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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
shilala 12:18 PM 06-04-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
Keep it up, Myles.

How much longer do you have on the deck, Scott?
About two weeks I'm thinking, Andy.
So far I have 3 days in plans and this is day 4 on digging, backfilling, and cleaning up.
The sidewalk will take 2 or 3 days, building the deck, at least a week to ten days. Lisa's Dad is helping me with that.
Once the sidewalk is poured, I'm stopping so I can get my garden in. It'll be the little strip along the house by the new sidewalk. Next year I'll get a real garden in, but this will have to suffice for now.
Once I get the deck done, I'll get back to work and finish my shop. Then I gotta build a shed somewhere along the line. Come Fall I can rest. :-)

Today I'm sore as ****. All I did so far was move some dirt. I'm gonna get out there and move a bit more just to stay loose. My help took the day off, so I'm gonna take it easy, too. :-)
The good thing is that I'm...
A.) Getting back in shape.
B.) Losing weight.
Chainsaw13 03:29 PM 06-04-2011
Finally made it home from my South American odyssey. Yesterday was a bad day for me. Woke up with severe indigestion from something I ate on Thursday. I'm going to talk to my doctor when I see him Tuesday about possible gall bladder issues. It got so bad, I didn't eat hardly anything yesterday, just a small roll on the plane and sipped some pop/water. It finally passed sometime during the middle of the night, but boy did it make for a fun plane ride. I had a bit of the breakfast they served, half a banana and a few bites of a egg/cheese sandwich. Finally eating a bit now that I'm home.

The good news, down to 234. I'm sure a couple lbs were from yesterday and I'll probably put them back on, but i'm still going in the right direction.
goalie204 07:15 PM 06-04-2011
:-) Scott - Yep!
jonumberone 08:47 AM 06-05-2011
Good for you Scott! :-)
Welcome home Bob, Heartburn is awful.

I had my weigh in today 268.6
Down three pounds in one week in which I was immobile until Thursday evening :-)
I guess I couldn't get to the fridge :-)
I re-injured my back yesterday at a herf and will be laid up for hopefully today only.
Weather has been nice and I really want to get out and walk a bit!
Scottw 09:03 AM 06-05-2011
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
lost 135lbs in total since september 09, want to lose another 70.
I just saw this, what an amazing accomplishment Ferdie!!
Starscream 12:58 PM 06-05-2011
Originally Posted by shilala:
About two weeks I'm thinking, Andy.
So far I have 3 days in plans and this is day 4 on digging, backfilling, and cleaning up.
The sidewalk will take 2 or 3 days, building the deck, at least a week to ten days. Lisa's Dad is helping me with that.
Once the sidewalk is poured, I'm stopping so I can get my garden in. It'll be the little strip along the house by the new sidewalk. Next year I'll get a real garden in, but this will have to suffice for now.
Once I get the deck done, I'll get back to work and finish my shop. Then I gotta build a shed somewhere along the line. Come Fall I can rest. :-)

Today I'm sore as ****. All I did so far was move some dirt. I'm gonna get out there and move a bit more just to stay loose. My help took the day off, so I'm gonna take it easy, too. :-)
The good thing is that I'm...
A.) Getting back in shape.
B.) Losing weight.
It'll all be worth it when it's done.:-)

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Finally made it home from my South American odyssey. Yesterday was a bad day for me. Woke up with severe indigestion from something I ate on Thursday. I'm going to talk to my doctor when I see him Tuesday about possible gall bladder issues. It got so bad, I didn't eat hardly anything yesterday, just a small roll on the plane and sipped some pop/water. It finally passed sometime during the middle of the night, but boy did it make for a fun plane ride. I had a bit of the breakfast they served, half a banana and a few bites of a egg/cheese sandwich. Finally eating a bit now that I'm home.

The good news, down to 234. I'm sure a couple lbs were from yesterday and I'll probably put them back on, but i'm still going in the right direction.
Update your sig, Bob.:-)
goalie204 05:54 AM 06-06-2011
Steak and eggs for breakfast :-)
Chainsaw13 06:09 AM 06-06-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
Steak and eggs for breakfast :-)
So far just some greek yogurt and blueberries.
goalie204 07:10 AM 06-06-2011
Sounds good Bob, but it would sound better if you added some steak, and i duno...some eggs! :-)
Chainsaw13 07:55 AM 06-06-2011
Lol. I'm still recovering from my stomach issues of last week. Just now getting my appetite back and able to each any real quantities of food. Eggs do sound good right now, especially poached with maybe a little hollandaise.
goalie204 08:57 AM 06-06-2011
nom nom :-)
pmwz 12:13 PM 06-06-2011
i am back at 111kg. my main problem are my unhealthy eating habits. i bought a garmin forerunner to track my running and since the 25th may i ran 58.35 km.
i want to run 2X13 km/week + and add once a week a longer/faster run.
i also got a new personal best 6x225lbs at bench press a couple of weeks ago.
Starscream 09:00 AM 06-07-2011
This has not been a good week.
That is all.
Chainsaw13 11:10 AM 06-07-2011
Originally Posted by Starscream:
This has not been a good week.
That is all.
Don't let it set you back Andy. Just refocus and put your sights on the prize.

