mithrilG60 10:33 PM 04-15-2011
Wow, what an absolutely awesome game! Amazing finish. Even more striking when you compare the atmosphere at Rogers Arena to the empty seats in Anaheim.
Ahbroody 10:07 PM 04-16-2011
Wow the Sharks have $hit the bed tonight. Wonder if they will even muster a goal.
Turned down a free.ticket for tonight as had to work. Glad I picked work.
Bruins Fan 06:29 AM 04-17-2011
B's drop another one,that makes six playoff losses in a row.
Lucic that's 12 games with out a goal, the number one line is a non factor. Kaberle has helped costing them both losses,and Thomas is not helping coughing up rebounds that turn into goals.
This team is just not good enough for the playoffs it lacks a pure goal scorer, why is Seguin not even dressing?

GreekGodX 11:46 AM 04-17-2011
I don't think there is anyone playing as good as Datsuyk is right now. Both games he has just dominated. Wings are going to need to stop taking so many penalties. It will come back to bite us against a better team in the future rounds. Hoping we can keep the momentum going and sweep the Yotes.
mithrilG60 08:04 PM 04-17-2011
It'll be interesting to see if Torres gets the book thrown at him again. Not a good hit at all, can't decide if Seabrook owns a certain amount of fault though. It used to be that players knew they had to keep their heads up?
mithrilG60 09:28 PM 04-17-2011
Canucks have a stranglehold now but I thnk the Hawks will take the next one. I predict the series will end at game 5 back in Van
Ahbroody 09:42 PM 04-17-2011
I dont like Torres. The fact that he went at the head his first game back says a lot.
I hate to say it but the Hawks look done. The Bs better do something drastic or they are next. I am digging Nashville.
I would be lying if I didnt say the Sharks are in trouble. LA made them look horrible in game 2 and if they can do that in game 3 they will be in the Sharks head big time.
mithrilG60 12:07 AM 04-18-2011
I agree that it looks like Chicago's done at this stage, I still don't expect Vancouver to sweep them. Frankly I hope they don't for various reasons, not the least of which being I think the Canucks need to face some adversity before they meet the next round opponent.
As for Torres, that wasn't a good hit by any stretch of the imagination but I'm not convinced he was targeting Seabrook's head. To me it looks like Torres was expecting Seabrook to have turned around before Torres actually hit him which would have made it a completely different hit. That said, Torres still needs to have control over his body and checks at all time so he'll deserve anything the league decides to hand out in terms of supplementary discipline. Like I mentioned in a previous post, if the NHL is serious about removing head impacts they need to crack down on every instance, intentional or not.
kugie 05:04 AM 04-18-2011
Originally Posted by Bruins Fan:
B's drop another one,that makes six playoff losses in a row.
Lucic that's 12 games with out a goal, the number one line is a non factor. Kaberle has helped costing them both losses,and Thomas is not helping coughing up rebounds that turn into goals.
This team is just not good enough for the playoffs it lacks a pure goal scorer, why is Seguin not even dressing?
It's sickening to watch the way they are playing.
Thomas gives up those long rebounds and Montreal is capitalizing on it.
If you watched the team they look like they have already lost the series when the game was not even over yet it makes me want to
They have to go out there and not give them a goal with in the first two min of the game and play like they have something to loose not like they have already lost.
if they go in the first round bye bye Julian
Bruins Fan 07:50 AM 04-18-2011
The way I see it is Julien and Chiarelli are both gone, something that should have happened last year.
Two years ago Chiarelli was supposed to get bumped up to president, that didn't happen Jacobs gave the job to Cam.
Cam hired Don Sweeney as assistant GM...... connect the dots. Neely and Sweeny ex Bruins that know how and what it takes to play in Boston.
Chiarelli and Julien outsiders just happy to make it to the playoffs with their heads up their asses.
Chiarelli should be fired for all the bad contracts he gave out,no one can say the Bruins wont spend money any more

Sled Dog 08:03 AM 04-18-2011
I'm not sure that should be a suspension for Torres. He got the head, but Seabrook didn't have his head up. Torres certainly buried an unsuspecting player, but I think Seabrook owns some of the responsibility for leaving himself in a position to get lit up. Obvious head shots like Matt Cooke is known for have no place, but Torres got him with the shoulder and didn't leave his skates.....
mithrilG60 08:37 AM 04-18-2011
Originally Posted by Sled Dog:
I'm not sure that should be a suspension for Torres. He got the head, but Seabrook didn't have his head up.
