icehog3 09:53 PM 04-25-2018
mmblz 01:45 PM 04-28-2018
Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR:
We're thinking of upgrading soon and I've really been eyeing the Panamera, even though the looks take some getting used to. We love our Volvo, especially with the awd and V8, but it's about time to retire it I think. Would love to consider a Rapide, but I think finding a good pre-owned one may be difficult on our budget and the lack of support for servicing around us would be a big issue as well.
Dealership gave me a brand new Panamera recently as a loaner. I think it might have been a "4" but not positive. Have to say it felt really big and not so nimble. Naturally it is bigger than my car, but when I drove a Cayenne I didn't have that same reaction - I loved the Cayenne.
4WheelVFR 04:17 PM 04-28-2018
Originally Posted by mmblz:
Dealership gave me a brand new Panamera recently as a loaner. I think it might have been a "4" but not positive. Have to say it felt really big and not so nimble. Naturally it is bigger than my car, but when I drove a Cayenne I didn't have that same reaction - I loved the Cayenne.
Damn, I guess we just need to drive more cars. We're just all over the place with what we want......we need like 6 cars but can only have 2 lol. I wonder how well our daughter would fit in the back of a 911......
mmblz 06:43 AM 04-29-2018
Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR:
Damn, I guess we just need to drive more cars. We're just all over the place with what we want......we need like 6 cars but can only have 2 lol. I wonder how well our daughter would fit in the back of a 911......:-)
Young kids fit great! My oldest daughter is 10 and she is probably just reaching the point where she will start to feel cramped in another year or two.
4WheelVFR 11:29 AM 04-29-2018
Originally Posted by mmblz:
Young kids fit great! My oldest daughter is 10 and she is probably just reaching the point where she will start to feel cramped in another year or two.
Our daughter is just over 3 so she's got a lot of time left to grow into it. I heard the cabriolet is a little more cramped in the back due to the back seat being a tad less reclined. Have you found this to be true?
mmblz 11:36 AM 04-29-2018
Originally Posted by 4WheelVFR:
Our daughter is just over 3 so she's got a lot of time left to grow into it. I heard the cabriolet is a little more cramped in the back due to the back seat being a tad less reclined. Have you found this to be true?
Haven't sat in a hard top.... cab back seat is absolutely uncomfortable for an adult... max of a mile or two without triggering a visit to the chiropractor.
mosesbotbol 11:50 AM 04-30-2018
Originally Posted by mmblz:
Dealership gave me a brand new Panamera recently as a loaner. I think it might have been a "4" but not positive. Have to say it felt really big and not so nimble. Naturally it is bigger than my car, but when I drove a Cayenne I didn't have that same reaction - I loved the Cayenne.
A friend got one as loaner too and he said the same exact thing. Between the looks and reviews I was all set on the Panamera.