Had my first 3 month checkup with the doc this morning. Good news all around. My blood sugar A1C went from a 9.6 to a 5.3, putting me in the normal range. I still need to keep doing what I'm doing, but it's working.

My cholesterol dropped from 200 to 153, with a big drop in the LDL's. Also had a drop in the HDL's which is about the only bad news. Guess I need to get more fish at the market.

Now I just need the motivation to clean up the basement so i can start working out down there.
Starscream 11:47 AM 06-07-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Don't let it set you back Andy. Just refocus and put your sights on the prize.

Had my first 3 month checkup with the doc this morning. Good news all around. My blood sugar A1C went from a 9.6 to a 5.3, putting me in the normal range. I still need to keep doing what I'm doing, but it's working.

My cholesterol dropped from 200 to 153, with a big drop in the LDL's. Also had a drop in the HDL's which is about the only bad news. Guess I need to get more fish at the market.

Now I just need the motivation to clean up the basement so i can start working out down there.
You can also buy fish oil pills too. If you put them in the freezer, they won't go down bad or give you fish breath.
Da Klugs 01:57 PM 06-07-2011
Last fall looked in the mirror and got motivated.

Since September have been doing push-ups. Started with 5 I think. Have worked my way up to 250 a day. 150 in the morning (100 then 50) and 100 at night.

It helped the way I felt and increased my suit size from 44L to 46L. Added some 12 pound hand weight sets to the mix.

Unfortunately, early April stood on the scale and saw 260 - nice muscular shoulders and this giant gut. Decided to start eating sensibly and doing some cardio.

Have a 25 year old Schwinn Airdyne in the basement. Started riding it again in April. Started at 10 minutes, am up to 30 minutes @4. For anyone who knows these things, its pretty "aerobic". 15 years ago used to ride it at 5-6, but such is life, or more specifically the desire to remain alive.

Lost 10 pretty quick. Then it started getting harder. Got to 230 a week or 2 ago and then started bouncing up and down. This was riding the bike every other/3 days. So, started riding 5 days a week and moving from 1500 to around 1200 calories a day - weekdays, I eat what I want when we are at the shack which means +4 lbs every weeekend that takes a few days back to get off.

The reduced calories and upping the cardio to 30 minutes seems to have made a difference. Hit 226 this morning. Exercise alone has never done it for me... you add muscle mass and tend to eat more absent paying attention to your calorie intake.

When I started my goal was 225. Figure I hit it tomorrow so adjusting to 215 as the new goal.
Chainsaw13 02:00 PM 06-07-2011
That's awesome Dave. Keep up the good work. I"m looking to start adding some weight training into my regime now as I'm noticing the muscle mass I used to have and thought was still under all that fat isn't actually there. :-)
Da Klugs 02:01 PM 06-07-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
That's awesome Dave. Keep up the good work. I"m looking to start adding some weight training into my regime now as I'm noticing the muscle mass I used to have and thought was still under all that fat isn't actually there. :-)
I just want to get rid of the "jiggling parts". :-)
Starscream 06:55 AM 06-08-2011
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
I just want to get rid of the "jiggling parts". :-)
Don't we all, Dave.

Gained 3 pounds this week. I'm up to 245. As I said in an earlier post, this week is refocus week. We'll see how long that lasts.:-)
jonumberone 08:14 AM 06-08-2011
Good for you Dave!
Stories like yours make me believe I can do it too!

Andy, keep the faith brother!
I hit a new low this week and was reluctant to share, but now 2 days later I'm back to doing what I need to, and thats the important part.

On Monday, despite breaking the 270 mark for the first time in God knows how many years, the ice cream truck caught my eye.
I broke down and bought a vanilla cone from him.
The real sad part is I tailed him in my car for about 3 miles before he stopped and I could get one.
After I licked my fingers clean I was racked with guilt.
What kind of maniac stalks an ice cream truck?
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