Starscream 07:07 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by Superbad:
Way back when, I started playing Quake 2 and Quakeworld online. I used the name Superbad after the James Brown song. It just stuck with me. People now think it is from the movie, but it predates it by at least 15 years.
Old Sailor 07:15 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by snkbyt:
so you're not an exiled p*rn star :-)
have had this user name for years and it would fit on a license plate
was going to use "smilesalot" but it wouldn't fit on a license plate
me, I'm old and work on a ship!
treatneggy 07:19 PM 06-24-2010
Mine is a combination of parts of the usernames my wife and I used on the chat site when we met.
icehog3 07:35 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by pnoon:
No correction needed.
Yes there was, on mine.
icehog3 07:36 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
OLS whos breaking the law..?
Posted via Mobile Device
Someone. We won't name names.
massphatness 07:57 PM 06-24-2010
massphatness is just a little play on words. I live in MA, and I'm no ones idea of skinny. Using phat instead of fat appealled to my silly side plus gave me the illusion of phenomenal coolness. So instead of GreatBigFatGuy, I'm massphatness.
Posted via Mobile Device
MajorCaptSilly 08:21 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by massphatness:
massphatness is just a little play on words. I live in MA, and I'm no ones idea of skinny. Using phat instead of fat appealled to my silly side plus gave me the illusion of phenomenal coolness. So instead of GreatBigFatGuy, I'm massphatness.
Posted via Mobile Device
I am pleased that you used the word silly in your explanation. You get 3 credits and a wonkmaster badge.
icehog3 08:24 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
I am pleased that you used the word silly in your explanation. You get 3 credits and a wonkmaster badge.
Always remember to put on a shirt before wearing your wonkmaster badge.
replicant_argent 08:30 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Always remember to put on a shirt before wearing your wonkmaster badge.
Tom has never seen a properly worn Wonkmaster badge.
icehog3 08:37 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
Tom has never seen a properly worn Wonkmaster badge. :-):-)
...and never worn a properly seen Wonkmaster badge.
replicant_argent 08:44 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
...and never worn a properly seen Wonkmaster badge.
My paradigm has just been blown and inverted...
It is quite possible I may not recover.
icehog3 08:47 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
My paradigm has just been blown and inverted...
It is quite possible I may not recover.
Like MCS with "silly", I am all atwitter that you have used the word "paradigm" subsequent to quoting me. I think that must be what they mean when they say "poetic justice". Or maybe not.
Starscream 08:55 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Yes there was, on mine. :-)
What teams do you play for, Admiral? I feel like such a douchebag...
Big_Ern 08:55 PM 06-24-2010
well I am a Big man and my name is Ernie, so came Big Ern
icehog3 08:57 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
What teams do you play for, Admiral? I feel like such a douchebag...:-)
My team is called the Lasers, Andy...and I totally understand why you thought that, but since I am almost as old as Chelios, my pro-hockey dreams are over.
:-) :-)
Starscream 09:00 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
My team is called the Lasers, Andy...and I totally understand why you thought that, but since I am almost as old as Chelios, my pro-hockey dreams are over. :-) :-)
You play for more than one team though, don't you? Since you play almost year round?
nozero 09:05 PM 06-24-2010
Avatar: This was the closest thing I could make to resemble folding. Username: Back in 1984, I used LOUIS (logical online user inquiry system) on a Honeywell mainframe. nozero was the command used to avoid getting records with zeros or sample/dummy entries. It saved me countless hours of work, not having to clean them out manually... is my domain.
Excellent thread concept!
nozero 09:07 PM 06-24-2010
Wow! That's one suhwheat ride!
dccraft 09:07 PM 06-24-2010
initials (dc)& I like to assemble golf clubs & make fishing lures (craft)
icehog3 09:23 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
You play for more than one team though, don't you? Since you play almost year round?
The Lasers play year round, Andy, there is a Fall league from September through March, and a Summer league that goes April to August...I also play for a team called the Five Holers, and am on the roster for a team called Ice Pack, though I only play when they have manpower needs.