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Discussion>Whats in your bowl?
jkstewart1 08:25 AM 02-03-2012
Last night it was Dan's Tordenskjold virginia slices (bulk so it was more of a broken flake than a slice) in a Nording freehand. Not quite as good as the same baccy in a Neerup poker. I'll have to try it again in the poker and see if I'm remembering it correctly!
Zanaspus 09:13 AM 02-03-2012
C&D Riverboat Gambler in a Lorenzo bent billiard.
RHNewfie 04:14 PM 02-16-2012
Pulled out a couple of pipes today for the first time in a year. Wanted some easy smoking so had a bowl of PA and Butternut Burley. I missed my pipes!
Emjaysmash 05:10 PM 02-16-2012
Originally Posted by RHNewfie:
Pulled out a couple of pipes today for the first time in a year. Wanted some easy smoking so had a bowl of PA and Butternut Burley. I missed my pipes!

good stuff!
RHNewfie 03:24 PM 02-20-2012
Some Escudo from 08 and a Bells Oberon Ale today
DaBear 03:34 PM 02-20-2012
Rubbed out some University Flake in my cob. Always a good smoke
DaBear 02:25 PM 02-23-2012
Some MacBaren HH Acadian Perique in my good ol cob. Great smoke. Gotta decide between a cigar(or two) or some pipe tobacco for my after work smoke
McSmokey 03:04 PM 02-23-2012
Had a Bowl of Old Church this morning debating between that again and 11 Christmas Cheer tonight.
DaBear 08:22 PM 02-23-2012
Finished off the bowl of Acadian Perique on the drive back from work. Picked up a new Peterson System Knock Off basket pipe from work, and I'm finishing off christening it with a bowl of my favorite, Peterson's Irish Oak. I've decided to make this new pipe a strictly Virgina/VaPer pipe as I smoke enough of them to warrant the need for one.
DaBear 08:47 PM 02-23-2012
Aaaaand, another bowl od the Acadian Perique in the good ol cob. This stuff smokes great, almost as good as the Irish Oak, though not as 'hearty'(I'm still not great at picking out flavors in my pipe tobaccos) or strong. I'll probably finish off the night with a bowl of Peterson's Irish Flake, though my tin of University Flake is calling my name.
DaBear 11:05 AM 02-25-2012
Acadian Perique in my new Peterson KO. Love the blend.
Reaver2145 05:56 AM 02-28-2012
Davidoffe blue

While i dont normally buy davidoffe stuff as its expensive this is quite nice and creamy and the fact i got it for free is a real deal.
smitty81 08:08 AM 02-28-2012
DaBear 01:00 PM 02-28-2012
Christmas Cheer 11 in the good ol cob. Sad to see this cob starting to die
darkleeroy 07:20 PM 02-28-2012
MacBaren Vintage Syrian in a Wessex Bulldog. It won't stay lit, even though it's bone dry. I blame my packing technique.
Ogre 07:33 PM 02-28-2012
Three Nuns, given to me by Ferdi. Thanks Brother
DaBear 09:40 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by darkleeroy:
MacBaren Vintage Syrian in a Wessex Bulldog. It won't stay lit, even though it's bone dry. I blame my packing technique.
How is the Vintage Syrian? Been thinking of picking a tin up, but I'm not a huge fan of Latakia unless its done right.
DaBear 08:00 PM 02-29-2012
Some Erik Nording Hunter Blend Beagle in my Peterson KO after work, and now a bowl of 09 Navy Flake in the new basket pipe I picked up tonight.
DaBear 12:03 PM 03-03-2012
Frog Morton On the Town in my Falcon. Good smoke. Surprisingly sweet, the latakia isn't overpowering which I like.
schollianmj 01:05 PM 03-03-2012
Originally Posted by DaBear:
Frog Morton On the Town in my Falcon. Good smoke. Surprisingly sweet, the latakia isn't overpowering which I like.
one of my favorites right there...
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