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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 06:26 PM 08-17-2015
How about you, Charlie, besides SED?

My goal is not too lose any more muscle to advanced age. :-)
swingerofbirches 06:31 PM 08-17-2015
lol between your lifting and hockey, i'm not sure that age is gonna slow you down #foreveryoung

I'd like to drop some fat and get down into the 250's. I'd also like to pull 500 conventional. I'm becoming (maybe have been already lol) obsessed with the deadlift. :-)
icehog3 08:05 PM 08-17-2015
Squats and deadlift, can't go wrong, Brother. :-)

Yes, I am afraid if I quit lifting and hockey, it would be like the portrait of Dorian Gray,. :-)
swingerofbirches 08:28 PM 08-17-2015
LMFAO that was hilarious
Adriftpanda 10:14 PM 08-17-2015
I don't have really any goals as far as weights. I'm sitting at 180, I perfectly content with my body composition at the moment but I may try to hit 185-188 by November. Training/eating is a life style for me, that's why I'm in no rush to bulk up or cut. But we'll see, I may try competing physique next year. Only thing that is keeping me away is I like food too much.

Legs and shoulders today.

Front squats - first time hitting 315 in a while

Front squats: 3x5 @225, 2x4 @ 275, 3x3 @ 315
Smith machine lunges 5x10
Seated leg curls 5x12
Lying leg curls 4x12-15

Standing OHP (DB) 5x6-8
Cable side delt raise - DB side raise 5x8-10
Bb upright row 5x10-8
Sancho 05:25 AM 08-18-2015
Nice job Charlie, good work Huy, and enjoy your break Tom. Maybe one of these years I will get back.

Squats 5x15
Super wide bench 5x5
Tons of stretching and mobility work, actually seems to be making a difference in my knee pain.

Haven't really planned any goals, crazy the year is flying past. I would like to run the SED short program at some point. The one that's always floating back there is being able to match Huy's pull-up volume :-)
swingerofbirches 07:25 PM 08-18-2015
Huy front squats 315 and does more pull-up volume than anyone I know. #stud

Nice squat volume, Chris! #thumbsup
icehog3 08:15 PM 08-18-2015
Did a upper body workout today, included some back (pullups, pulldowns and rows), chest (inclines and deciines), arms (curls, skullcrushers) and some presses. 5 days off for Shack Herf, and I'm all ready hungry to tear it back down when I get home.

Charlie, Huy, Chris, Son.....rock the iron for me while I am gone. :-) :-)
Adriftpanda 10:45 PM 08-19-2015
back and breast today.

Pull ups 5x10-8
Seated row 5x10-8
Deadlift 6x4, pause deadlift 4x6
T bar row 4x10
Neutral grip pull downs 4x10
Seated row machine (alternating) 4x10

Incline DB press 4x10-8
Seated cable presses 5x10-8
Seated fly machine 4x10-12
Dips 5x12-15
swingerofbirches 02:32 PM 08-20-2015
Get it Huy!

Sumo DL starting at 135x10 (pause) / 225x10 (pause) / 315x5 (pause) / 365x5 / 405x1
Conventional DL starting at 315x5 (pause) / 365x5 / 405x3 / 455x1

Front Squats (wide/pause) sets of 3 @ 135/185/225/245

I was supposed to bench and do a bit of chest work but ran out of time ... might head back tonight to get it in along with some cardio.
Adriftpanda 02:46 PM 08-20-2015
Nice pulling, buddy.
Sancho 07:12 PM 08-20-2015
Nice lifts! You guys are inspiring.

Squat rack came tonight, quickly put it together and racked up some iron

Back squats 2x5
Front squats 1x5

Called it due to still recovering fully from the marathon volume the other day. Should be back on it tomorrow. Super excited. :-)
swingerofbirches 07:51 AM 08-21-2015
Awesome!!! Pics of your new setup Chris?
swingerofbirches 02:56 PM 08-21-2015
Back squats today ... my lower back was a little tired from ytrdy so I did warmup sets of 10 @ 135 & 225 and then finished off with a 5x5 @ 315.

Did some hypertrophic chest stuff today. Heading to the race in Bristol tomorrow so I'll get a quick HT arm and shoulder workout in before we leave. Wish there was a way to keep the pump all day long :-)
Sancho 06:06 PM 08-21-2015
Nice lifts Charlie!

I will upload some pics once I pick some of the toys up :-)

Back squats 5x5
Front squats 3x5

Was gonna do the rower but I wussed out.
Sancho 07:16 PM 08-21-2015
Felt guilty about skipping out so I went back to the dungeon
2k on the rower
5x5 barbell row

Now I'm done for the night. :-)
Adriftpanda 12:00 AM 08-22-2015
Volume leg day and shoulders. Been squatting a lot so I wanted to give my knees some rest.

Kneeling leg curls 5x12-15 (alternating)
Leg extensions 5x12-15 (alternating)
Bb lunges 4x16
90* leg presses 5x15-20
Kneeling leg curls - leg extension 4x12-20

Incline hammer shoulder presses 4x8-10
Face pulls - DB side delt raises 4x10
Seated DB from raise - side raise 4x10
Bb upright row 4x8-10
Adriftpanda 08:42 PM 08-22-2015
Unplanned training day but went back to the Bay Area for a birthday party and a friend asked me to train with him. He's an elite powerlifter so today I just listened and did everything he wanted. Bench set up was on point today and it felt much easier to move some weight.

Pause bench 4x5 @225, this was the heaviest I've done in a long time.
Bench touch n go 4x6 @245

Incline hammer DB press 4x10-8
Face pulls 4x12
Pull ups 4x15
Pull ups weighted 2x15

I finished off with arms after he left.
Sancho 06:36 PM 08-23-2015
Nice sets Huy, sounds like a good opportunity Charlie! Any take aways?

5k on rower
Some accessory arm work just because I've been missing it.
icehog3 08:34 AM 08-24-2015
Sounds like you boys been rippin' it up. :-)

I'm headed back to the gym in about 20, rarin' to go.
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