bobarian 01:38 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by papajohn67:
Are you guys serious? Would you really try to cash in on what is a mistake or a system glitch?
All my smokes are going to the Troops if this goes through. I doubt it will but I have two confirmation emails for 100 smokes each.
Pyrokin 01:39 AM 12-11-2008
I had just decided to go back and place an order too lol, guess you're not allowed to hesitate =P
spectrrr 01:40 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by papajohn67:
Are you guys serious? Would you really try to cash in on what is a mistake or a system glitch?
spectrrr 01:42 AM 12-11-2008
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
so uhh... the good news is, my smokes are still in my shopping cart
the bad news, I am no longer interested in checking out, since uhh, they're not free anymore
ucubed 01:44 AM 12-11-2008
lol i have like 8 email confirmations for every single one of those...but only a couple quantities each...
spectrrr 01:45 AM 12-11-2008
GKitty 01:46 AM 12-11-2008
omg... that's nuts. Sorry you missed out, man.
I'm going back to bed. Night all.
spectrrr 01:47 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by GKitty:
omg... that's nuts. Sorry you missed out, man.
I'm going back to bed. Night all.
nope, I got confirmation emails for about 180 sticks, just missed out on the motherload
night night. fun times!
icehog3 01:48 AM 12-11-2008
CigaSkills9 01:52 AM 12-11-2008
Huh? What? This cant be real! OH WELL!! let's see what happens......
bigloo 01:56 AM 12-11-2008
I got one order in 10 Partagas black. If they ship, straight to MACMS for the troops as bobarian suggested.
spectrrr 02:11 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by bigloo:
I got one order in 10 Partagas black. If they ship, straight to MACMS for the troops as bobarian suggested.
CI, if your reading this, please honor your deal. we promise we'll send em to the troops, just like you say you support on your website
papajohn67 02:13 AM 12-11-2008
spectrrr 02:22 AM 12-11-2008
elderboy02 06:01 AM 12-11-2008
Looks like you guys had some fun last night
taltos 06:14 AM 12-11-2008
Amazingly dishonorable behavior on behalf of some folks who claim to conduct themselves in an honorable manner. Exploiting a programming error is no different than just going in and stealing this stuff from your local b&m. I suspect that many here also would jump the cashier at Walmart is she made a 5 cent error in favor of the store while making your change. I wish that I had seen this while it was ongoing and said something at that time.
maddman 06:34 AM 12-11-2008
The orders should be check before shipping so the wont make it out the door is their is an error, How do they honestly know this is not legit? that they put X quantity free to generate a crap ton of traffic?
Starscream 06:41 AM 12-11-2008
It must be fixed now. Item sold out.
rsamos 06:55 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by maddman:
The orders should be check before shipping so the wont make it out the door is their is an error, How do they honestly know this is not legit? that they put X quantity free to generate a crap ton of traffic?
While I doubt that would be the case, if it were it seems they would have put a cap on how many of each offer you could place an order for. They get the same traffic from selling one bundle of 10 to one customer that they do for five.
neoflex 07:56 AM 12-11-2008
I think it was a programming mistake and it went on for as long as it did because of the hours of the night that it was live. I bet someone was called and woken up in the middle of the night to fix the error. If it were a scheme to create traffic they would have pulled the stunt during daytime hours IMHO.
I too am surprised at how many tried to take advantage of the deals and seem to have gone nuts. Even if it were legit and CI was feeling generous, have some self control and put in orders for realistic sized orders. I'm Sure I may take some abuse for that statements but I just had to express my feelings on the situation.