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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 08:59 AM 07-23-2015
Hope you get well soon, Ken. Take your time.
GreekGodX 10:16 AM 07-23-2015
Hope you recover quick, Ken. I would definitely go see a chiropractor :-)
icehog3 10:44 AM 07-23-2015
Thinking positive thoughts for you, Ken, hope it's not too serious.
swingerofbirches 11:22 AM 07-23-2015
Keep us in the loop, Ken. Again, wishing you a speedy recovery!

Day74 of SED .. went front/wide/box and stayed rly light for moderate reps. I've been gassed lately and like Tom said, i know my body and I think it needs at least a couple of days of lower weight.

Warmup - 45x5
Set 1 - 95x10
Set 2 - 135x10
Set 3 - 185x3

Elliptical for 20min at moderate intensity. Gonna go swimming with the wife later and then maybe hit the hot tub tonight to try and loosen up the back a bit for some low weight/moderate volume deadlifting tomorrow. :-)
area51 05:00 PM 07-23-2015
They're not sure what it is I have an MRI tomorrow. They gave me Valium so that has been taking the edge off a bit.

In my first post I put last set, it was supposed to read last rep of my warm up set haha.
Adriftpanda 08:15 PM 07-23-2015
Back and arms today.

Wide grip pull down 4x10
T bar row (placed the handle a little further down for a different variation) 4x10
Pull ups 10x10
Underhand pull down roc it machine 4x8-12

Cable curls - dip machine 7x15-10 (15 sec rest)
Cable extensions - DB curls 4x10-8
Dips - hammer curls 4x12-8
RHNewfie 07:22 AM 07-24-2015
Killed back yesterday!

Wide Grip PD 4x12
Bent Laterals 4x10
Chins 3x12
Bent Over Rows 4x12
Meadows Rows 4x10
Single Handed TBar 2x10 (for fun)
Dual Hand Pulley Seated Rows 4x12
Bar Shrugs 4xInfinity
Superset Behind Neck PD facing away with abs

Have I mentioned that I like volume training? My whole back is sore today...
swingerofbirches 10:44 AM 07-24-2015
Good lifts, Jeff & Huy! You guys are both killing the volume!

Squats (back/close)
Warmup - 135x5 (pause)
Set 1 - 225x5 (pause)
Set 2 - 315x5 (pause)
Set 3 - 365x5
Set 4 - 405x2
Set 5 - 225x10 (pause - burnout set)

Warmup - stretching (45x5)
Set 1 - 135x5
Set 2 - 225x5
Set 3 - 285x5
Set 4 - 315x5
Set 5 - 365x1
Set 6 - 405x1

Warmup - 45x10
Set 1 - 155x5
Set 2 - 155x5
Set 3 - 155x5

Flys (machine)
Set 1 - 135x5
Set 2 - 155x5
Set 3 - 175x5

Honestly, I was pretty worked by the time I got to the bench, not that I'm a very good bencher tho lol
swingerofbirches 07:02 AM 07-25-2015
Think I'll pull a double today ... just wrapped up my first (warmup) lid and 30min of cardio. Sweatily sitting in the sauna now :-)

Squats (front/wide/pause) - worked in sets of 5 up to 225x1.
Sumo DLs - 5x5 @ 135
30min of elliptical

My wife has been doing SED for 3 weeks now so when she goes to squat this afternoon/early evening I'll get some shoulders and supplementary legs in before some more cardio.

Everyone have a great weekend! Still keeping a good thought for you, Ken!
GreekGodX 09:46 AM 07-25-2015
Getting the next workout plan ready. Most likely be starting in August.
swingerofbirches 10:03 AM 07-25-2015
What u got in mind for this next round, Christos?
swingerofbirches 03:14 PM 07-25-2015
Did some more deadlifting and got in another 30min of elliptical.

My back was pretty tight after ytrdys DLs and the light pulls this morning were meant to loosen/stretch me but it felt like they had the opposite effect. So I figured I'd try to go a little heavier this afternoon and it did the trick. This is the best my back has felt all day :-)

Warmup - 135x5
Set 1 - 225x5
Set 2 - 315x5
Set 3 - 365x3
Set 4 - 405 failed
GreekGodX 03:49 PM 07-25-2015
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
What u got in mind for this next round, Christos?
3 things that I think will help me make progress overall.
1. Shoulder health
2. Upper and Lower back strength
3. Grip/forearm strength

I think I'm going to take a break from most overhead pressing. Bench press would be my only main pressing movement. I think those will help to shore up some weak points and lead to some solid gains. Then the next step will be to fill out an XL shirt. I like to say I'm a L+, since some brands I wear a Large and others a XL. Although I say that with a caveat because no matter what my waist is going to be smaller so XLs will probably never look right on me. Right now my chest is at 44". I would say if I get it up to 46" I would be happy until I have to buy all new suits :-)
swingerofbirches 07:53 PM 07-26-2015
Went carb crazy starting last night and it carried through today ... I'm a swollen, bloated mess lol

Squatted and had a rly good lift today though. Felt strong despite being fatter lol ... got a rly good carb swell when I was pumped so that's always fun.

Back to low carb tomorrow ... Can't let this turn into a cheat week :-)
swingerofbirches 06:42 PM 07-27-2015
Decent squat and DL session today ... went for volume on both. Finished with chest press machine. My bench is rly lacking so starting this week I'm benching twice and pressing twice and moderate weight/moderate volume to see if I can't build my bench up some.

How was everyone else's Monday lift?

How's your back, Ken?
Adriftpanda 12:50 PM 07-28-2015
Changing my training to 3 maybe 4 times a week. Going to go with this for a while.

Monday/wed/fri and if I can, maybe Saturday or Sunday.

Monday - chest/back/arms
Wed - legs/shoulders
Friday - chest/back/arms

Monday - legs/shoulders
Wed -chest/arms/back
Friday - legs/shoulders

Yesterday's training session was good. Felt really nice.

Wide grip lat pull down 5x5
T bar row 4x8-10
Cable pull downs -- pull ups 4x8-12
Seated row 4x10

Seated cable presses 5x5-8
Incline DB press 4x8-10
Weighted dips 4x10
Incline cable presses 3x10
swingerofbirches 01:07 PM 07-28-2015
Looks like a good split, Huy! Nice volume, as always. :-)

Squats and DL (sumo) for volume again today w/ standing barbell OHP, Arnold Press & Barbell curls SS w/ Upright Barbell Rows

I'm taking these next two weeks and working on volume with my DLs (and to an extend, my squats too) to see if i can hit a new PR at Week3. We shall see.
swingerofbirches 07:55 PM 07-29-2015
Ytrdy ended up being a double ... full-on leg workout in the evening. :-)

Back squats today and a lot of cardio. Day80 in the books!!!
Adriftpanda 08:09 PM 07-29-2015
Ha! You're nuts.

Legs and shoulders today.

Leg extensions 5x12-20
Front squats 5x5
Hack squats 6x8
DB stiff leg deads 4x8-12

Standing OHP 4x5
Standing Arnold presses single arm 4x8-10
Bb upright row - side delt raise 4x8-12 w/drop set
Cable side delt raises 5x10
icehog3 08:19 PM 07-29-2015
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