But that is the definition of the blindside shot to the head rule, you can't take out an opposing player with a hit to the head when their head is turned from you and they are completely unsuspecting/vulnerable. I agree that if you're stupid enough to cruise with your head down/looking back for a pass you deserve to have your clock cleaned but the fact that the hit was to the head and not the body is what made it an issue. Especially given that Torres is one of the players in the league with a reputation for big hits and he just came back from a suspension for a similar type of incident. Many other players could have done this and gotten away with a slap on the wrist, Torres past history will work against him here. I think he'll be lucky if the NHL only suspends him for the rest of this series and all of the next. In reality if he receives another long suspension that he'll be done for the year since Vigneault won't want to disrupt a winning lineup by bringing him back in again.
That also raises another point on the rules regarding head shots. Technically the player that was hit needs to leave the ice and go to the dressing room for 15min in order for a major penalty + game misconduct to be issued. Of course that isn't always followed, look at the last hit that Torres got 4 games for. However, if the player doesn't leave the ice the ref's have to ensure he's fit to continue, much like a referee in boxing. My question is, why in a scenario like the Torres-Seabrook hit is the player even given the choice of whether to continue without first going to the dressingroom? These guys are hockey players, not doctors, they don't have the training to diagnose themselves nor could you accurately self-diagnose just after receiving a head shot and concussion anyways. In the playoffs the players are never going to leave the ice, just look at all the other injuries they play through which they'd never do in the regular season.
Players taking a hit to the head serious enough to draw a penalty of any kind should be required to go to the dressing room for a look over by the team doctor. If the doctor says they're ok to continue then no harm no foul, it'll certainly prevent situations like last night where Seabrook really shouldn't have continued playing and didn't after receiving that second (clean, legal and particularly hard) hit from Torres.
Originally Posted by GreekGodX:
I don't think there is anyone playing as good as Datsuyk is right now. Both games he has just dominated. Wings are going to need to stop taking so many penalties. It will come back to bite us against a better team in the future rounds. Hoping we can keep the momentum going and sweep the Yotes.
Datsyuk is amazing. Not that you wouldn't expect to hear that from me, but Wings fans aren't the only ones who think so.
Originally Posted by :
It’s not hard to find someone with something positive to say about Datsyuk. Midway through the second period Matt Duchene of the Colorado Avalanche tweeted his own admiration: “Just saw a few minutes and that guy is putting on a clinic. IMO top 3 player in the game.”
Some highlights of said clinic...
Unfortunately, those are the only ones I can find and they fall woefully short of his dominance in this last game. I really hope the Wings can grab that 3-0 lead tonight.
mithrilG60 01:21 PM 04-18-2011
And the NHL's Spinning Roulette Wheel of Justice (tm) strike again, no suspension for Torres. Christ, Charlie Sheen is less erratic than the NHL's disciplinary committee
:-) :-)
Sled Dog 02:12 PM 04-18-2011
Ahbroody 02:15 PM 04-18-2011
That earned a rep bump. That made me LOL.
Gophernut 02:21 PM 04-18-2011
Mine was a 2 game suspension!
mithrilG60 02:50 PM 04-18-2011
Mine was "Colin Campbell needs to pull his head out of his arse"..... wait, maybe that's just what I was thinking as it spun.
icehog3 04:08 PM 04-18-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I will be back Sunday, Men, enjoy the playoffs this weekend. Hopefully, the next time I log on, the Hawks are up 2-1. :-)
And so much for that idea.
Hoping the Hawks can win 1 for pride.
Originally Posted by mithrilG60:
It'll be interesting to see if Torres gets the book thrown at him again. Not a good hit at all, can't decide if Seabrook owns a certain amount of fault though. It used to be that players knew they had to keep their heads up?
Torres used to be a POS, then cleaned it up a little and played good physical hockey. Now he is a POS again. Take that with a grain of salt. Also watch 4 other Hawks stand around and do nothing. That might be the worst of it....I understand, discipline in the playoffs. I don't care, he needed a punch in the puss, and I guarantee if I was on that team he woulda got one.
Now I need to decide who to root for from here on out. Usually it has been the Wings, but I kinda would like to see Niemi and Eager come out of the West.
Eleven 05:24 PM 04-18-2011
Something's wrong with Raffi: