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Entertainment>Games thread!
irratebass 09:24 AM 03-31-2012
For all gamers: Gamestop has a major tradein special going on now till 4/1 (tomorrow) 50% on ALL trade ins and if you are a powerups member take an extra 30% off on top of the 50%!!!

Hello Mass Effect 3!! Goodbye Saints Row The 3rd
oooo35980 01:13 PM 03-31-2012
Nice deal, unfortunately aside from ME3 nothing has came out lately I'm remotely interested in, just waiting on Darksiders and Prototype to come out.
Bill86 01:13 PM 03-31-2012
I agree, I haven't found anything else. Darksiders II better be less annoying than the first.
oooo35980 01:18 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by Bill86:
I agree, I haven't found anything else. Darksiders II better be less annoying than the first.
Darksiders was awesome, it was Zelda for grownups! Complete with the chsinshot and boomerang, I swear it was the most unapolagetic rip-off of game mechanics I've ever seen but still managed to kick ass.
Reaver2145 01:19 PM 03-31-2012
Got myself dead island the other day for a tenner and it was a decent game for the first part but has descended into nothing but escort mission where they either run too fast or walk too slow,cant defend themselves AT ALL, and die from a single hit and ive done 3 IN A ROW for the main quest line.

oooo35980 01:21 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by Reaver2145:
Got myself dead island the other day for a tenner and it was a decent game for the first part but has descended into nothing but escort mission where they either run too fast or walk too slow,cant defend themselves AT ALL, and die from a single hit and ive done 3 IN A ROW for the main quest line.

I've never met anyone who didn't hate escort missions, why do devs still put them in?
Bill86 01:25 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
Darksiders was awesome, it was Zelda for grownups! Complete with the chsinshot and boomerang, I swear it was the most unapolagetic rip-off of game mechanics I've ever seen but still managed to kick ass.
Hmm, me and a few friends that played it were annoyed but the puzzle-esque gameplay.
Bill86 01:26 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
I've never met anyone who didn't hate escort missions, why do devs still put them in?
Wish I knew. I played Dead Island for like 30-40 minutes and got terribly annoyed with it.
oooo35980 01:31 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Hmm, me and a few friends that played it were annoyed but the puzzle-esque gameplay.
There are lots of puzzles, they made that game 100% a Zelda clone, but c'mon what other game lets you rip the wings off angels AND the horns off of Demons. I just YouTube it whenever I got frustrated, maybe a bit lame but it kept me from just putting the game down in disgust.
Bill86 01:33 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
There are lots of puzzles, they made that game 100% a Zelda clone, but c'mon what other game lets you rip the wings off angels AND the horns off of Demons. I just YouTube it whenever I got frustrated, maybe a bit lame but it kept me from just putting the game down in disgust.
Yeah I just don't like having to youtube games. Seems pointless. I like playing games for the story and combat, not for a challenge or mindf*ck.

I'm hoping the second one is a little less puzzle minded.

Never played Zelda much, 100% PC gamer. No consoles.
oooo35980 01:39 PM 03-31-2012
If you think darksiders was bad you should play Zelda Ocarina of Time. It came out before YouTube and was basically all puzzles, water temple was a PITA. One of the all-time great Zelda Games. It's interesting how games have evolved in the past 10 years or so, back in the day nearly any RPG was full of puzzles, now they are more combat oriented with engaging stories. Wonder where we'll be in another 10 years.
Bill86 01:43 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
If you think darksiders was bad you should play Zelda Ocarina of Time. It came out before YouTube and was basically all puzzles, water temple was a PITA. One of the all-time great Zelda Games. It's interesting how games have evolved in the past 10 years or so, back in the day nearly any RPG was full of puzzles, now they are more combat oriented with engaging stories. Wonder where we'll be in another 10 years.
Hopefully in the same direction with the combat and engaging stories. Games like Skyrim (if it wasn't so bugged) and Mass Effect 3 are the types of games that need to continue. Assassin's Creed is a good series too but I haven't been able to get through Revelations, that crowbar handle grab thing is so stupid.

