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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 05:55 PM 07-04-2015
Still impressive, Charlie! :-)

Back day today...shoulder felt good enough to try and rip the lats with pullups at bodyweight

Pullups 16, 13, 13, 12, 11, 11
Neutral grip pulldowns 180, 200, 220, 240, 260 supersetted with 8 pullups
T-bar rows 225, 250, 270, 225 suppersetted with 6 pullups

That was it, quick, and back is still PLAMFed 6 hours later.
swingerofbirches 08:11 PM 07-04-2015
Rows SS w/ Pull-ups ... you, sir, are the impressive one. I doubt I could manage a single body weight pull up lol
icehog3 11:25 PM 07-04-2015
Used to be able to get 22-23 pullups on the first set, but it seems like I need to work around my shoulder issues when I do them now. Today was a good day, pullups hit me diffrerently than any other back exercise, I wish I could do them every back day, Charlie. But I still think 50+ days of squats is the impressive, crazy feat of this group right now. :-)
swingerofbirches 01:25 PM 07-05-2015
22-23 pull ups?!?! Good heavens! You've got me thinking about adding assisted pull-ups into my back routine.

Day 56 ... Squats (front/wide) ... basic sets up to 225 :-)
icehog3 04:29 PM 07-05-2015
Hopefully I can work back up to that this summer, Charlie.

Military press 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 175, 155, 135
Barbell shrugs 5 sets @ 315
Cambered bar curls 6 sets @ 145
Preacher curls 4 sets @ 145
Skullcrushers 5 sets @ 125, 95
Adriftpanda 07:13 PM 07-05-2015
Post 4th of July splurge...

15 min of jump rope and sprinted a 1/4 mile.

On to breast.

Incline bb press 4x5
Incline bb pause push 3x5
Incline DB - incline flies 8/4, 7/5, 6/6, 5/7, 4/8, 3/9, 2/10, 1/11
Seated cable flies with really slow contractions 4x12
DB pullover 4x10

Some abs to finish it off.
icehog3 07:58 PM 07-05-2015
Where there cookies a quarter mile away, Huy? :-)
Adriftpanda 09:36 PM 07-05-2015
Ha! Oh cookies...

I had 10+ cookies, smores, and a 6x6 with 2 orders of fries from In n Out...
icehog3 10:22 PM 07-05-2015
6X6? You got a big (purty) mouth, Boy..... :-)

I could go for a smores though, right f*cking now. :-)
swingerofbirches 09:32 AM 07-06-2015
Squats (front/close/pause) - progression up to 225 (heavy today; no pre-workout lol)

Chest and a little bit of Tris as supplementary lift.

Cookies, Smores ... both sound good but I could really go for some pizza lol
icehog3 09:57 AM 07-06-2015
Don't make me hungry, Charlie. You seem well on your to triple digit days of squatting.

Off today, I'll do double workouts Tuesday and Wednesday, then off for a 4 day break. Not really feeling like I need a break, so it should be good....heal up and come back hungry for the weights.
swingerofbirches 11:01 AM 07-06-2015
You're not taking a break for you, you're just giving the weights a much needed break :-)

Of all the things to crave when I'm low carb it's always pizza. I don't even eat it very often when I'm eating what I want so idk why it's the big craving. I miss cheese fries a lot too. That's definitely another top craving. Seems like I miss the bread and starch more than the desserts.
Adriftpanda 11:45 AM 07-06-2015
I'll have some pizza for you this week, Charlie. :-)
swingerofbirches 12:34 PM 07-06-2015
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
I'll have some pizza for you this week, Charlie. :-)

lol thanks Huy! I feel my cravings dissipating already.
GreekGodX 12:47 PM 07-06-2015
100 swings+20= 120 swings at 32kg. Finally got 100 in a set.
Had to get out of the gym quick today. Prevented me from trying to tack on anything else.

You guys are making me excited for Faturday. 6x6 Huy? That's impressive. Nice lifts today Charlie :-)
icehog3 02:44 PM 07-06-2015
100 swings! Way to swing, Son! :-)
Adriftpanda 08:19 PM 07-06-2015
Pretty gnarly training sesh today. Glad I was able to fit 3 meals in by 2.

10 min jump rope
10 min of sprints (30 sec intervals)

Leg extensions 5x10-15
Squats 4x5
Pause squats 4x8
KB lunges 4x10
Lying leg curls 4x8-10
Single leg presses 3x20
swingerofbirches 11:34 AM 07-07-2015
Get it, Christos & Huy! You're both animals!

Squats (front/wide/bench)
Warmup - 45x5
Set 1 - 95x10
Set 2 - 135x10
Set 3 - 185x10
Set 4 - 225x5
Set 5 - 225x3

Good Mornings
Set 1 - 135x10
Set 2 - 185x10
Set 3 - 225x8
Set 4 - 315x3

Deadlifts SS w/ Barbell Rows
3x10 @ 225 w/ 3x10 (8 last set) @ 225

Assisted Chin Ups (150 assist :-) ... glad Tom didn't see this pitiful display of shabbiness)
Set 1 - 5 reps
Set 2 - 3 reps

Cardio (15min elliptical)

Maybe HIIT tonight ... but also maybe hot tub instead lol
swingerofbirches 01:11 PM 07-07-2015
Am I missing something? Are Good Mornings not supposed to be done heavy? If I talk to a buddy about that lift they're always surprised by the amount of weight. I've even checked to make sure I'm doing it right. Start in back squat position, feet just wider than shoulders with toes slightly out, back straight, drive hips back and only bend knees slightly to try to bring the spine as low as you can without sacrificing the straightness. Reverse movement by driving hips forward and utilizing lower back and glutes. Glutes squeeze at top. Am I missing something?
icehog3 03:14 PM 07-07-2015
Sounds right, Charlie, 3156 is jut super heavy. You have a lower back of steel!

Chest/Back supersets today, man did I get PLOMF.

Incline Bench / T-bar rows 185/225, 205/225, 225/225, 245/225, 265/270
Bench / Barbell Rows 215/225, 235/225, 255/225, 255, 270
Decline Bench / Pulldowns 275/240, 295/240, 275/240
Cable rows 240, 260, 260
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