will be punishing me
If the refing was like the other day I would agree, but as I always say good teams get it done when it matters. Sharks are not getting it done. I am suprised they wont call that soft pick the Wings run so much. The could call a few a game. Sharks have no excuse for this. They failed to finish them Sunday and some were pathetic with lack of effort.
Just finished the game.... Excited for game 7....
icehog3 11:34 PM 05-10-2011
Shocked that the Wings came back to make it 3-3. Just off the cuff, right after finishing the game, my thoughts are these.
If San Jose wins Game 7, they will lose to Vancouver.
If Detroit wins Game 7, they will beat Vancouver.
Regardless, I will be rooting against Vancouver even if they are playing a team of pedophiles.
Ahbroody 12:38 AM 05-11-2011
I dont think either will beat the Nucks.
This Sharks team just pisses me off. Talent but where is the heart?
They had the Wings dead to rights in game 5 and couldnt hold a lead. Couldnt hold a lead again tonight. All year we heard they were finally over those issues they knew to just keep playing their game and they did in the begining, but then adversity strikes and the wheels fall off the wagon and its the same old story. Lots of talent little heart.
If they lose game 7 this will be a bigger slap in the face then winning the pres trophy and losing in the first round. Man this team is torture.
Will miss atleast the first period on thursday for hockey again with the boy. Atleast I can have pride and enjoyement in watching the boy.
Bruins Fan 06:49 AM 05-11-2011
In my best Boston accent...They got no haaat
Originally Posted by mithrilG60:
Looks like whomever we get will be nice and tired by the time Game 1 rolls around :-) I'll root for the Wings simply because I was born in Windsor and their overall age means the long series will probably have a bigger effect on them

What a game! This is the first game of the series that the Wings dominated. Of the 6 games the Wings had a 1-0 lead and lost it with 8 minutes left in the 3rd of Game 1, lost a 2-1 lead with 4 min left in Game 3, out played San Jose (from what I read) in game 4, and straight up stole Game 5. Game 6 was a different one for sure. It was all Wings for probably 55 of the 60 minutes. Howard was very good again. Filpula, Datsyuk, Z, and Kronwall all had good games. When the Sharks scored first, I admit I was worried. Too many times in the past the Wings will dominate TOP, shots, chances, etc, only to end up losing the game. But, they kept up the pressure and it paid off.
Funny how the Wings didn't look like the old and slow team in this game. Like I've said before, if they lose it's cause they're old and slow. If they win it's experience. San Jose was beaten to the lose pucks all night, but rather than being old and slow, they "lack heart". Call it what you will, but the Wings finally got the better of them for a whole game. Game 7 should be a nail-biter.
As for the next round, whoever moves on I think will be emotionally and physically drained. Especially given the 3-0 to 3-3 comeback. I tend to agree with Tom. If the Wings win game 7, I think they can beat the Nucks. If the Sharks win, for whatever reason I think Vancouver will win the west.
LasciviousXXX 07:55 AM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
If Detroit wins Game 7, they will beat Vancouver.
As a Wings fan, even I must say.... that's quite hopeful brother LOL.
Fantastic game last night! Excited for tomorrow
icehog3 08:11 AM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
As a Wings fan, even I must say.... that's quite hopeful brother LOL.
It's as much with my heart as with my head Brother, but Detroit has "been there" so many times that I think they can find a way.
LasciviousXXX 08:22 AM 05-11-2011
Man don't I hope so. The Wings played with their heart and sheer adrenaline last night. It was one of those games where you could say that "they left it all out there on the ice". That being said, if they do make it past the sharks I think that the hard action and pace of this last series will play hell on some of them. Vancouver is just too quick and too good this season. However, the special teams could be there downfall
thenewguy 10:20 AM 05-11-2011
You also have to look at Vancouver sitting while Detroit is on their roll. Same thing as the Wings sitting around stagnant the whole time while waiting on the Sharks to finish business... I think that coming into the WF with all that momentum, Vancouver is sure going to have their hands full. At least I hope so.. GO WINGS
rebelknight 12:37 PM 05-11-2011
I'm not already looking at the what if for the Sharks. Even though they have appeared to completely collapse I still believe they can win one game which is all that matters at this point. However if I was to look ahead assuming the Sharks lose I wouldn't root for either western conference team. I'd love to see the Bolts win.
Originally Posted by rebelknight:
I'm not already looking at the what if for the Sharks. Even though they have appeared to completely collapse I still believe they can win one game which is all that matters at this point. However if I was to look ahead assuming the Sharks lose I wouldn't root for either western conference team. I'd love to see the Bolts win.
I agree. I'd love for Yzerman to get a cup as a GM.
icehog3 01:31 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by rebelknight:
I'm not already looking at the what if for the Sharks. Even though they have appeared to completely collapse I still believe they can win one game which is all that matters at this point. However if I was to look ahead assuming the Sharks lose I wouldn't root for either western conference team. I'd love to see the Bolts win.
Problem being, I can see them winning "one more game" tomorrow, then losing 4 straight to the 'Nucks. I am almost hoping Detroit wins now, but I won't be upset if SJ wins....just pessimistic about beating Vancouver.
LasciviousXXX 01:32 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by 357:
I agree. I'd love for Yzerman to get a cup as a GM.

Ahbroody 02:06 PM 05-11-2011
The Sharks may pull it out. If not I think its time to look at changing some big pieces as its not working. They are the bigger faster team and if they decide to skate like they did in games 1-3 I think they can win. The puck pursuit is slower and everyone is playing scared. The other issue is if they let the wings win the psych advantage which was gone will be renewed. Really a bad situation for the Sharks. They are scared to lose and not playing their usual game. The problem is the people that are supposed to be carrying the team are afk as usual in the playoffs and the guys who often carry them have not been coming through as much. On paper the Sharks are the better team, but as I said last night the heart/pride is missing. The playoffs is all about heart/pride. I really thought these days were behind the Sharks, but it is looking like same old $hit. I am pulling hard for the boys, and believe they can win if they just play their game.