I agree though the future of gaming is looking good. Graphics are getting VERY good these days. What bothers me though really is the games with 5-20 hours of gameplay, too short :-)
oooo35980 01:54 PM 03-31-2012
Bethesda is incapable of making a game without nearly game breaking bugs, I'm convinced of that after all the elder scrolls and fallout games. It's like they think games are made more epic by having to reload earlier saves and experience the same content twice or three times in an hour. I personally wasn't wowed by Skyrim all that much, I've sunk way more time into ME3 even with its god awful ending and its fair share of bugs.

Also i think the online component has alot to do with the short game play of some games. who cares about a really good SP experience when you're just going to go online and shoot your friends anyway.
Bill86 02:00 PM 03-31-2012
That's the thing, going online and shooting with your friends is the same game...over and over again. Different guns, different scenery but the same game.

I dunno I got lucky with Skyrim, my playthroughs had minimal problems. I agree it was buggy, and so was ME3 but not too bad. Especially when you consider the depth of Skyrim, what a HUGE game. I didn't mind the ME3 ending but the Skyrim ending was terrible.

To me the online component is just a cheap way of recycling the same game with minimal development and story line. Easy on the testers too surely.... Can't have too many bugs without any involved game play. Certainly aren't taking a risk to come up with something new either :-)
oooo35980 02:26 PM 03-31-2012
I know what you mean, call of duty has been the exact same game for going on 6 or 7 years now, and still making money hand over fist. MW4 is going to eventually come out and be basically the same game, it will probably break records too. Hopefully developers like Bethesda and bioware will keep producing buggy, epic, SP games for us to enjoy but ME3 going online has me doubting that. Next thing you know we'll have a fallout MMO and lose another good SP franchise to online play.
madwilliamflint 08:31 PM 03-31-2012
Ok, I can come back now. I finished my first ME3 run on Thursday with a save straight through from 1 and 2. (Infiltrator, Paragon and of course, Tali)

I was so set up by the talk I'd heard to just throw the monitor across the room that it just didn't bother me. I thought it was pretty creative, though I would have liked there to be more variety in the possible endings. It IS awfully odd how it just dumps you back on the Normandy after the conclusion if you want to keep playing.

And that actually is what I liked about the Skyrim ending. Yeah, you saved the world. But then the world is saved. It's still there. You can go back and do stuff pretty seamlessly. It works for me.

I'm actually gonna go start up a second runthrough of ME3.
Reaver2145 10:13 AM 04-01-2012
Talking about Bethesda the original fallout games are still the best ones you can play 1-2 and to some extent tactics though i found them kinda hard to get working on my win7 machine but they play fine on my old XP one.

Fallout 3 never worked right for me and would always crash after a hour to two but it was still a good game even better with some of the mods you can get.

New vegas is iffy at best it just dosnt feel like a fallout no vaults (that you come from) no enclave and far FAR to many energy weapons to early on a laser rifle should be a coveted item in fallout not a dime a dozen.

Oblivion is still amazing with amazing mods.

Skyrim is amazing and the mods are just getting better (i pity people on console that cant get the enchanted elven butt plug mod)

And cod has been able to be the best because of the sheer amount of fanboys and tryhards unlike cod2/4 that has a dedicated community of people and a good amount of great mods unlike mw2-3 which has no mods and a bunch of whiny American (sorry its true) kids that are no older than 10 constantly on the mic.
oooo35980 02:49 PM 04-01-2012
Funny you mention the whiny kids. They are 95% of the reason I stay off Xbox live.
madwilliamflint 02:56 PM 04-01-2012
Originally Posted by oooo35980:
Funny you mention the whiny kids. They are 95% of the reason I stay off Xbox live.
Yep. I play games when I DON'T want to interact with people. Of course this does tend to make MMOs a bit less interesting then I guess they could be. But it ain't worth it.
oooo35980 03:03 PM 04-01-2012
MMOs are pretty boring anyway. There is something about 40 people standing next to the same NPC, having the same conversation, about the same quest, that makes me not give a crap if I never get it done.
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